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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday December 16th, 2022)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✎
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, December 16th, 2022


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This old Range Rover ad has it all:
    ✔ Grabbing image
    ✔ Interest-grabbing headline
    ✔ Great copy showcasing it’s features and benefits

    This is definitely a frame-able piece of marketing, and one of my favorite ads of all time! Look at that beauty:



    Copywriting Tip: Sometimes a simple Before & After photo will explain an entire product without much need for copy.

    For example, this simple advertisement for a charging device shows a 1-outlet device replacing multiple charging bricks:


    You instantly understand the product.

    Since that charging device is a PHYSICAL PRODUCT you can see, it's easy to do a before & after of it. But if you sell a service you can show the after results of using your service, like these ads:


    So instead of showing the service itself you show the RESULTS of the service.


    I like to destroy all distractions on my computer with an extension called "Focus45." Hit the button and for 45 minutes it'll block access to your time-sucking websites:


    If you need to access a blocked website (which is very common) there's a way to temporarily bypass it for a minute by entering a code like this:


    Here's a demo in action →


    I just like that it's a quick and easy way to avoid getting distracted by all the fun stuff out there!


    Got to hangout with Andrew Tate today!


    Just kidding, this is not Andrew Tate (a controversial social media character), it's my friend Ayman…but the similarities are uncanny, and when we go out people always tell him he looks just like that guy 😂


    81% of people say that email is their primary form of communication at work because it’s:

    • Time-stamped
    • Reliable
    • Archivable
    • Deposition ready

    I will say a huge portion of my introductions and initial contact with people is now over social networks, but when it comes to making sales (according to my own business and clients businesses), email is still reigning king:


    Email is hard to replace because it keeps evolving. Email in 1999 is not the same as email is 2022, it's barely the same product:
    • Spam is wayyyyy down.
    • Images and gifs load easily.
    • Gmail Tabs help sort junk and notification emails.
    • You can store unlimited emails.
    • You can send gigantic attachments.
    • Easy to sort email in folders.
    • Email is accessible on any device, through many different platforms.

    Even social networks use email to get you back. I get roughly 2-3 notification emails a day from Facebook alone. 

    Anyways, email might be useful thing to learn in 2023! Like how I build this newsletter every week:

    email (3).webp


    When trying to schedule a hangout with someone, a 45 second call is way better than 15 back-n-forth interspersed text messages!

    Few understand this:


    I think scheduling and communicating over text is great, and do it all the time, but when working out a potentially complex schedule there's nothing like a good ole phone call to sort it out quickly!

    Hope you're having a great holiday season, and I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday December 23rd, 2022)

    Swipe📁 • Wisdom🧠 • Interesting🧐 • Picture🖼 • Essay📄 • Sketch✎ 

    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, December 23rd, 2022


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Here's an example of a great cold email! 


    - It seems personal, but doesn't use any personalization (less work).
    - It gets straight to the point of what's important to me.
    - Shows proof he can deliver the results.
    - Gives a juice screenshot with stats.
    - Offers to give some suggestions if I reach out.

    I love seeing good emails in my inbox in a sea of bad emails!


    “Once you understand the motivation, reward and punishment structure of any system, you can begin to control it.” - Guido Van Rossum (founder of Python)


    Fun fact: Every time you fill out one of these Google Captcha's you're slightly training an A.I. 

    A.I. systems for self driving or identifying objects need massive amounts of human labelling to learn from, and you're labelling these 9 pics as either:

    - It's a car
    - It's not a car


    The A.I. system then shows these same pics to many other humans (sorry you're not that special 😛), and then determines if it was correct or incorrect about labelling the images. 

    ...and that's how it learns and gets better. Neat huh!


    Canva just released  "Canva Docs" , which is interesting for writers that use tons of visuals in their writing 👀


    I played around with it and it's kinda neat. 

    Their built-in editor AI is pretty sweet. Check this out:

    My prompt: Write me 5 reasons copywriting is awesome 

    The result:


    And it even has text-to-image generation:

    I asked it to draw: "Show me a guy putting on sneakers in the dessert"


    Not sure I'll be switching from Google Docs over to Canva docs just yet....but so far no editor has even COME CLOSE to Google Docs for me except this...so I'm impressed already!!


    Remember how "The Will Smith Slap" was what EVERYONE IN THE PLANET was talking about for a while?


    Whatever happened to that? 

    Then everyone was talking about the Johnny Depp divorce thing. 

    Then everyone was talking about Iran....

    Some topics capture the public imagination, and the whole world gets obsessed for a short period of time....then moves on. 

    This is known as  "The Current Thing.

    Here's some cool visualizations of "The Current Thing" from 2022:


    Or here's some more "Current Thing" for 2021:


    This cycle seems to play out across every industry, every country, and every group...it's cool to see it in visual form like above!


    Have you been using ChatGPT (the A.I. writing tool)?


    Outside of testing it out, what have you been using it for? 

    I've been using it for: - Running ideas by it.

    - Occasionally drumming up headline or subject line ideas.
    - Asking it to come up with content ideas.

    I'm starting to use it a bit less now as the initial novelty has worn off....and it's interesting to watch how others are using it:

    Some responses from Twitter :

     Jason:  I’ve been going to subject matter expert episodes of long form podcasts on YouTube (1hr to 2 hour) coping the transcripts and then asking ChatGPT to summarize in long sentences and 20 points what was said in the interview.


