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    The Caveman Test for Copywriting

    • Neville
    • Neville
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    I actually made up this concept 10 years ago, and have used it ever since with small companies, medium companies, and even Fortune 500 companies (yes I have been on calls with public companies and taught them how to speak like a dumb caveman) 😂

    You can see the original video here:

    This is one of those concepts that "sticks" in your head and you use it all the time even though it might seem silly. 

    Use it wisely my friend. 
    Neville Ooga Booga Medhora

    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday May 18th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sponsor✍
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, May 18th, 2023


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Guinness Beer had this famous "Animals Stealing A Guinness" campaign running from 1930 till 1982.

    However it was the toucan that stole the show, and was the most popular part of this 52-year-running brand awareness campaign!


    Some other fun animal Guinness ads include:
    - The seal
    - The bear
    - The turtle
    - The crocodile


    What a fun, effective, and frame-able ad campaign!


    The economy is an ever-shifting system that keeps evolving with technology. 

    Destruction of one job is the creation of another. 

    It's almost impossible to look forward and predict the next set of occupations.



    Sometimes a picture can say MANY words...and it takes your brain far less work to understand it.

    Without a single word this demonstration shows how strong this DKW car was by carrying 30+ men:



    Or this image that instantly conveys that social media platforms can potentially be like drugs. A great visual statement.



    The image alone here does most of the talking in this 1963 Whopper ad. It has 4 pieces of copy I really like:

    “It’s a meal in itself!”
    “Only 39¢”
    "Actual Size”
    “Try one with a Coke!”

    I kind of want a Whopper now 👀



    Of all the social networks I've ever been on, Twitter is the king of fostering Virtual → IRL friendships.

    Just hung out with @AlphaSignalAI! Super smart ML/AI engineer guy who just moved to Austin:


    Also this is how one of my neighbors Sam see's if I'm home 😂



    In this great interview Stephen Wolfram says the best prompt engineers for things like ChatGPT are "Expository Writers." 

    He goes on to explain that an "Expository Writer" is somebody who can explain stuff really well. 

    I've been seeing that people who are great at writing are also great at getting AI to do things for them.

    I use ChatGPT, Google Bard, and other AI tools every single day. I just made a quick AI video course on:
    - Over-hyped features.
    - Features I use every day.
    - I show you how here (members only video)


    If you want to see more ways I'm using AI and copywriting to improve businesses, then join Copywriting Course right now.


    One thing I'm secretly gonna be doing in June 2023 is focus on SEO.

    Search engine traffic isn't as sexy as social media traffic because it doesn't feel immediate....but it's the secret driver of many big sites on the internet.

    I've personally used Ahrefs for 7+ years now...and if you want to improve your website's SEO checkout Ahrefs Webmaster Tools.


    Ahrefs Webmaster Tools is a powerful SEO tool that tracks your website's performance in search engines, fix SEO issues, and improve your website's ranking.

    Here are just a few of the things you can do with Ahrefs Webmaster Tools:

    • Track your website's organic traffic
    • Identify and fix SEO issues
    • Improve your website's ranking
    • Research keywords
    • Track your backlinks
    • Monitor your website's performance

    I personally use it to rank in search engines, then make YouTube videos about those articles....which creates this "virtuous cycle" that makes my blog article AND YouTube video more popular:


    Ahrefs Webmaster Tools is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their website's SEO. It's easy to use and packed with features that can help you take your SEO to the next level.

    Sign up for a free trial of Ahrefs Webmaster Tool today and see for yourself how it can help you improve your website's SEO.

    Click here to sign up for a free trial: ahrefs.com/AWT

    By checking out our sponsors, you support this email!

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora

    Before & After Images, A Powerful Marketing Tactic


    Why write a bunch of copy when you can just show an image instead?

    Your job as a great marketer & copywriter is to convey information quickly and effectively…and one of the best tools I’ve ever seen at showing a transformation is a simple before & after photo.

    A Before & After photos skips all the mumbo jumbo and gets straight to the thing the customer wants: A TRANSFORMATION!

