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    I bought 25 gigs on Fiverr, spent 302 dollars, and got all this stuff outsourced

    Raining dollar bills

    It's cool to hire child slaves contractors to do small stuff for you.

    I wanted to dabbled with Fiverr a bit to see if it was worth using.  So I hired 25 gigs, spent $302.75, and posted the results below:


    Pet Portrait of Donnie The Dog ($15.75):

    Purpose: Because Donnie is awesome.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/mashara/voy-a-dibujar-a-tu-perro


    Hello! Would love to see a portrait of Donnie :)

    Original Photo:


    Final Result: Awwww Donnie!

    Donnie Dog Transparent

    Side Note: I thought the seller did a fantastic job with this drawing.  It's amazing how cheap you can get some of these gigs done for.  This is quality work for only about 10 bucks.




    2nd Pet Portrait of Donnie ($21):

    Purpose: Seeing what kind of art talent we can scope out on Fiverr on the cheap.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/sanjicka/draw-portrait-of-your-pet--2


    Hello! Would love to see what you can do with this (obviously photoshopped) version of Donnie!

    The portrait doesn't need to contain the text (unless you think it looks good).

    Thank you!

    Original picture: I had photoshopped this picture myself, but wanted to see what it'd look like in a portrait form.


    Final Result: Best $21 spent ever.

    Donnie The Dog With Sunglasses Drawing




    3rd Pet Portrait of Donnie ($5.50):

    Purpose: Can we pause here for a moment to acknowledge that I just wrote off $42.25 on my taxes to get a friends shih tzu dog painted. I love my job!

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/meow_bug/draw-portrait-of-your-pet-in-any-clothes


    Hello! Can you please draw Donnie with a black tuxedo and black bow-tie. Thank you!

    Original Picture:


    Final Result: "The name is Donnie.    JAMES Donnie."  Amazing drawing for only $5.50!!

    Donnie The Dog Black Tuxedo




    Logo Video Drawing ($5.50):

    Purpose: See if a cool logo video can be made for under 10 bucks.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/artrio/speed-color-or-speed-drawing-your-logo-text-graffiti


    Hello! Could you please draw my KopywritingKourse logo. Thank you!!

    Original Photo:


    Final Result:




    Logo Hand Drawing ($10.50):

    Purpose: Check out some other video drawing gigs.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/vincentpineda/hand-draw-your-logo


    Hello! Would love if you could hand-draw my copywritingcourse.com logo (attached).

    Original Photo:


    Final Result: Very happy with the results, exactly what I wanted!






    New Logo Design ($5.50):

    Purpose: See what new logo concepts I can get from giving super-vague instructions.  This gig comes with two logos.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/modernlogo/make-a-professional-extraordinary-logo-design-for-you-in-short-time


    Hello! I have a company called copywritingcourse.com and we do copywriting for blogs and startups (writing articles).

    Could you give us two different logo concepts? We'd love to see what you can come up with fresh!

    Final Results: Seller sent back 3 logo ideas for the KopywritingKourse logos:

    File #1.) 


    File #2.) 


    File #3.)


    Side Note: I'm almost 100% certain these logos were created from previous templates, but I don't care!  The reason I like Fiverr is because you can give super vague instructions, and get back some great logo ideas.  Sometimes I have no idea what I want, so I leave it up to the seller to figure it out.  If you want logo ideas, I'd suggest buying 4 gigs, paying only a total of about $22 and getting multiple logo ideas from different people around the world.  Totally worth it for $5.50!




    Video of guy flipping with a sign ($5.50):

    Purpose: Maybe use this somewhere on the KopywritingKourse sales page or somewhere else as a cheesy dad-joke.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/simonbeyond/do-a-side-flip-while-holding-your-sign


    Hello, cool gig!

    Can I please have the message say:


    You'll flip for the



    So the first line will say: "You'll flip for the"

    Second line will be bigger text that says: "KopywritingKourse"

    The 1st performer is fine.  Thank you very much!

