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    Reminder: 2nd half 2023

    The easiest way to grow a business is first optimize everything you've already got.

    For example, if you want to optimize your business for the rest of 2023, just having rough goals like this could be helpful:


    Or even doing something simple as pre-preparing for seasonal events can position you better:


    I personally plan out each month with a little goal sheet like this:


    Then for yearly goals I'll sit around with some buddies and discuss, then come up with a few solid goals:


    I'm curious, how are you planning for the 2nd half of the year?
    • Writing down goals?
    • Discussing with friends?
    • Other methods?


    Reply to this email and let me know!
    Neville Medhora

    P.S. I'll read/reply to every message 🙂

    P.P.S. Use coupon code MIDYEAR for 35% off joining Copywriting Course and get help with all of your goals.


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    I totally agree with your approach, to optimize every layer of the funnel as I think this would be the low-hanging fruit that could see the results fast if done right.

    I have been running https://www.tradeprecise.com/ for close to 2 years with 2 products (1 monthly subscription + 1 flagship). 

    Lead generation (traffic) + conversion are the 2 major challenges.

    I would like to get some help from great copywriters like you to review and beef up the existing copies (2 sales pages, 1 home page, weekly email and weekly video). 

    Is the yearly Copywriting course a good fit?

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    It's a Multiple X moment for me....and a focus point.

    ONE big focus, my academy, and all the little stuff that'll go into it. (I use to do all the little stuff, courses, classes, and such) Now they will live inside the academy. 

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    Since you asked...

    I'm curious, how are you planning for the 2nd half of the year?

    • Writing down goals? - 

    tl;dr - I need to be better about this.

    Full explanation: Much to my dismay, this is something I'm consistently a failface at. My wife is a big goal-setter and we usually do a nice dinner and work through goals. Our issue is that she's sort of a "write down every goal she can think of" goal-setter and then she goes out like Maximus in Gladiator and conquers them one-by-one. I'm more of a "What if I set one or two good-sized goals and hack away at them until they're slowly defeated" kind of goal-setter, but when her list is 15 things for the year and mine is two, it feels like I didn't even try. So I write down too many goals, complete only a handful, and constantly feel like I'm letting myself and my wife down.

    • Discussing with friends?

    This is an interesting one. I really don't do this well at all. I may think through this and present it to my Bible study guys tomorrow morning to see if that's something we all can/should do over the course of the next few weeks.

    • Other methods?

    Not really, but if you come across some excellent ideas from other people, please feel free to share them with me (or the group of subscribers as a whole). If they don't give you permission to share them, then just send them to me separately and don't tell them you shared them. I almost certainly won't tell anyone probably most likely.

    Anyway, thanks as always for giving me stuff to think about. All the best.

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    I’ve been reading your emails for a few years now and I really enjoy your work. Thank you!  I’m not a writer though.  I’m a small home builder in Colorado.  

    My goals for the remainder of the year are to improve my website, get some traffic, and make an actual sale from it.

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    Great post @Neville and a great reminder.

    The simpler goals can be the better in my experience.

    And the fewer I have the more likely they will get done. 😂

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    Starting my marketing agency.
    So more trying to start and grow the business at the same time.

    Shit scared and trying to figure it out as we go but we hope to have at least 5 good clients by Dec.

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    Reading your email is always a treat! 

    I was never a goals-setting person. But this time I'd like to do it. 

    I am in the phase to launch my business, and setting half yearly goal really helped me get a bird's eye view & direction. 

    So for the half-yearly goal, I have planned this: 

    July - prepare my business backend systems ready (landing page, emails, 1:1 call ppt, SOP, payment integration etc.)

    August - build a strong social media presence (upload videos on IG every alternate day)

    September - Improve ads & spend more on ads 

    October - Host my first meet-up (20 students) in Goa & improve branding strategy

    November- Expand team - hire more people & rent a place to work

    December - buy my dream office & host a meet-up in Mumbai (with 50 students)

    I had never done this before, and I sincerely thank you. Just simple thinking like writing half-yearly goals, helped me get a vision for my business. 


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    Thank you for your dedication and the value in your content.

    Your videos are effortless to understand and I love your newsletters.

    I procrastinate, I have an excuse for everything and at the end of the day I can't get anything done.
    What can I do?

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    • Administrator

    Thank you Kerygma!

    I would suggest setting 3 monthly goals, then working towards those every day.

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    Planning? What's that?! LOL

    Seriously though, it's taken a while but I'm FINALLY getting some clarity around my new biz endeavors. This has come from seeing what others are doing and how -- good ideas and inspo come from everywhere! -- and cobbling together what suits me and my Grand Vision.

    So, the rest of the year will be about forming all those bits and bobs into cohesive, synergistic, and doable actions. I support this by creating tools (like Airtable tables and templates) and using the heck out of them to keep me on task and on track.

    On a related note, I discovered you on YouTube, a video about your STUPID newsletter. Liked it a lot! It's one of those good ideas I'm collecting and have started marinating on a newsletter of my own. I have the broad categories figured out and have started curating content for each. I have more pressing things to tackle first, but hope to get a newsletter going w/in the year. So, uh, thanks for that inspo! 🙂 May I reach out when I launch the newsletter, to get your feedback?

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