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    Increasing "Feeding Funnels" Into Your Core Product

    Generally people will have a core product/service, then use copywriting to optimize each one of the "feeding funnels" into it:

    This can look something like:



    Imagine going through with your copywriting skills and increasing the effectiveness of each of these. It all adds together to increase total sales volume big time:
    ⬆ 15%  Sales Page
    ⬆ 25%  Emails
    ⬆ 40%  Pricing Structure
    ⬆ 40%  Sales Scripts
    ⬆ 30%  Blog Posts
    ⬆ 15%  Cold Outreach Emails
    ⬆ 40%  Social Posts
    ⬆ 205%  Overall Increase

    Neville Medhora - Copywriter

    P.S. What's the first thing YOU optimized when you learned copywriting? 
    My first copywriting increase was for an email blast for my eCommerce company at the time. What about yours?



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    Neville you are like Midas or Lakshmi, bringing wealth to millions, I hope the mythology and religion aren't offensive I mean that as a compliment.

    The first thing I worked on optimizing was my book blurbs. I worked on developing nice hooks to incite curiosity, and then linking my books' features to their benefits, making my ad reader oriented, and concluding with one call to action. I then run it through chat gpt because I write at a doctoral level but must write around 12-15 y.o. level.

    I also tried to optimize my biography. I still write my newsletter without regard to sales because I report on war and peace and prefer not to distort my analyses with marketing. I'm a dinosaur that way, so much of the internet is now keyword and SEO optimized but that reads badly. I'm hoping AI will make precision searches possible again. Even constraining searches with all sorts of delimiters like filetype, date, and boolean operators does little good anymore, google nerfed I mean optimized their search algorithm years ago.

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    That's awesome Eric! Book blurbs are a great place to start practicing, and definitely one of the "funnels" into your business! 

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    I think the first thing I started optimising was my answers on Quora! Started adding some spice and humour, and a bit of intrigue -- and it worked, got a ton of views, ended up with some pieces featured in the Huffington Post, Business Insider etc.

    Now I do it on my newsletter -- for example, I've done this piece doing a breakdown of how a consulting biz scaled from £2m/yr to over £200m/yr -- but with humour, images, memes, that sort of thing. Getting TONS of traction on it because so few people write fun, interesting business content.

    (in fact your mate Sam Parr gave a shout out to a different article on the MFM pod last week!)

    Anyway, wanted to say thanks: your stuff, plus Gary Halbert, David Ogilvy, Claude Hopkins etc have all influenced how I write -- and it's paying off! Thank you 🙂

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    That's so awesome Andrew you've been optimizing answers on Quora! I think adding some level of personality or uniqueness will become even MORE important in the coming years. 

    Glad you've been using copywriting so effectively, sounds super promising 🙂 

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    Recently landed my first gig.

    Client has 40k Twitter Followers and No Email List.

    Will be creating a lead magnet to build his list.

    Let's see how it goes 🙂

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    That's amazing Sudais!! 

    That's literally.....the PERFECT place to start copywriting. Good luck on the first email blast, make sure that first email is packed with value if you're "re-starting" a list!

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    One of the things that I tried early on was helping my son to get a job at an ice cream store that he loved.

    This was the summer before he started his freshman year in college, and so  I wrote a letter with pictures in it that I took.

    Talked about his background, what a great citizen he was and things like that. The visuals were a picture of a white board that had his goals on it.

    There were two: He wanted to graduate from this college and 2) in the interim be the top employee at the local ice cream store and then I took that verbiage and put it on sticky notes throughout the house…the bathroom, kitchen refrigerator, even his wonderful white Lab, Simon’s head!

    All those pictures were embedded in the copy throughout the two page letter. Then I did a Dan Kennedy technique I learned a long time ago where I put it in a FedEx envelope and sent it exactly to the right person who owned the company.

    Funny thing was within two he got a call from the owner himself that he wanted to meet my son… and he got the job! 😊

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    Hey Artie this is GREAT! 

    Dan Kennedy and Gary Halbert always talked about the highest open rate percentage of anything: A FedEx package!

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