    Final Result:




    Make Me From The Movie Avatar ($15.75):

    Purpose: Testing out some Photoshop talent to see how it turns out.  I purposely picked a picture where I was facing at an angle which makes Photoshopping a face much harder.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/paintyourweb/make-you-a-beautiful-pandorian-profile-from-avatar-movie


    Hello! Can you make my face all Avatar-y please....thank you!

    Original Image:

    neville medhora headshot blonde hair

    Final Result: Lol....I love this!  Came out awesome :-)

    Neville Medhora Avatar Pandora




    Website User Testing ($5.50):

    Purpose: Test if my email signups are working effectively.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/peco/conduct-usability-testing-on-your-website-from-a-users-point-of-view


    Hello Paul!

    I would like to user test https://copywritingcourse.com.

    Sample scenario:

    1.) Someone Googles the term "Consulting as a side job" and finds my site.

    2.) They come to this page: https://copywritingcourse.com/consulting-as-a-side-job/

    What is the likelihood they signup for the email list?  Are they likely to browse the rest of the site?

    Thank you!

    Final Result: Came out really well! Was cool to watch someone else's point of view browsing KopywritingKourse:

    Side Note: This guy was pretty clever with his pricing.  I was shocked by the high quality of his audio and video in the intro video...and when I ordered had a lot of attractive upgrade options (like SEO plans, competitor analysis etc), and also required you to answer many questions about your website like monthly traffic, marketing budget, biggest problems etc.....clearly the guy is funneling cheap gigs into much higher-paid gigs.  Very smart.




    Overall Website Usability Test From Top Guy On Fiverr ($47.25):

    Purpose: I actually wanted to buy this gig because this guy had a DAMN GOOD offering.  I thought his video was on point, his additional option upgrades were great, and I bet the dude earns a pretty good living from Fiverr alone.  If you want to see how to make a profitable Fiverr gig, take a cue from this guy!  Plus I just wanted to see how he viewed my webpage.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/twistedweb123/improve-your-website-with-10-tips

    Instructions: He had a couple of questions to answer on purchase:

    Your website URL:


    Any particular area(s) you would like me to focus on? If not, I will provide the tips covering all areas about how to improve your website:

    Would like all areas, but particularly interested in how "sticky" the webpage is to new users....and if they would want to signup for the email list.

    To help me with my own records, if possible, could you tell me how you came across my gig?

    Browsing Fiverr. FANTASTIC sales video!

    Final Result: 

    PDF HE SENT: Kopy_Writing_Kourse_Improvements.pdf





    "Kopywriter For Hire" with a cute puppy ($5.50):

    Purpose: I wanted to use this picture in my becoming a copywriter post.  I also used this picture in Facebook ads (and it converted pretty well)!

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/atelierm/picture-my-dog-holding-a-sign-for-you


    Hello Feta & Human! Would prefer a closer-up photo on the yellow chair.

    The sign should say: "Kopywriter for hire."

    You can use large text, center it, and split it into two lines such as:


    First line: Kopywriter

    Second line: for hire


    Thank you! You look forward to seeing it! Neville Medhora

    Final result (awwww):





    Turn Me Into An Amish Person ($5.50):

    Purpose: I wanted to get a picture of myself photoshopped into an Amish person for this Amish Hour post.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/milanguragain/add-custom-beard-and-mustache


    Can you make me look Amish?



    --Maybe glasses?

    Such as these guys: [sent links to images found on Google Images of Amish men]

    Thank you! Use your best judgement!

    Original Photo:


    Final Result:





    Turn Neville Into The Joker ($5.50):

    Purpose: Why so serious??

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/midj916/give-your-photo-a-joker-or-harley-quinn-makeover


    Can you please make me in to the joker? The current background is fine. Thank you!!

    Original Image:


    Final Result: Actually turned out kinda cool!

    neville joker




    Turn Joanna Into Harley Quinn ($5.50):

    Purpose: Turn fellow copywriter Joanna into Harley Quinn.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/midj916/give-your-photo-a-joker-or-harley-quinn-makeover


    Can you please turn my friend Jo into Harley Quinn. Thank you! The current background is fine.

