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    Become A Triple Threat (It will make you more dangerous)

    have a diploma but no job

    Over 10 years ago the famous venture capitalist Marc Andreessen published a guide for planning your career, and the main concept is focusing on becoming at least a double-threat.

    Here's what that means:

    "Single Threat"

    This is someone who only knows how to do one thing.

    This is like going out into the real world with a dull knife.

    single threat guy



    "Double Threat"

    This is someone who knows two things really well.

    These people are better armed to take on the real world.

    double threat guy



    "Triple Threat"

    This is someone who knows three things really well.

    This is like going into the real world armed with an assault rifle and whole arsenal.

    triple threat guy with tank and gun and flamethrower


    The other thing Marc Andreessen highly encourages is for people to learn at least one TECHNICAL skill.

    He said it like this:

    The funny thing is, my own college degree is a liberal arts subject: Political Science!

    It's a $50,000 piece of paper that won't (by itself) get me anything at all. (Although to be fair, I originally went to college trying to do computer science but failed out of the program).

    However, there's a glint of hope for people without any technical skills:

    The acquisition of new skills nowadays is incredibly easy!!

    You can pick up all these skills if you deliberately practice within only a year or two:

    learning new stuff

    If you take some time, you can learn any skill for free!

    (Free books from Library, free YouTube videos, free Facebook Groups, free Meetup groups).

    If you pay some money, you can learn any skill even faster!

    (Joining classes, hiring tutors, buying courses, buying books).

    You also don't have to be the best in the world at every skill, just "pretty good."

    I’ve been able to charge higher rates and create more stuff than many other copywriters because I’m a triple threat in the copywriting industry. Let me demonstrate:


    Single Threat Neville can only type words:

    neville single threat


    Double Threat Neville can type words AND make images:

    neville double threat


    Triple Threat Neville can type words AND make images AND make videos:

    neville triple threat

    Because I know three different skills relatively well, I can take on more projects than other copywriters, convey information through more mediums than other copywriters, and just in general be able to do things someone who can ONLY type words couldn't do.

    Maybe sit down tonight with a pen and paper and decide on how you're gonna make yourself at least a Double Threat by the end of this year.

    Here's a quick story how John became a Double Threat with very little effort:


    The best part about becoming a Double or Triple Threat is that you often have relatively little competition amongst your peers!

    Many people are bitch ass whiny losers who don't realize how good they have it:

    Life is so hard

    ...these people will do the bare minimum to get by, so anyone who puts forth a LITTLE BIT of extra effort can get ahead!!

    So even if you have a college degree, or even if you have a successful career, learning a new skill is never a bad thing.

    It keeps your brain occupied, it gives you a sense of accomplishment, and then a year after all your hard work is put in someone can say, "You're so lucky you know how to _____!"


    Watch the Triple Threat video:


    Download this Triple Threat post:

    Click here to subscribe

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    Neville N. Medhora

    single threat guy   double threat guy   triple threat guy with tank and gun and flamethrower



    - - - P.S. - - -

    Are you a Single Threat, Double Threat, or Triple Threat??

    List your skills below, or tell me what skill you want to develop more in the next 12 months:

    (By publicly stating what you want to learn, it can help the odds of you sticking to it)!

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Guest Neville


    Hey Markus! It sounds like you have a good basic grasp of computers and accounting. That's a good start!

    Have you thought about joining the KopywritingKourse and attending the live office hours with me every two weeks?

    We could go over some of your emails together on the calls, and that would give you great motivation to finish your autoresponder and blog posts!

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    I think I may have a threat deficit. I have financial and accounting skills, but not on the latest accounting packages. That's it. All my computer skills are probably outdated, but I do however have a copy of Excel for dummies if that helps any. I have time to kill right now and that is all I have so I would like to learn copywriting. I've been itching to start a blog, but procrastination takes over at every turn. I will be reading everything you have to offer here. Thanks for the site.
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    Guest Markus Winkler


    Yes, but accounting is only something on the side. It's the next logical step after Sales, Financial and Management training.

    Being a proud member of the Kopywriter community since BlackFriday. Gone through all the courses and followed the advice of creating a simple Blogger site and the Google doc portfolio.

    Right now I'm in the middle of setting up my (online side) business and planning the first posts and so on.

    I will send you for sure the posts, emails and some other questions soon. But I can't attend to the live office hours ... It's 3am here in Austria when you start and after 8h work + 4h bookkeeper course I'm done.

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    Guest Neville


    Hey Andrea, you can go to https://blogger.com and start a blog in like 10 seconds :)

    It won't be pretty, it won't be fancy, but it'll be a fully functioning blog you can start writing on immediately. I got started just like that, and hope you do too!

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    Guest Neville


    Well if you ever decide you need help, we take pre-questions on the office hours and post them later...so you don't actually have to attend :)

    Best of luck with the side business Markus!

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    Guest Sarah Miller


    Thanks so much for the time you take to write the blog and respond to these comments. Holy Moly. I imagine that takes a lot of time.

