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    See some funky formatting on the blog?

    Hey it's Neville here, and today (Wednesday) I'm making some fun cosmetic changes to CopywritingCourse!


    ....so you might see some funky surface level stuff like:

    • Two menus showing instead of one.
    • Mobile menu showing before the content (if viewing on a phone)

    Don't worry nothing is wrong, I'm just making some navigation changes. All content and member functions are working fine 🙂 
    Neville Medhora - Copywriter and Tinker-er

    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday April 14th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✍🏼
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, April 14th, 2023


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    #1.) Swipe:

    A constant chore of marketers is to demonstrate why a cheaper product is not necessarily better, and might even cost you MORE in replacement over time. 

    This graphic does that with two pairs of running shoes:


    #2.) Wisdom:

    I’ve always believed copywriting is a skill to learn so you can apply it to a business you own, not necessarily to BECOME a professional copywriter.

    This way you can improve any piece of marketing you ever send out:



    #3.) Interesting:

    My advice for people coming up with taglines or slogans for their company:

    Don’t pay attention to billion dollar brands! 
    Example: Apple's slogan of: “Think Different”

    Instead, you should pick a slogan based on your size: 
    Small Company: Be very direct. 
    Medium Company: Can be slightly vague. 
    Big Company: Aspirational.

    For example:


    When you’re a giant brand you have many products and many services, so a “direct” slogan is hard.

    That’s when you can go aspirational and vague like:


    My personal opinion for best big company slogan is Geico, because their slogan also SELLS!


    #4.) Picture:

    To me, this is what ideal male body looks like:


    • Muscles look big (but not too big)
    • Maintainable body fat
    • Can still be limber

    Judging by the picture above, he is 10% to 12% body fat.

    My current goal for myself by the end of May is 15% body fat, and I think I can comfortably live at that percentage for most of my life.

    #5.) Essay:

    One regret I've had is not putting my consulting on a platform. 

    This tiny hidden page is what 100% of my consulting has come through 😂


    That dumb page has results in hundreds of consulting calls over the years, I reserve Tuesdays for them, and they are great fun and educational!

    • You get to hear people's cool stories and numbers.
    • You get exposed to a bunch of different industries.
    • You get to advise on marketing tactics and see the results.
    • You make some extra cash.
    • You get clients out of it.

    But my big mistake has been...

    Not putting myself on a platform and building credibility through those hundreds of sessions.

    I wish I could reverse by a few years, and built tons of reviews and credibility on either: Intro.co, Clarity.fm, UpWork.com, MentorPass etc...

    While consulting is not scaleable as other business activities (which is why I relegate it to just Tuesday's), I feel like personally LEARN a ton from other people, and make genuine connections as well (plus get paid for it).

    This will probably be something I try to build up in Q3 of the year.

    Step 1 is going to be picking the right platform to build on. I'm undecided about this still. I just made a profile on Intro here and will try that first:



    Step 2 would be to build up reviews and results on some platform.

    While UpWork is associated with cheap hourly work, it has 50m+ views/mo, is world-wide, has many high end workers, and now has a consultation feature:


    I'm curious if YOU have any experience with any good platforms for this? Reply and let me know!

    #6.) Sketch:

    What I like most about this ChatGPT Cheat Sheet is that it all fits on one page. What a great download or one-pager to send people, and this type of “screenshottable” image does very well on social media!

    Created by: @hasantoxr


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday April 21st, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✍
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, April 21st, 2023


    🎤 Listen to this email here:

    #1.) Swipe:

    If you wanted to flex as a kid, you showed up with the Crayons box with the built in sharpener 😎


    That built-in sharpener was a unique feature stood out, was useful, and for kids it was the adult-equivalent of walking around with a Gucci purse!


    Speaking of showing off...this other Crayola ad from 1959 shows a little kid with his “hands against a store window” looking at a box of Crayola Crayons. The ad is designed to show parents that THIS is the gift to buy their kids:


    #2.) Wisdom:

    If you want to build something big (or run a small company with large outputs), you need to some form of "scale."

    There's 4 main ways to scale:

    1.) Scale with Code
    2.) Scale with Media
    3.) Scale with Product
    4.) Scale with People

    With the advent of new AI tools that can do more-and-more tasks, the people that can utilize those tools will scale even further.


    1.) Scale with Code/AI

    If your product consists only of computer code, this is the easiest form of scaling because you can run that computer code trillions of times for almost zero money:



    2.) Scale with Media

    You can create a piece of media, then show it over-and-over again at virtually zero cost.

    Looks at these videos I made 4+ years ago...till this day, everyday, they bring in views/subscribers/buyers. Pretty good for something I did ONCE 4 years ago:




    3.) Scale with a reproducible product

    Once you've designed a machine/process to build a product, you can crank out a bunch of them quickly, getting you to "scale."



    4.) Scale with People

    Almost any process can be scaled, but some of them currently require real humans, not just computer code or AI.

    For example a writing agency can assign different tasks to different people, and output a lot of writing:


    With AI getting better, these people can become even more effective and create more output.

    #3.) Interesting:

    This “reverse psychology” style ad campaign from Avis did a fun judo-move and turned their “being only No. 2” status into the reason you SHOULD rent a car from them! 

    They did this in response to Hertz having an ad campaign showing how they’re #1.


    This reminds me of a funny billboard David Letterman took out in response to Jay Leno’s #1 billboard in New York City 😂


    #4.) Picture:

    One of my favorite product lines in history is Philips Hue lights. I have ~85 Philips Hue connected lights & devices throughout my house 😬

    I don't get sponsored by Philips Hue (but it would totally be my dream).

    My favorite part is a single press of a button can change the whole vibe of a room, or the entire house.

    When I'm not on video calls I use this vibey light setting in my office:


    Just a couple of Phillips Hue Play and some color bulbs in lamps light up the whole office.

    One press on the remote and office gets funnkkaayy:


    I've been shuffling around furniture in my office lately, so you'll see different views of this in the near future 🙂

    #5.) Essay:

    Instead of think of "Luck" as some nebulous concept, think of it like a unit of measure.

    In other words: How many "Units of Luck" are you producing for yourself?


    Warren Buffett talks about how lucky he is:

    • Two parents
    • Speaks English
    • Born in the United States
    • Born during a time when USA was booming

    Each one of these added "Units of Luck" to his life.

    Here's other ways to add "Units of Luck" to your own life:

    • Be hard working, and willing to do more than someone else.
    • Take more shots than other people normally do.
    • When young try many different things, weed out stuff you don't like, do more of what you do like.
    • Share your thoughts on the internet, this can attract other like-minded people into your network, no matter where they live.
    • Go to places with successful people. Cities, events, gatherings etc.



    • You create "Luck."
    • "Luck" isn't a quality you have, it's a quality you build.
    • You can create more "Luck."
    • People who create a lot of "Units of Luck" get lucky.

    #6.) Sketch:

    Here's an experiment I added this week:
    Putting my own ads on SwipeFile.com (my personal swipe file).

    I added these two boxes on there as add placements:


    They show up on the site like this, in the 5th and 12th slots:



    I can't track the book ad very well since it goes to Amazon, but I can track the CC link: 85+ clicks so far, and the highest on-page time of all referrals.

    Interestingly, the normal Adsense revenue that comes from the site hasn't dropped at all....so far this has been a huge win!


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora

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