    Original Image:


    Final Result: Kinda looks like a raccoon :)





    Posted Request: Make a racist picture ($7.00):

    Purpose: I couldn't find a specific gig to "make someone look really Indian"....so I posted a Fiverr Request to make my friend Ramit look super stereotypical.

    Gig: This was a request to the Fiverr community, not a specific gig.


    As a joke I need to add a turban and mustache to a picture (pic.jpg attached).

    Approximate turban style: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f9/Sikh_wearing_turban.jpg

    Approximate mustache style: http://previews.123rf.com/images/mediagram/mediagram1311/mediagram13110

    Original Image:


    Final Result:

    rejected stamp png

    Side Note: It seems my request got rejected by Fiverr.  Perhaps making an Indian looks SUPER INDIAN was too offensive.  I'm tickled by the fact there's someone out there looking through really offensive requests all day, wish I could see them all!  Well.....today I learned you can't post racist gigs on Fiverr.




    SEO Keyword Research ($5.50):

    Purpose: Do search engine keyword research when someone is looking for plumbers in Austin.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/jeetuj/do-quality-keyword-research-to-find-top-words-to-rank


    Hello! I would like research on the keyword like: Plumbers, plumbing repairs, plumbers in Austin.

    Location: Austin.

    Thank you!

    Final Result: The seller got back to me with a big list of keywords in Excel format.  Sent me 5 files:

    Excel File #1.) Plumber-in-Austin.xlsx

    Excel File #2.) Plumbers.xlsx

    Excel File #3.) Plumbing.xlsx

    Excel File #4.) Toilet-Repair.xlsx

    Excel File #5.) Water-Repair.xlsx

    Sample of file Plumber-in-Austin.xlsx:


    Side Note: The seller essentially pulled keywords from the Google Keyword Planner or similar tool, downloaded them, and organized the file by Average Monthly Search Volume.  For someone who isn't very experienced in SEO, this probably isn't super useful.  However for $5.50 I got reports pulled for several different keywords.  Not great, but not bad either.  I can see this being very useful at scale (For example if you are a large content site like TheHustle.co and want 100 keywords researched for story ideas).




    Get a spokeswoman to talk about copywriting ($10.50):

    Purpose: For $10 bucks???  Wow.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/yourawesome/produce-quality-testimonial-videos-for-business


    Hello! Here is the script:

    Hey there, welcome to The Copywriting Course! We hope you stick around and browse the site for a while. If you wanna learn about copywriting, you've come to the right place. Poke around....read some articles....leave a comment or two....and start learning the tactics, formulas, and psychology behind the art of copywriting!

    Side Note: This woman had one of the best-presented Fiverr gigs I'd ever seen (and also the highest number of reviews I've seen).  There were add-on options for green screen filming, clothing options, location options (kitchen, living room, office), high definition options and more.  I never thought someone on Fiverr could make a decent living doing this, but whoever this is must be bringing in a few thousand dollars on Fiverr per month and also getting some longer term clients out of it.  Kudos.

    Final Result:




    Have Jesus Talk About KopywritingKourse ($5.50):

    Purpose: Have Jesus talk about how awesome KopywritingKourse is.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/socalchrist/have-jesus-promote-your-business-from-heaven-via-hd-video


    Hello, cool gig!  Here's the script:

    Hey, it's me...Jesus. After going through the KopywritingKourse website, I can honestly say it's the best website I've ever been to. And I've seen like, EVERY WEBSITE EVER. I totally love reading it on my Heaven iPhone, and hope you enjoy reading it too! Jesus Out.

    Looking forward to seeing it!

    Final Result: 

    Side Note: I literally LOL'd when I first saw this gig.  I love how Fiverr created a platform for people to sell stuff, and stuff like this comes out of it!




    Writing A Blog Post About Copywriting ($5.50):

    Purpose: I was just curious to see what kind of blog post you get for $5.00.  I selected the bare-minimum on purpose to compare it with my own how to become a copywriter post.  With a little more money paid to the vendor, you can probably get a pretty decent post actually!

