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    The SWIPES Email (Friday April 5th, 2024)


    Edition: Friday, April 5th, 2024
    An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    When you go through a car wash with different pricing options, do you think selecting a more expensive option ACTUALLY make a difference?


    I'll usually select "The Works" for $17, but I'm not sure it does anything different than Basic or Deluxe 🤔

    I have a hunch it's mainly a marketing/pricing trick.


    Instead of hiring agencies for work, l've had more success hiring people whose work I like, then offering whatever amount of money to hop on a call for 1 or 2 hours to work together. It almost always pays off 10x each time.

    For example if I need some help going over a webpage, I'll reach out to someone whose work I like, and say "Can I get you on a video call for an hour to help? I can pay $300." 

    Pretty much works every time!


    This is cool, Google Meet now has live captions as you talk!


    This is a neat feature, but what I'm most excited about live transcription is it moves us closer to having a universal language translator.

    This could unlock untold amounts of productivity in the world-wide economy.

    Imagine having a conversation with a freelancer in China who doesn't speak English, but we can communicate just fine because we can real-time communicate.

    This would be pretty cool and seems to be coming fast.


    Friendly PSA that your local public library is better to work at than a coffee shop!
    - Fast WiFi
    - Totally Free
    - Tables, Desks, Workspaces
    - Free Magazines, Books, Newspapers

    I use the public library 3 blocks from my house several times a week, it’s like having a free WeWork.





    I love writing out goals.

    For example here's my April 2024 goals:


    I don't always finish every goal, but these written goals are helpful for days I'm not sure what to work on.

    I can just look up from my desk see these goals, which helps get back on track!


    I've kept a running log of my monthly goals for years here.


    I'm currently working my way through the Three Body Problem book trilogy, I'm currently on book #2, and I just saw there’s a NetFlix series released on it!

    Now desperately trying to finish the trilogy before hearing any spoilers about the show!


    Hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    P.S. Checkout some wins from copywriting Course members:



    Recommended Comments

    Better not watch the Netflix series, they toned down everything. Watch the Chinese series first after finishing the book.

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    • Administrator

    That's awesome to hear Nishat....I'm actually on the last episode now 😬

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    Real world copy course good. 10/10 would recommend.

    That car wash goes thats just a carnival trick with the small letters and stuff.

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    There's actually a difference between the car washes. The $17 wash blasts under the vehicle and blasts the bottom sides where dirt and mud splash up. When dirt gets into any moving parts, it acts like sandpaper and can corrode the components. There are certain vehicles where the frame rots away if the undercarriage isn't cleaned consistantly. 

    Now the waxes and other treatments.. I'm still not certain. If a person was hand applying everything, Yes, huge difference. But I'm still not sure if it makes a difference when the machine applies it. 

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    • Administrator

    Thanks Stana for clarifying that! I still haven't found solid evidence it does anything different....maybe I'll just go through twice myself and record what it does 😂

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    Guest Michael

    This was a great video to watch! As a guy who knows very little about trading and investing, this was great to learn more about. Loved the comment about how every guy goes through that phase of using the stock market. It’s so true!

    Looking forward to your next email.

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    • Administrator

    Thanks so much Michael, this stuff is super interesting and can potentially change the outcomes of your life savings 😬

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    In Los Angeles, ‘library’ is just a euphemism for ‘homeless shelter’ — even here in the City of Beverly Hills 

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