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    The S.W.I.P.E.S Email (Friday September 8th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✍
    Edition: Friday, September 8th, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:



    I thought this was a cool ad for cufflinks that not only looks great, but also shows off their entire collection + pricing:

    designer-collection by swank.jpg

    You can see in the eye trace how people's eyes scan through each one!

    designer-collection-eye-path (1).png


    There's a great phrase:


    "Writing is thinking."

    The act of "writing" is usually hard because it involves a lot of thinking and brain power. 

    But writing things down can help:

    • Clarify your thoughts.
    • Remember material better.
    • Help with decision making. 

    I use this thing called a "Boogie Board" to write stuff down on all the time...you press a button and it permanently erases everything. 

    It's such a cool tool to brainstorm with:



    Whoa…this pie chart shows how 3 companies own 93% of the entire soft drink industry 🤯



    This past weekend I escaped the Texas summer heat and went to Malibu. 

    We stayed at an awesome resort called Calamigos and it was amazing:

    I enjoyed the nice weather outside:

    Took an outside dunk 😬


    Hung out by the pool:


    And saw a lot of beautiful landscape around Malibu:



    In lieu of an essay today, can I ask you a question? 

    Why (or why not) did you join Copywriting Course? 

    Example responses:
    - I wanted help on some marketing.
    - I wanted to learn about a specific subject.
    - I wanted to get help in the Office Hours sessions.

    Or would you want to hear...
    - More about starting a freelancing businesses (not just copywriting).
    - Digital Marketing in general.
    - Agency work.

    I would love if you respond, even if it's short, and I will keep the responses private. Thank you 🙏🏼


    Wow…this graphic shows a surprising conclusion:

    When Nike sells a $100 shoe, they make only $5 in profit!?!


    Shoe profit.png

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday August 25th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Sponsored by ConvertKit: What we use to send this newsletter!
    Edition: Friday, August 25th, 2023


    🎤 Listen to this email here:

    #1.) Swipe:

    The Tesla showrooms show that after a $7,500 federal credit a Tesla Model 3 is technically cheaper per mile than a Toyota Corolla, Toyota Camry, or BMW 3-Series.


    Comparing your pricing to something else is a popular tactic (i.e. “This software is cheaper than buying a coffee everyday.”

    [YOUR SERVICE] → Compared to something relatable:

    1. "Our monthly subscription costs less than a gym membership."
    2. "You can get our product for the price of a movie ticket."
    3. "Our service costs less than a daily newspaper subscription."
    4. "For the price of a Happy Meal, you can get access."
    5. "Our pricing is comparable to a cup of coffee."
    6. "You can get our product for the price of a couple of cups of tea."
    7. "Our annual subscription is cheaper than a night out at the movies."
    8. "For the cost of a pizza delivery, you can have our product for a whole month."
    9. "Our pricing is equivalent to a single ride on public transportation."
    10. "You can get our service for the price of a magazine subscription."

    #2.) Wisdom (​Watch Video​):

    Who is REALLY your target audience? Find them and sales become easier...sometimes it's not who you think:

    Many people sell to the wrong audience for years (I did). Here’s a way to figure out who is REALLY your target audience, and to find out where they hang out so you can grab em.

    #3.) Interesting:

    AI thinks I’m the 8th best copywriter. I’ll take it 😂



    Nadeera ChatGPT'd about copywriters and saw this!

    It's kind of interesting: Maybe the new form of "SEO" is being mentioned in generative AI results.

    Ironically the way to do that is by being ranked high in the search results (which AI learns from).

    #4.) Picture:

    Around 1999 British Airways was the main sponsor of the London Eye, and they had problems “erecting it” on time. Richard Branson…ever the provocateur…took advantage of this and got a blimp to say “BA CAN’T GET IT UP!!” resulting in a ton of attention for Virgin Airways 😂


    #5.) Essay:


    I started consulting years ago when UpWork was a small platform for small freelancers. 

    But now it's a top 1,000 site on the planet with ~50m visits/mo:


    I was thinking: 

    If start consulting again today, I would start on UpWork FIRST. 

    There seems to be major benefits to doing consulting on a platform such as:

    It brings new customers to you:
    People searching UpWork for copywriting or digital marketing would find me, and many times wouldn't have found me any other way.

    If people don't buy consulting, they may buy other products.
    There's been a few times I've searched on UpWork, and while I didn't hire the person I found the portfolio or website interesting and started following them.

    **Reviews** This is a major one...perhaps THE reason to do it:
    I've done consulting for hundreds of companies big & small, and it doesn't get published (or proved) anywhere. That would change if it were all logged and rated on a platform. 

    For example here's just a fraction of the companies I've worked with:


    ...but you'd never know it.

    Imagine if I'd been logging all these consults (with reviews included) for the last 10 years.

    If I did an UpWork Experiment, would you be interested in buying a 1-on-1 consult for a greatly reduced price?

    Reply to this email with your:
    - Name
    - Phone number
    - (Optional): What you'd like to talk about.

    I would pack the schedule with consults in exchange for reviews. Also these calls are awesome, we can talk strategy, or just do work on the spot (my favorite)!


    #6.) Splurge:

    I’m assuming there was a marketing meeting where they showed a chart of the best sellers in a gas station, then slapped this product together 😂


    I was at a gas station when I took this pic....and something about the "SNICKERS" logo just instantly grabbed (maybe bc I used to eat them all the time 😬), so I ran it through an eye tracker and confirmed that's generally the first thing people see!


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday September 1st, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✍
    Edition: Friday, September 1st, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This is a cool “social proof” ad for Good Year Tires that shows alllllllll the cars for 57 years that used Good Year Tires as their stock tire. It’s like showcasing all the companies that use your product.

    Not only is this a good use of social proof, but also just a beautiful frame-worthy ad!


    The eye tracking charts show it goes for the tire first then people glimpse at the individual cars:



    We can all relate to this….you plan all this stuff for the morning, and you end up working on a “little of everything” and end up getting nothing done 😬


    This is called a “Productivity Trap” where you start your day, but get caught up in a whirlwind of tasks that seem productive but are all over the place 😵‍💫


    This is an awesome example of “Testimonial Judo” (using a bad review to show why the product is actually awesome).

    Checkout the "bad review" of this ski mountain:


    The person is complaining it's "too advanced" which actually makes it desirable to advanced skiers:



    I've got "birds nest" balcony on my house and sometimes I just hang out here in the morning or evening and watch the sun rising or setting:





    Best is when drinking coffee and feeling the caffeine buzz come on while up there



    This is a super cool word-of-mouth flyer I saw at a friends event that had all the right elements for a referral:
    → A polite request for recommendations. 
    → Explains what the company does. 
    → Shows social proof. 
    → CTA to text the founders.




    vas-4-up (1400 × 900 px).png


    This is my PSA to the world:

    When trying to schedule a hangout with someone, a 45 second call is way better than 15 back-n-forth interspersed text messages!

    Few understand this:


    Yes texting is awesome in many cases....but if there's conflicting schedules or complex plans, a quick call is far better to hash it out quickly!!

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


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