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/ccmonstage/knock-your-socks-off-with-my-original-blog-writing


    Write me a blog post on "How to become a copywriter."

    1.) Topic: Copywriting

    2.) Keyword: "How to become a copywriter"

    3.) Include Sources: Yes!

    4.) Titles: Something like "How to become a copywriter" would be fine, but can spruce it up if you feel it's necessary.

    Thank you, looking forward to it! :-)

    Final Result: (This was sent in a PDF file which I've reproduced here).

    So, you want to be a Copywriter?

    The copywriting industry has been a growing for decades, and there seems to be no end in sight.  With the recent demand for SEO driven content, along with the number of personal blogs and websites all over the internet, copywriting is an industry that is going to continue to be in demand for years to come. So what exactly is copywriting? First, it is important not to confuse the word “copywrite” with the word “copyright”. A copyright is licensing that gives the holder the rights to an artistic work. A Copywriter, does not make or create copyright, a copywriter simply creates content. The word copy essentially means words. So what is it that a copywriter does? They write! Anything and everything, from fliers to brochures, to press and news releases, blogs, articles, advertisements, speeches, or anything else they might be hired to write. Being a copywriter allows you to create your own schedule, and allows you to work anywhere you can take a laptop too. That being said however, the journey to becoming a successful copywriter can be a long and difficult one. Before starting that journey consider the following:

    What kind of copywriter do you want to become?

    Do you want to be a freelance copywriter and work from home or your favorite coffee shop?

    Yes, this sounds very nice, but keep in mind, working for yourself means you have to hustle to find your own clients each week, which can be difficult. Or do you work for a company?  Getting hired by a copywriting company can be equally as difficult, and often requires an English degree of some kind.

    What is the market like? Is there a demand?

    Before taking the plunge into the copywriting world, first find out if there is a demand that you can meet. Do you write in a specific niche or have a specific expertise, such as gardening or real estate? Perhaps there is an untapped market for real estate copywriters that you can fill. The point is to do your research and find out where you might fit in.

    Create realistic goals for yourself.

    Don't expect to be making $100 per article you write at the beginning... or (more likely) ever for that matter, Instead set achievable goals at the beginning, such as writing for a new client everyday for a week. 

    Is it time to brush up on your grammar and writing skills?

    You may fancy yourself quite the writer, but, even you may need to brush up on some of the basics before you start your new career. Turning in work with spelling errors and grammatical mistakes will annoy your clients, and news will travel fast that you are unprofessional.

    Are you active on social media?

    If not, it might be time to start. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are excellent platforms to advertise your freelance copywriting services on. Plus you can network with other copywriters and stay in touch with past clients.  

    Copywriting is an exciting and competitive field to get into. There are numerous resources online to help you get started, make sure to utilize them. Besides that, there are two things you need to do to guarantee your eventual success, first, you must stay consistent, and second, keep putting pen to page. Don't over think it, they are just words on a screen.

    Side Note: While this article probably won't blow anyone away.....I spent only $5.50 for it and got a 24 hour turnaround!  I bet if I paid this guy more he'd write a pretty decent article.  Very impressive.  I was a liiittllee worried about plagiarism, so I did a quick plagiarism check and his copy came back 100% unique:





    3D Model This Logo ($15.75):

    Purpose: I wanted to 3D model my KopywritingKourse logo so I could print it on my 3D printer.  I can't do this myself, so I paid someone to help.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/designhubb/convert-your-logo-into-3d-model


    Hello! Could you please model my copywritingcourse.com logo (attached). Preferably delivered in .STL so I can 3D Print it on my MakerBot Replicator 2 :)

    Thank you!

    Original Image:



    Final Result (1st draft): I requested the letters and pens be "raised" out of the base more.


    Final Result (2nd draft):


    Final Result Printed on a MakerBot Replicator 2 3D Printer in 29 minutes:


    Side Note: I accidentally printed with a reel of flexible filament instead of solid PLA white plastic, so certain details printed kinda funky.