    Before & After photos work well for showing any kind of transformation:

    • Services like home remodeling (Old Kitchen → New Kitchen)
    • Health products (Weight A Lot → Weigh Less)
    • Repair services (Broken → Fixed)
    • Price Savings (High Price → Low Price)

    These are especially powerful for ads and social media where you don't have a lot of time to showcase your work, and instead want to jump straight to the point of what you can do for a customer. 

    Here's a bunch of examples to give you some inspiration for showing off your own transformations:

    #1.) Video Setup Before & After

    image for step 1

    Look at this Before & After photo of a home office video setup. Instead of explaining a bunch of technical jargon about camera and lighting, you can INSTANTLY see the quality upgrade from this service!

    This instantly gets people interested!

    #2.) Bathroom remodeling before & after Instagram ad

    image for step 2

    Before & After's work SOOOO well for construction and remodeling. Honestly it's probably one of the top ways to show off work in this industry.

    This simple one-image Instagram Ad shows a great before/after example of shower that was old but has been remodeled.

    No need for a lot of text.

    #3.) Awesome “This Morning” vs “Late Afternoon” Bathroom Remodeling Ad

    image for step 3

    This ad uses a “Before & After” format but with specific times that demonstrate how fast they can remodel a bathroom.

    This takes the whole before & after concept to the next level by giving a time frame as well!

    #4.) Expensive & Complex → Cheap & Simple

    image for step 4

    Copywriting Tip: Sometimes a simple Before & After photo will explain an entire product without much need for copy.

    For example, this simple advertisement for a charging device shows a 1-outlet device replacing multiple charging bricks:

    You instantly understand the product with this Before & After image.

    Since that charging device is a PHYSICAL PRODUCT you can see, it’s easy to do a before & after of it. But if you sell a service you can show the after results of using your service, like these ads:


    So instead of showing the service itself you show the RESULTS of the service.

    #5.) Building social media audience Before/After Instagram Ad

    image for step 5

    This clever Instagram Ad for CreatorU uses a meme to show that building an audience is easier with them.

    Since this service is more an education platform, it's harder to show the "results" of the service, so instead it shows of results in written form.

    #6.) Clixlo Price Comparison Ad

    image for step 6

    I like how Clixlo promotes their website builder by showing how many services (and their prices) you have to use to compare with their single service.

    This is an ad seen on Instagram, and it instantly shows this service is way cheaper and simpler than the alternative. 

    I personally love this style of Before & After for software companies.

    #7.) Frumpy → Stylish

    image for step 7

    This was a great Instagram ad image by Sene.

    It shows the same model in a loose and frumpy suit, then an “After” picture in the more fitted Sene Clothing outfit.

    Since clothing is so visual, they simply used a visual to convey the looks of their clothes.

    In my experiences copywriting for clothing companies, the image matters far more than the copy.

    #8.) Ungroomed → Groomed

    image for step 8

    Physical services do best for Before & After's, and this pet Before & After is no different. 

    Not only does this ad have cute dogs (which always works), but also shows a cute transformation!


    #9.) Gross → Clean

    image for step 9

    We've gotta include at least one powerwashing Before & After photo!

    This simple before/after doesn’t use any text, and it doesn't need to, because the photo results speak for themselves!

    Like we said, copywriting is for SUCKERS!!

    #10.) YardZen Before/After Pic

    image for step 10

    This is a simple but effective way of showing a before/after result for a company that helps you design yard spaces. 

    Since this is an ad, it first need to grab attention...and explaining the process of how this company delivers yard plans would be way too boring, so just showing a nice Before & After is way better!


    #11.) Female Weight Loss Before and After Photo

    image for step 11

    A CLASSIC use case of Before & After's is the weight loss industry. This is an example of before and after weight loss photos...you instantly can see the transformation without the need to read anything.

    #12.) Austin Shoe Hospital

    image for step 12

    The goal of this A-Frame ad for a shoe hospital was to have people look at the Before & After pics and think, “Ohhhh maybe I can bring in my old pair or shoes and make them awesome again!”

    No need for a lot of text here, just show Dirty then Clean shoes!

    So remember, people care about the TRANSFORMATION you can give them, and sometimes you can just SHOW it instead of explain it. 

    Hope this helps drive some ideas for using Before & After's for your own product or service.

    Neville Medhora


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