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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday May 31st, 2024)


    Edition: Friday, May 31st, 2024
    An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This truck was spotted in Long Island with straight-to-the-point compelling copy that's SURE to grab attention!


    This copy is great because it:
    ✔ Says who they're targeting.
    ✔ The high amount of money one can earn.
    ✔ Call RICHARD (not a customer service hotline).

    Hat tip to Eli Langer for this pic and description!


    Add "Full Stack" to your title and it looks way cooler!

    • Full Stack Writer
    • Full Stack Engineer
    • Full Stack Designer
    • Full Stack Developer
    • Full Stack Copywriter
    • Full Stack Data Scientist
    • Full Stack Product Manager
    • Full Stack Mobile Developer

    The reality is a "Full Stack" professional delivers far more value than a normal one. Example:

    A "Normal Writer" can just type words in a Google Doc.


    A "Full Stack Writer" would be able to do research, type words, make custom images, make custom graphs, and upload the final product.


    Wow, this graph shows how a lot of your "nostalgia" is completely formed by around 15 years old.



    Presented without comment, some of my friends wearing shirts of me 😂



    This Seinfeld quote I saw hit the nail on the head about writing:

    “When you write comedy, it’s a little like poetry. You don’t do a lot of writing. It’s 90% thinking, 10% actual writing.” 
    - Jerry Seinfeld


    This is totally true for all types of writing I've done. The actual "typing on a keyboard" is just 10% of the process!

    Thinking + ruminating + reading + discovering + talking + planning takes up 90% of the time.


    Dang we're already on the last day of May 2024 and headed into June!


    June will be the last month of Q2, are you where you wanted to be by this time?

    Setting quarterly goals to finish assets is very helpful, like this:


    With just 4 quarters in a year you could build something significant. Here's an example of to completely overhauling your marketing:

    Q1: Website that converts subscribers.
    Q2: Improve all emails and sales pitches.
    Q3: Improve pricing, product offering, and sales angle.
    Q4: Autoresponder that converts new email subscribers into buyers.

    This is pretty much what we do at Copywriting Course, and starting this month would be a great way to make sure you have a great Q3 and Q4:


    Watch a video what we can do for you →


    See you inside the community!

    Neville Medhora



    P.S. Checkout some wins from Copywriting Course members:

    ConvertKit (1).png


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    • Administrator

    I will pay you MORE than a normal procrastinator 😂

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