    Write 4 jokes about copywriting ($10.50):

    Purpose: Because we all know that copywriting jokes are the funniest jokes.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/nikkipal/write-you-five-jokes


    I would like to see some jokes about copywriting.  Copywriting being in the marketing sense, not the lawyer term. Would love to see what you come up with!

    Final Result: The buyer delivered the jokes in a .jpeg format (not sure why not just text):


    Side Note: Looking back at the gig, I realize this guy meant he would write Tweetable or pun-y jokes.  If I were to view these as Tweets, I could (sorta) see how they'd be funny.  Btw....after a solid 3 minutes of reading that "Yo mama so fat she'd need a 720 campaign" joke.....I actually LOL'd  :-)



    Do Market Research On The Copywriting Industry ($5.50):

    Purpose: Get some intelligence on the copywriting industry.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/vishacon/do-market-research-online-research-for-1-hour


    1 hour of research: Can you find out how much money companies in the United States (or world) spend on copywriting services?

    I basically want some market research on the copywriting industry.

    Final Result: I admit finding any hard research on the copywriting industry is hard, that's why I chose the subject.  And for only $5.50 I'd say this is a decent recap.  I bet if I was looking for information about the oil industry or telecom industry, this report would've been much more thorough.  Anyhow, I was impressed by the research for only a small sum of money!

    PDF Report: copywriting_market_research_and_spending.pdf

    Image of PDF Report:





    Palm Reading with Markup and One Question ($15.75)

    Purpose: Little known fact....in 2005 I got a Romanian web dev team to create an online palm reading business (Site now gone, but you can see the original flash website banner).  Whilst I personally think palm reading is totally bogus, it was AMAZING how intensely people would listen to your advice if you sprinkled some "pseudo-science" in there.

    For example: "See this how your Heart Line curves over your Life Line in the middle?  That's an indication your erratic personality will have a deep impact on one of your most important relationships.  You need to seriously consider toning this down or losing your hard edge before you get married."

    See how the advice seems to be "backed up by science" like this?  It was a fascinating.

    The lady I got to do the palm readings (I'd have her record her voice as she looked at a persons scanned palm on the computer) was more like a therapist than a palm reader which is why I picked her (almost all of the rest were literally 110% full of crap and would do things like "spell removal" on people......of course for a fee $$$).

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/palmreader37/read-your-palm-in-detail


    Hello Alexandra!

    Age: 33 

    Question: Is there anything in my palm indicating I will be greatly successful?

    Thank you very much, look forward to seeing the reading!

    Right Palm Photo:


    Final Result: The seller sent pack three files:

    Palm File #1.) palm-highlighted-neville.jpg

    Palm File #2.) Palmreader37_for_neville__specific_question.doc

    Palm File #3.) Palmreader37_for_neville.doc







    Do A Full Investigative Background Check ($47.25):

    Purpose: You know all those sites online where you can do background checks on people?  Some people have the unlimited monthly plans, and will pull a single report for you.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/triplej3372/conduct-a-basic-background-check-for-5-dollars


    Name: Neville Medhora.

    Locations: Austin, TX.  and   Houston, TX.

    Type of check: Background check and Criminal History and Court Records.

    Final Result: Originally I selected a plan that cost me $21, but the seller got back to me saying I needed to pay an extra $15 for what I wanted.  Normally I would push back or cancel the order, but whilst outsourcing 25 other Fiverr gigs at the same time I decided to just pay the extra money to get it done with:


    Side Note: For obvious reasons I'm not going to post the full background check here.....but the report definitely came back with a full background check, including every place I've lived (including all the random apartments in college), every place that's issued me a W-2, any criminal background history, family names, neighbors names, every single vehicle I've ever owned (including my scooter......the report also contained all the additional options my current car has from the dealer!!), all corporate affiliations........and one surprising section called "Impostors" that listed the names of people that've ever tried to use my social security number.  I actually didn't even know about this till now.

