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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday May 24th, 2024)


    Edition: Friday, May 24th, 2024
    An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Look at the "ancestors" of our 26-letter English alphabet.

    Cool to see how language is constantly evolving!

    Imagine if our alphabet looked like that top line still!



    My name would be:

    N e v i l l e ⤵



    If I was born 200 years ago I'd live in a hot rural Indian village. As a kid I had -6.75 vision, which in the modern age is easily correctable, but back then would limit my work and life options. 

    Being born in 1980's USA was a gift. We live in a time where comfort is a given, food & freedom is a right, and working from anywhere is possible.

    Pretty neat.


    I last-minute needed to record short clips for social media, but I forgot to line up an interviewer.....instead I "interviewed myself." 


    TBH it worked pretty great!

    I sat in the left seat and asked 27 questions in a row, then I sat in the right seat and gave 27 short answers. Then with some basic editing got it sent over for clipping:


    In 1 hour I was able to record 27 clips like this:

    One of my best time management hack:

    3 ways to amp up your copy:


    Being able to concentrate for a long period of time should be considered a super power nowadays.


     The characteristics of someone who does great copywriting:




    Driving by downtown Austin looks super Mad-Maxish because our old basketball stadium is being demolished piece by piece and it looks badass driving by it!



    It's cool seeing the rectangular structure underneath, because we all knew this building (The Erwin Center) as round:





    One thing I always notice on a page is the price of something. 
    Ultimately it determines so many of our decisions, which is why I personally collect a bunch of pricing structures



    Pricing is a weird art because it's not always rational:

    • If you price too cheap, you signal poor quality.
    • But you can also price things cheaper to sell more.
    • If you price too high you make less sales.
    • But if you price ultra-high it gets more attention.

    Pricing really is an interesting blend of science and art!


    We're experimenting with video on our sales page, what do you think of this style of video?


    The base foundation for the video was a Google Presentation I made of 107 slides, then turned it into video format:


    I'd love to know if you think video is:
    A.) Good 🙂
    B.) Bad 😞
    C.) Could use some work on specific parts (let me know)!

    Neville Medhora




    Recommended Comments

    • Administrator

    That's so great to hear Scarlett, I appreciate that it all feels personal (it's not a grand strategy it just IS)! 

    Welcome to Austin, and I do believe good copywriters generally also like to start small (or big) companies, and are *often* entrepreneurial at heart!

    If you're a freelancer, you're running a freelance business!

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    Counter point: If you grew up in an ancient Indian village, it's likely your eyesight would have been fine given your clean and nutrient-dense diet. Our modern trash diet impacts all aspects of our health, including eyesight.

    Moreover, you likely would have access to richer aspects of human existence which are completely shut off from us right now in the western world. 

    I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the merits of pre-industrial living.

    But corrective glasses are cool ... so I take your point 🙂

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    • Administrator

    This is possible Jojo!

    I have been exposed to that type of living, and while happiness can still be found, I'd still prefer what I have now 🙂 

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    Guest Scarlett

    Happy Friday 😀
    Fellow copywriter here 😉

    I've followed SWIPES for a long time, but a year ago, I moved to Austin!

    Seeing all you're little callouts to buildings/events/construction/what-have-you from around the city has been SO fun for me. If I didn't live here, it would make you feel more real (part of your strat, I'm sure), but it makes me feel 101% more connected. Enough so, that when I started reading today's issue, I was thinking:

    "I know I don't have much to say, but I just want to share a moment and respond!" And then…

    You asked for opinions on the video!

    My opinion:
    The video is great. You always practice what you preach, but I'm most inspired by how simple it was for you to put it together and how professional it managed to come out (since I'm not a video whiz myself but would like to employ its value). The s**t emoji with the bow made me *actually* LOL.

    One last thing:
    It broke my wee heart to hear the best copywriters are entrepreneurs when I, in fact, am not an entrepreneur—despite some small dreams. And yet, I've seen the kinds of people you're talking about. I follow them. I read their newsletters. And in the end, you're right. Gotta give you that. 

    Anyway, I think that's more than enough from me. 

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    Guest Jennifer

    The video had great information, but it felt too long. I'd test a shorter version too. Your personalized help, like office hours and copy critiques, is what made me join. Perhaps start with... "Are you having trouble writing X, Y & Z? Here's how we help YOU in the copywriting course."

    Show short clips of your Zoom critiques and a "behind-the-scenes tour" of the course, highlighting the different sections, and responses from you and your team, along with success stories, to demonstrate the course's value.

    Keep up the great work!

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    • Administrator

    Hey Jennifer I think you're right...it's very long (56 minutes actually) 😬

    I think there's an easy solution: ADD CHAPTERS! That way you can skip around to parts you are interested in like Office Hours, without having to wait 20+ minutes to get to that section. 