    I am really happy at my current job as an English teacher at an Independent school where I can teach what feels real and meaningful to me in a community where relational teaching and learning is more than just a tagline. I found this blog by doing some research for my students on "What can you do for a career with an English Major?" (Linked from the website selloutyoursoul.com hahahaha)

    I'm a single threat. I am also a voracious reader and am constantly learning and doing new things. Any academic discipline, history, cooking, sewing, parenting, gardening, art, any human craft, storytelling...I dabble in so many things (except for a regular exercise program lol...so far...). I have a hard time working deeply into any of these interests, and instead, do too many at once. The world is so fascinating; how do you decide what to learn next? (And how to FOCUS your energy on just one or two things at a time so you can make some traction?)

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    Guest Neville


    Hahahah, you're right Sarah, it does take up quite a large amount of time :)

    While learning all the things you mentioned is cool, the specific skills we're talking about here are TECHNICAL skills that would be useful in the economy at large.

    Something like sewing could possibly be valuable if you had a famous YouTube sewing channel or something like that, but it has much lower chances of immediate value.

    Anything that helps you learn computers better is always a positive:

    - Learning to build Wordpress websites.

    - Learning specific applications really well like Excel or the entire Google Docs suite.

    - Learning to sell a product online.

    These types of things can be directly applied to many fields.

    Also maybe try dedicating a specific amount of time 5 days a week to this craft. An hour a day is a good start, and will often lead to more hours per day of practice.

    Hope this helps Sarah, and best of luck!

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    Guest Julie Spears


    I've decided that my technical skill will be creating WordPress sites. I have a WordPress site and I think I should know how to create them for others.

    Also, I have just recently received payment for a research job I wrote and a ghostwriting ad I submitted.

    So maybe I will be a double threat after all.

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    Guest Neville


    That's awesome Julie! I would try posting this script on your personal Facebook profile and seeing if you get any takers:

    Hey Friends,

    For $100 I will setup a full WordPress website for you within 24 hours.

    Any website you need (can be a personal blog, photography portfolio, company website), I will make for you. If you’ve ever wanted a running website but didn’t know where to start, I’ll guide you through the whole process. We’ll hop on a call together and within 24 hours I’ll get your entire website up and running.

    These websites are designed so:

    –You can easily update them.

    –They have a chance of getting ranked in search engines.

    –You can send people your website link.

    I am doing a very limited promotion of a flat $100 fee for this ENTIRE service. Many web developers charge starting at $125/hour, so this is extremely generous!


    Julie – Phone/Text: 555-555-5555

    P.S. If you know anyone that might want my help setting up an entire website, please tag them.

    This exact script has got so many people Wordpress gigs it's nuts!

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    Guest Tony Taylor


    Hello! I’m in the very beginnings of a digital marketing agency. Started with Tai Lopez course & now Jeremy Haynes is kicking my butt in the right mindset & direction. I’ve been doing pretty well at Facebook ads & Local search on Google for small businesses. To step it up the next skills I’m tackling is clickfunnels & copywriting. Thanks my friend 👊🏻
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    Guest Khadija J Head


    I’m a triple threat. I coach NCAA division one basketball, build WordPress websites, and I create digital professional development products for college coaches.
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    Hi Neville,

    Thank you for teaching us on how to be an asset for a company or your own business..will read more of your articles..

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    Guest Eric Southwell



    Another AWESOME article!

    I have spent the last 3-5 years being a "systems/processes" guy. Systematizing processes, offerings, team meetings with daily standups and trello, org charts, etc. etc.

    I recently added traffic to my arsenal. I set a goal of 250 hours of learning in 90 days. I went from beginner in Google AdWords to intermediate/advanced-ish in about 90 days. (I hired a coach for this as well)

    It has been nice be able to run traffic in a really organized way and develop processes/checklists/reporting for delegating while still obtaining great results.

    I plan on continuing to be a double threat for a while. I want to get really good at traffic but I really enjoy it.

    But who knows, maybe next year I will want to add something like Google Data Studio Jedi or something involving data analytics.

    Thanks for the radical post!

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    Guest Felix


    Very helful information, it is really an eye opener though i am under going web designing trainning write may be later i will add copywriting.


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    Guest Neville Medhora


    That's awesome Felix, hopefully this pushes you to develop some technical skills so you can better compliment your copywriting skills :)
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    Guest Rise of the “UX Writer” (What in the goddamn hell is that)? :: Kopywriting Kourse


    […] A copywriter who can write, create rich content, and make UX layouts is definitely a Triple Threat: […]
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    Guest Russell Smith


    Hi Neville,

    I love this - thanks for the double/triple threat concept.

    I've just spent the last year becoming a double threat (content and web design) and a lot of the time thought I was wasting my time (not focusing). But actually... you're totally right. Being a double threat is awesome.

    Wondering what would be a good third skill? Maybe traffic generation or conversion.


    - Russ

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