    Damn.  You can really scrape a lot of info about a person for pretty cheap.




    Drawing a 3-Paneled Cartoon Strip ($15.75):

    Purpose: Try to convey my message that "Copywriting is just transferring information from one brain to another."  I'll probably use this in my What Is Copywriting post.

    Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/mac10/draw-a-stick-figure-comic-for-you


    Hello, love your drawings!

    Could I get a 3-panel cartoon with your color style and stick figures.

    Above the panel it should say: "Copywriting is about getting information from one brain to another."

    I drew a super-rough sketch of the idea....but please feel free to interpret it whichever way you see best!

    copywriting information brain to brain drawing

    Thank you!

    Final Result: Turned out super cool!  Kinda reminds me of the drawing style of The Oatmeal.




    Design Professional Facebook Cover Photo Banner ($12):



    Please send me a link to your existing Facebook Page or website.

    Here is the facebook page:


    Our website is: https://copywritingcourse.com

    Please provide a title ( this can be your business name) and a short description

    Copywriting Course

    This is a copywriting blog for smart business owners who want to increase conversions on every single marketing piece they make.

    Please send me your logo and/or images that you want me to use for the design of the social media covers (optional)






    Create Programs Or Flyers For Your Event ($17):


    Basic information is needed

    - event name

    - when

    - where

    - ideas of what desired product looks like

    - any additional information needed for the program or poster


    We are looking for flyers that can be printed on 8.5 x11 paper with white boarder.

    -Social Media Week Austin (SMWATX)

    -FEB. 20-22, 2019

    - Robert B. Rowling Hall, The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business

    300 W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Austin, TX 78701




    Distribute Your Flyers, Cards, Stickers, Etc In Austin, Tx ($7):





    Do A Vintage Badge Logo Or T Shirt Design ($17):



    Thanks for The order . However, I will need more details, such as






    1. Copywriting Course


    3. Learning copywriting

    4. no

    5. I like your oldschool gym and the black beard gym styles.



    Closing thoughts:

    This little experiment barely scratched the surface of all the things you can get outsourced on the cheap.  You can get someone to design a circuit, do your calculus homework, get a producer to refine your music, get a professional guitarist to create a cool lick, get a professional hairstylist to advise your next hair look......ANYTHING!


    What Fiverr seems bad for:

    • Finding a dedicated designer or developer.
    • Super high quality content creation in-a-box.  It's more individual-gig based.
    • Getting someone you don't know to access your email, websites etc....


    What Fiverr seems to be really good for:

    • Photoshop work.
    • Basic blog outlines.
    • Basic SEO guidance (they just pull reports from expensive software like Ahrefs or SEOmoz)
    • Photoshopping/drawing cute pictures of pets.
    • 3D modeling (was surprised by this one).
    • Getting people to give "testimonials" (obviously fake).
    • Getting a human/pet/cartoon model to hold up your logo.
    • Prank call your friends.
    • Copy editing.
    • Basic data collection (like website scraping).
    • Getting art made.

    What's cool is that instead of getting help from only people in your immediate friend network like in the past, is now you can get help from someone on any part of the planet.....for just a really small fee.

    Past vs today calculus homework

    In the past: "I wish I had a friend that could help me with this calculus homework."

    Nowadays: "I'll just pay some dude on Fiverr to help."


    For a relatively small price I got experts in their field from around the world to do work for me. Here's the total breakdown:

    Fiver Experiment Final Results

    Most of the gigs purchased I got all the work done for the base price of $5.50.  Only on 3 gigs did I ever go over $20.

    I'm definitely for sure going to keep using Fiverr for small jobs like Photoshopping, Kindle book editing, and funny pictures with dogs :-)

    Holy moly that was a lot of examples!

