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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 20th, 2023)

    Swipe📁 • Wisdom🧠 • Interesting🧐 • Picture🖼 • Essay📄 • Sketch✎
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, January 20th, 2023

    🎤 Listen to this email here:

    #1.) Swipe:

    This is the perfect representation of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”


    The basic Bic Pen has been pretty much the same since 1955!

    #2.) Wisdom:

    Here's a standard process I've seen people utilize the internet as a career:

    Learn skills.
    Freelance for quick income.
    Sell small digital product for income.
    Make a business out of your skills.
    Hire people to help deliver.
    Build personal following.
    Use following to launch next thing.


    Which stage are you in??

    #3.) Interesting:

    Do Venezuelan online gurus say: “I make 17-figures a year!”

    #4.) Picture:

    All this stuff happened in the last two years 🤯


    It's kind of wild that in a few short years a couple of fields have pushed forward so fast.

    in 2019 A.I. seemed a long way off, then in 2022 you could accurately have ChatGPT do tasks and write blog posts for you.

    Kind of wild how fast that happened!

    #5.) Essay:

    No business is operating at 100% efficiency. This is a big opportunity to fix these problems in your own business, or help others do it for their businesses:

    • Can you show some results?
    • Can you make a page convert higher?
    • Can you add some good testimonials?
    • Can you completely eliminate a process?
    • Can you demonstrate your product is superior?
    • Can you remove options/products that don't sell?
    • Can you take what a human does and automate it?
    • Can you remove or combine pages to reduce clicks?

    Over the next year I would personally like to:
    → Optimize top SEO posts.
    → Optimize social media to email signups.
    → Double the email list size.
    → Optimize our Join Page.
    → Optimize our Home Page.

    #6.) Sketch:

    My goal in life is to play on the internet all day and somehow make a living from it.
    Come to think of it, that's like 90% of what I do already!

    Online income comes from these channels:


    The plan for this year is to double all the metrics above. 

    One of the key ways I used to output content is "Cascading Content" from blog posts, which means writing a long blog post then breaking it up into other forms of smaller content:


    As time has gone on, I feel like more of my long form content has come from ideas originally posted on social media, more like this:


    Then I often take the content that does the best or garners the most interest, and make more in-depth trainings on them in our Members Area.

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora



    Recommended Comments

    I feel like @Neville is bullying me with the Bic ballpoints in this e-mail. 😂

    Although, I might use the idea of this image to show how a particular fountain pen hasn't changed since it was invented in the 1960's.

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    I really like the soft challenges / how can the audience relate this to their life.

    I.e. • Can you take what a human does and automate it?

    Good thought starter for the day.

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