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    It's a C, for me.

    The content is really good, but the transitions make me a little nauseous.

    I would LOVE if you recorded a video of yourself with an overlay of the key points. It would help sell you better, and not just the copywriting. It feels more generic than it should be. What keeps me engaged in your courses is the human aspect of your teaching.

    As-is, I can't shake the feeling you're using repurposed slides. It makes the sales letter feel like a checkmark on a content to-do list, rather than something that was made for me as a customer.

    Hope this is helpful.

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    • Administrator

    Thanks for the feedback Max! 

    The funny thing is, all my top videos by far DON'T HAVE ME IN IT! It's mostly this style, that's why we went this way. 

    I think a cool split test would be giving people a personalized tour of CC. 

    Might try this soon!

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    I like in the video while you're on the course page the mouse size is bigger, very considerate. also on a side note I am excruciatingly tired and crashing off all this fuckin honey I drank after binging Mr. Robot and doing honey powered pushups while wondering what dining set defines me as a person (yes its from fightclub now shutup about it) thanks for the weekly swipe, cant wait for the weekly fullz.

    I think next week you should include some stuff on etymology and the geo-complexities of different words, phrases, profiles, and the general systemic cycles of accumulation and being ahead of the curb on what some people consider to be "their" freedom.

    haha nah just kidding but etymology is cool though and geographically speaking, well geographically speaking the word "building" translates into "unpleasant" but its also bred with THE IDEA of polytheistic gods and a aedificium of worship sorta like the great pyramids (don't get me started on those fuckin awesome conspiricy theories) 

    so the next time you say "look at that building" keep in mind you're basically insulting god, did you know that? you've been insulting god you piece of shit.... you philthy fuckin animal.... you heartless you......

    haha fuck all that where the shake shack at sucka!!!!!!!! I'm feeling smokeshack with extra shack sauce, extra bacon, no peppers, shack fries with a large coke and maybe one or two bags of 7-11 donettes but I better not add two. (I'm so classy with my dark humor)

    DISCLAIMER: im not re reading this email, what ya see is what ya get

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    Guest Evgeny

    The video is great, but I want to see how long it takes to watch the whole video
    If you can add some kind of timeline to the video that doesn't show the number but shows the progress of the video
    It enhances the video from the viewer's eyes
    Since people have less patience, then it is important for them to know how much time is left for the video or the progress of the video to the end

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    • Administrator

    I think this is a common feedback that it's too long Evgeny. 

    I might add Chapters to the video so people can skip around!

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    • Administrator

    Bahahahah very interesting Noah! Enjoy the drink 😂

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    Thanks for your email; I came across you when I read Noah's MDW book and started following you recently. Keep up the inspiring emails; it's nice to read the variety in your topics 🙂

    In regard to your video; I think it is a nice start! However, it is a little long and visually a little bit boring. :-X I like the use of your doodles in your emails, but for video it's a bit static..no offense! 🙂

    I myself make animated videos, and have found these extremely effective in communicating a message. See an English one here (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KHSfwUHWtApYrXxt8ZB7tsc2wgO_8-Hv/view?usp=drive_link) and my full portfolio here; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1K95T5psc5LNEswYEupJ3WAck9OZqL0HO?usp=sharing

    Maybe I can serve you with an animated video, and you can test how this works in your conversion? You have the words and the voice and I can cook up some animations for you and let's see how that works out. 

    If that's something you're interested in, please let me know and we'll work out a win-win situation.
    And if not, at least I pitched an idea to validate my services, so Noah would be proud of me 😛

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    • Administrator

    Thanks for the feedback Han! Yes I do agree it's not the MOST crazy visual thing, but mainly geared at people interested in the product to watch. 

    Appreciate you reaching out with the animation offer! I'll leave this as a public comment and others can see your work and maybe reach out. 

    Good on you for taking the chance and pitching!

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    FUCK dude! That "interview yourself" trick is such a brilliant idea! THANK YOU FOR THAT!

    Question: how do you create the captions in those videos? The placement, the font, the colors... all awesome. I use Final Cut Pro and captions are at the bottom and look fugly.
    Also, new sales video: A) Good 🙂

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    • Administrator

    Thanks so much Ian! The "interviewing myself" was kind of fun and worked well 🙂 

    The captions are added by an agency, I believe they do them in Descript.

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    Great video!

    I also liked that you said it was a Google Presentation turned into a video. Was there a second software you used for that?

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    • Administrator

    Hey Eric, it was a combo of a Google Presentation and Camtasia for the video editing!

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    Guest Antonet

    Just wanted to say I absolutely loved reading this and the videos. Hysterical and perfect!!

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    • Administrator

    Thanks so much Antonet! Much appreciated 🙂 

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