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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 20th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✎
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, January 20th, 2023

    🎤 Listen to this email here:

    #1.) Swipe:

    This is the perfect representation of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”


    The basic Bic Pen has been pretty much the same since 1955!

    #2.) Wisdom:

    Here's a standard process I've seen people utilize the internet as a career:

    Learn skills.
    Freelance for quick income.

    Sell small digital product for income.

    Make a business out of your skills.

    Hire people to help deliver.

    Build personal following.

    Use following to launch next thing.


    Which stage are you in??

    #3.) Interesting:

    Do Venezuelan online gurus say: “I make 17-figures a year!”

    #4.) Picture:

    All this stuff happened in the last two years 🤯


    It's kind of wild that in a few short years a couple of fields have pushed forward so fast.

    in 2019 A.I. seemed a long way off, then in 2022 you could accurately have ChatGPT do tasks and write blog posts for you.

    Kind of wild how fast that happened!

    #5.) Essay:

    No business is operating at 100% efficiency. This is a big opportunity to fix these problems in your own business, or help others do it for their businesses:

    • Can you show some results?
    • Can you make a page convert higher?
    • Can you add some good testimonials?
    • Can you completely eliminate a process?
    • Can you demonstrate your product is superior?
    • Can you remove options/products that don't sell?
    • Can you take what a human does and automate it?
    • Can you remove or combine pages to reduce clicks?

    Over the next year I would personally like to:
    → Optimize top SEO posts.
    → Optimize social media to email signups.
    → Double the email list size.
    → Optimize our Join Page.
    → Optimize our Home Page.

    #6.) Sketch:

    My goal in life is to play on the internet all day and somehow make a living from it.
    Come to think of it, that's like 90% of what I do already!

    Online income comes from these channels:


    The plan for this year is to double all the metrics above. 

    One of the key ways I used to output content is "Cascading Content" from blog posts, which means writing a long blog post then breaking it up into other forms of smaller content:


    As time has gone on, I feel like more of my long form content has come from ideas originally posted on social media, more like this:


    Then I often take the content that does the best or garners the most interest, and make more in-depth trainings on them in our Members Area.

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 13th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✎
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, January 13th, 2023

    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    I love the eye-grabbing image of this 1980 "boom box" ad, and how it focuses on one major feature of this stereo: The handle.

    It shows that by buying this stereo you can take your music anywhere (which in 1980 was pretty neat):



    Every business in the world will completely change how they operate in the next 10 to 20 years.

    This is a huge opportunity to help them do it, or replace them.

    There's always a shiny new thing on the internet. In my lifetime:
    It used to be Digg
    It used to be Craigslist
    It used to be Del-icio-us
    It used to be Orkut
    It used to be MySpace
    It used to be Xanga
    It used to be Geocities
    It used to be Friendster
    It used to be Periscope
    It used to be Instagram Posts
    It used to be Instagram Stories
    It used to be Instagram TV
    It used to be YouTube
    It used to be Vine
    It used to be SnapChat
    It used to be Twitter
    It used to be Clubhouse
    It used to be TikTok
    It used to be Instagram Shorts
    It used to be YouTube Shorts
    It used to be BeReal It used to be........ ?

    There will always be "the next hot thing."

    The underlying commonality is all these platforms allowed to you connect with other people 🙂

    Ironically the one platform that still brings me the most sales, yet gets very little recognition: Email.


    Whatever the very rich have, thanks to technology in 20 years it’s usually available to everyone.

    From 2001 to 2023:
    • Secretary → Calendly
    • Private Chauffeur → Uber
    • Vacation Homes → AirBnB
    • Consultants → UpWork → YouTube
    • Employees → Software Automation

    It'll be interesting to watch what's only available to the rich become commoditized and super cheap in 20 years:
    • Hair transplants
    • In vitro fertilization
    • Corrective vision surgery
    • Private jet access
    • Detailed medical testing
    • Virtual assistants

    What else??


    That's me, talking on the phone, to YOU:


    Did you know every Wednesday and Friday I do 10 minute calls with people on my email list?

    It's my way of connecting to new people, seeing what they do, learning about them, and just chatting.

    If you want to setup a time, reply back to this email with "I WANNA CHAT!" and we'll setup a quick call.

    I started doing this sometime last year and have talked to 100+ people so far!


    You are judged and rewarded by your utility in life.

    This means without even thinking about it, people naturally judge you by:
    • Your looks
    • Your height
    • Your strength
    • Your intelligence
    • Your cleverness
    • Your entertainment value
    • Your loyalty
    • Your competence
    • Your wealth
    • Your social capital
    • Your manual labor
    • Your reliability
    • Your skills
    • Your experience

    Of course some of these qualities may be more/less valuable for men or women.

    (If) you are trying to move up in life, generally increasing one or more of these can help.


    It's neat to see different AI trends popping in 2022:


    For fun I ran these same charts with all Elon Musk related companies. It seems certain keywords like specific car models have stable demand through the year:


    I thought this would be a cool graph but it turned out not to be that insightful:


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 6th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✎
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, January 6th, 2023


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This flyer lays out the reasons why people shouldn't be afraid of opossum’s.

    Most people have a negative perception of opossum's (probably because they're not the cutest animal around), and this great copy changes that!

    Love the friendly headline "Hi I'm your local opossum!" 😂


    With some simple copy on a page, this flyer has managed to make people change their mind from thinking of opposum's from scary and gross animal:


    To a friendly, harmless, and even helpful animal!



    Here's what I mainly use  Twitter for 😂


    Interestingly enough, just dicking around and harassing friends often gets a lot of engagement, and it keeps social media fun and "social!"


    This sentiment has been popular lately: 
    "People's attention spans have become shorter because of TikTok and Shorts." 


    I disagree.

    Human "attention spans" are the exact same...we just have more media options that didn't exist before.

    People used to watch long movies and read long books simply because that's all they had. That was the entertainment option of the time.

    If you teleported phones with TikTok to the 1950's, everyone would use it!

    The human brain hasn't changed, technology has.

    Short content relays MORE information to people in a shorter amount of time, so it's not crazy to think people would consume it.

    Attention span hasn't necessarily decreased, we've just compressed the amount of time it takes to relay a message by eliminating all errs, umms, pauses, and useless information.

    With that said, it seems the best way to consume media is:
    • Short Form = Discovery + entertainment
    • Long Form = Go deep on a subject

    It's cool we have so many options now!


    I did a fun project today: 

    Step 1.) Bought a chainsaw on a long pole



    Step 2.) Climbed onto the roof with the chainsaw 😎



    Step 3.) Clear out some nuisance branches.



    Step 4.) Chopped down two trees from top to bottom.


    That’s all!

    This probably isn't the greatest set of pictures in the world, but this was a fun project 🙂


    It's fun to re-visit history and see every new technology get negative press for a while while it disrupts the existing system.

    This article says too much reading can be bad:



    When computers came out it was a problem for some:



    When spell-check started becoming popular people got scared, much like people are with ChatGPT now:



    Calculators were a "problem" for some:



    Wild accusations of technology have always been a thing:



    Some people thought too many novels were bad:


    Image credits:  Pessimists Archive

    New tech comes out ➡ Disrupts System ➡ Adaptation ➡ Repeat.


    This graphic is so true 😂


    Drawing by  Ferraro Roberto

    A single notification on your phone can destroy deep thinking time so easily.

    Here's some ways I personally combat notifications:
    - Don't allow social & email apps to show up.
    - Silence phone + turn phone upside down.
    - Leave phone in different room.
    - Use "Focus Mode" at night.


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


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