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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 13th, 2023)

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    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, January 13th, 2023

    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    I love the eye-grabbing image of this 1980 "boom box" ad, and how it focuses on one major feature of this stereo: The handle.

    It shows that by buying this stereo you can take your music anywhere (which in 1980 was pretty neat):



    Every business in the world will completely change how they operate in the next 10 to 20 years.

    This is a huge opportunity to help them do it, or replace them.

    There's always a shiny new thing on the internet. In my lifetime:
    It used to be Digg
    It used to be Craigslist
    It used to be Del-icio-us
    It used to be Orkut
    It used to be MySpace
    It used to be Xanga
    It used to be Geocities
    It used to be Friendster
    It used to be Periscope
    It used to be Instagram Posts
    It used to be Instagram Stories
    It used to be Instagram TV
    It used to be YouTube
    It used to be Vine
    It used to be SnapChat
    It used to be Twitter
    It used to be Clubhouse
    It used to be TikTok
    It used to be Instagram Shorts
    It used to be YouTube Shorts
    It used to be BeReal It used to be........ ?

    There will always be "the next hot thing."

    The underlying commonality is all these platforms allowed to you connect with other people 🙂

    Ironically the one platform that still brings me the most sales, yet gets very little recognition: Email.


    Whatever the very rich have, thanks to technology in 20 years it’s usually available to everyone.

    From 2001 to 2023:
    • Secretary → Calendly
    • Private Chauffeur → Uber
    • Vacation Homes → AirBnB
    • Consultants → UpWork → YouTube
    • Employees → Software Automation

    It'll be interesting to watch what's only available to the rich become commoditized and super cheap in 20 years:
    • Hair transplants
    • In vitro fertilization
    • Corrective vision surgery
    • Private jet access
    • Detailed medical testing
    • Virtual assistants

    What else??


    That's me, talking on the phone, to YOU:


    Did you know every Wednesday and Friday I do 10 minute calls with people on my email list?

    It's my way of connecting to new people, seeing what they do, learning about them, and just chatting.

    If you want to setup a time, reply back to this email with "I WANNA CHAT!" and we'll setup a quick call.

    I started doing this sometime last year and have talked to 100+ people so far!


    You are judged and rewarded by your utility in life.

    This means without even thinking about it, people naturally judge you by:
    • Your looks
    • Your height
    • Your strength
    • Your intelligence
    • Your cleverness
    • Your entertainment value
    • Your loyalty
    • Your competence
    • Your wealth
    • Your social capital
    • Your manual labor
    • Your reliability
    • Your skills
    • Your experience

    Of course some of these qualities may be more/less valuable for men or women.

    (If) you are trying to move up in life, generally increasing one or more of these can help.


    It's neat to see different AI trends popping in 2022:


    For fun I ran these same charts with all Elon Musk related companies. It seems certain keywords like specific car models have stable demand through the year:


    I thought this would be a cool graph but it turned out not to be that insightful:


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora



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    I would so love to speak with you. Aside my copywriting journey, knowing you has influenced both my friend choice, and who I chose as my mentor

    And I've been loving them all, every step of the way. I couldn't have picked better people to grow alongside.

    Neville, I'm probably a golddigger for replying to only this email of yours😂, but it would be an honour to get to know you.

    Thank you very much for this opportunity..


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