    Kamphey:  I ask for FAQ for topics, to add more sections to blog posts. I used it to figure out subsections, subheadlines. I asked for clickbait titles, buzzfeed type titles. I asked for B2B titles, and subheadlines and subsections. I asked it to summarize youtube videos.

    Olivia:  Since we are a content agency we are exploring its power with: 1. Headlines 2. Summaries 3. Outlines 4. Content Ideas based on research? 5. Articles 6. Tweets 7. Threads 8. Text extraction 9. Copy


    What's interesting is ChatGPT likely won't take away a SINGLE job in the whole world (for now)...

    ...but it's going to make some jobs a whole lot easier, and restructure what some job titles do.


    "Manually-Writing-Numbers-On-A-Chalkboard-Guy" probably didn't lose his job the moment electronic spreadsheets came out:


    However he probably shifted certain tasks to computers over time, so he didn't have to begrudgingly add numbers all day...instead a computer could do it faster, and he could focus on more important stuff:


    Then the spreadsheet technology got even better and he would have to re-train himself to use something more like this on a modern computer:


    Ultimately "Manually-Writing-Numbers-On-A-Chalkboard-Guy" would be able to start his on company managing the books for multiple other companies....and raising his potential income level by A LOT:


    Inside our Copywriting Course forum and Office Hours we've been working side-by-side with A.I. tools, and it's been invigorating to have new tools to use for creativity! 

    Although sometimes you have to beware of using these tools wrong, like for trying to game search engine results:


    It's been fun showing people how to leverage A.I. to make awesome content....although the best content is still an A.I. + Human collaboration:


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


     Join Copywriting Course 
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    P.S. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season eating, drinking, and family'ing!


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday December 9th, 2022)

    Swipe📁  Wisdom🧠  Interesting🧐  Picture🖼 • Essay📄  Sketch✎
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, December 9th, 2022


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Here's two pieces of advertising:

    One gives gives you 6 reasons to own the car. The second one gives you 10 reasons NOT to own the car 😂 

    Since the AMC Gremlin car is pretty hideous, this ad appeals to it’s more practical qualities, giving you 6 reasons to own it:


    Then this Volkswagen GTI ad uses reverse psychology, giving you “Ten Reasons NOT To Buy.”

    This is a fun way to grab some attention, by saying NOT to buy the car, but then listing great reasons to buy the car:



    An underrated convenience: Having a printer in your home.

    It seems so outdated and un-needed, but I have a wireless printer tucked away in a junk closet that's always on:


    I always wonder why I need this thing...then I'll have to print a random form (like a Defensive Driving certificate), and it's so nice to just hit "PRINT" from any device on my network and it happens.

    A printer is ULTRA CONVENIENT when needed, and VERY FRUSTRATING when you need to print a random form and can't do it!

    Maybe a printer could be a Christmas idea for someone??


    Interest in the keyword "Copywriting" from 2004 to present has skyrocketed since January 2022.

    What's your explanation? Reply to this email and let me know!



    My eating got 10x better when I installed a gas grill outside my kitchen.

    For example here’s lunch the other day:
    - Lamb kabob 
    - Mini peppers
    - Asparagus 

    You really don’t need any extra sauces or prep besides this.

    Other friends who bought basic grills said their eating improved immediately as well!


    Unless you’re an expert grill’er, I would stay away from “egg shaped” grills or fancy pellet grills with timers and phone apps. 

    Everyone I see buy those stops using them after 6 months. 

    My advice for grilling is to buy a regular-ass gas grill (turn knob, flame turns on). It's super easy to use, and your food will be more delicious.

    Yesterday I grilled these up for dinner 😍😍😍


    As AI keeps getting better, people ask: “What will humans do?” 


    The answer is: 
    One human will do what used to take many humans.
    For example....

    It used to take a team of 50 humans to manually light oil lamps that illuminated a few popular streets in a city:



    ...now a team of 50 can run the entire electrical grid and illuminate every street in the same city in an instant.



    Or it used to take a department of 10 humans to receive, sort, deliver, and send mail for a company. Handling tens of thousands of pieces of physical mail.



    ....but now as 1 person and a laptop, I’ve personally sent out over 15,000,000 emails this year.



    It used to take a team of 100+ humans with T-square rulers and drafting tables to create blueprints for a simple building, with many potential errors. 



    ...now 1 human can copy/paste detailed CAD models with electrical, internet, and HVAC conduits and thorough safety checks.



    AI and technology amplify human capability. 

    Think of a process or company that needs 10, or 50, or 100 humans to operate…now imagine in 20 years being able to do that entirely by yourself.

    By the way, all the art used in this essay was 100% generated by AI! I show you how in this training video I just made (CC Members Only):


    ....by the way, I've been playing around with ChatGPT just released by OpenAI. You can watch me test it out here and ask it questions like how to get rich and to write code for me:

    If anything overtakes Google Search, it’ll likely be something like this:



    Are you selling a product in 2023? 


    To make $1,000,000 in 2023 you would need: 
    5,000 people to buy a $200 product 
    2,000 people to buy a $500 product 
    1,000 people to buy a $1,000 product 
    500 people to buy a $2,000 product
    300 people to buy a $3,333 product
    200 people to buy a $5,000 product 
    100 people to buy a $10,000 product
    50 people to buy a $20,000 product
    5 people to buy a $200,000 product

    Knowing these numbers is a helpful way to "Work Backwards" into your 2023 monetary goal. You can modify the number here and calculate different amounts:


    Hope you're having a great holiday season, and I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora



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