    Download this entire post to keep them all:

    Click here to subscribe

    -Send to friends/family who think these tasks are hard, but can be solved with $5-

    -Send to your boss to show them the value of outsourcing small tasks-

    -Keep in your files for later reference-



    Neville Medhora - Blue Kopywriter

    Neville Medhora Avatar Pandora

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Guest Neville


    Watch out for any offers for link building on Fiverr. I'm sure people actually do the work, but most people selling links for that cheap just link-farm it which won't be good for your site in the long run!
    Link to comment
    Guest Neville


    Interesting story.....I hope you can transition into freelance work. I think Fiverr is a decent place to START your freelancing career. It can act as your first source of low-paid gigs, and hopefully a percentage of those become higher paid.

    It will also show you what talents you have since people rate your work. Best of luck Elle!

    Link to comment
    Guest Neville


    True.....some can be a miss, but the overall cost is so cheap it kind of doesn't matter. For $22 total I can get 4 different people to try designing a new logo. Out of 4, usually one will be really amazing. And if not, at least you get 4 different concepts!
    Link to comment
    Guest Neville


    Extremely underrated! I was pretty shocked at the amount (and variety) of useful gigs on there whilst doing this experiment.
    Link to comment
    Guest Neville


    I actually applied, and found out most of the gigs don't qualify for the program, so I decided against it. But yes, I thought about it once every beta-reader of the article was super psyched to signup for Fiverr!
    Link to comment
    Guest Neville


    Oh wow.....so actually physical goods, that's awesome! Never even thought of that.
    Link to comment
    Guest Neville


    Awesome! It's amazing how much grunt-work you can outsource to Fiverr.......but yes, the dog pics are still the best :)
    Link to comment
    Guest Neville


    Oh nice! That's definitely a damn-great purchase of less than $20 that you can use forever now!
    Link to comment
    Guest Neville


    Hahaha....I'll have to look up this Schwarzenegger impersonator, sounds funny!
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    Guest Neville


    Oh wow that's super cool! I know there's a lot of gigs where people will place a phone call for you. At first I thought it was just for pranks, but then I realized for example there's people in China who will call a Chinese manufacturer for you and speak in Mandarin for you. Lots of cool uses, thanks for sharing yours!
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    Guest Neville


    There TOTALLY should be a Donnie fan club!

    And yes, the plagiarism checker is pretty valuable if you're getting things written by others. Takes just 10 seconds to run any copy through it to make sure someone isn't just stealing content and passing it off as their own!

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    Guest Neville


    BAHAHAA, that's what I was going for!

    Hope your friends enjoy Kurt, glad you did too!

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    Guest Neville


    I don't know if you can get the whole subscription, but I know people will pull reports for you for $5!
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    Guest Neville


    I'm sure it'll be good.......there's some super high quality voice-over stuff on Fiverr, I'm always impressed by the quality!
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    Guest Neville


    Hey Alex, I haven't gone through every single point just yet....at some point I may. Didn't want to turn the post into something about my own site, just wanted to focus it on the Fiverr gigs for now!
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    Guest Neville


    Hahaha....well at least you now have a modestly-priced tool at your disposal!
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    Guest Neville


    That's awesome you're using it to improve your own client's work....great job Cap!
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    Guest Neville


    Yeah, Fiverr can be hit-or-miss at times....but for the price it's hard to complain! In my experience most of the people with high ratings have come through for me on the gigs with very few exceptions. At least the guy refunded you, that was good :)
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    Guest Neville


    Thanks Craig, glad you enjoyed! There was actually a lot of time put into this experiment, so I appreciate the compliments :)
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    Guest Neville


    Thanks Stacey! I agree, the more specific you are about what you need, the better the result. That's always good advice when outsourcing a task.
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    Guest Demetrio


    Hey Neville, huge fan of your work. Not to pee on everyones $5 parade, but as a service provider I feel like fiver is really more damaging than good. The fact is when you're paying someone $5 the incentive just isn't there to put in the time needed to do quality work. It's much higher to steal copyrighted material, use crap templates or just generally throw together something sucky. Now can you find a good deal sometimes? sure but I'd be really hesitant to use it for anything other than pet photos or spreadsheets of a dubious source. The old cliche of you get what you paid for comes to mind. What about paying service providers more than a slave wage for quality work? what a concept!
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