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    How would you make a million dollars in one month?

    Holy crap, this is an interesting question…..


    How would you make a million dollars in one month?


    But seriously, let’s say I kidnapped one of your kids (and not the ugly one, but the good one)….and you had to come up with a $1,000,000 bucks by the end of the month to get him back.

    How would you do it?

    I already asked how would you make:

    This is a pretty difficult question to answer, so I again asked some very very successful friends in varied industries how they would make $1,000,000 in around a month to help jog your mind before you answer in the comments. 




    To people with billions of dollars, a million dollars is a thousand dollars. Solve a problem that someone with billions of dollars has.

    I would create a custom piece of software that saves a large company money, and sell them that custom solution. I would find WHO to sell it to through LinkedIn.




    There’s usually no way to inherently increase the value of an investment by 10x or 100x very quickly, unless it’s inherently super risky.

    So in this situation of making a shit ton of money quickly, I’d find a small pharmaceutical company that’s on the verge of an FDA approval announcement, and bet heavily for (or against) them.

    That’a the only way I can think of increasing an investment that rapidly.




    Well you’re talking a little crazy about making $1,000,000 that quickly, so I’ll give a crazy answer.  The stars have to align for this to happen, but I HAVE seen it done several times:

    You go and find a large apartment complex that’s in trouble and running under terrible management.  Perhaps a complex that owes $20million to bank, but their property is only appraised and worth $15million, and they are about to go bankrupt.

    You approach their bank and step in as a “solvent entity” to take over that loan.

    You say, “I don’t think the property is worth $15,000,000 as appraised…..but I’ll still offer you $16,000,000 and you don’t have to go through with the foreclosure process on the property.”

    The bank might be happy to sell you the loan, because they don’t wanna deal with the whole bankruptcy and foreclosure process. So you might be able to buy this $20million dollar loan at a SIGNIFICANT discount at around $16million.

    Now if the property forecloses, YOU get full ownership.  You can usually put in just a few hundred thousand dollars to increase the value of that property to $18million.  So now for roughly $16.5 million you sold a property for $18million.

    You just made $1,500,000 in profit in a super short amount of time.  

    The stars have to align for this to happen, but I’ve seen it done.




    If I wanted to be shady I'd make a pyramid scheme? Otherwise I'd borrow from friends or investors? But if you break down one million dollars, it requires an investment of $10,000 from only 100 people.Like....you just need to have 100 customers for something. That's doesn't sound totally unreasonable.

    An interesting way to look at how to make $1,000,000 in one month would be to break down the numbers, for example: Using this product pricing calculator you can work backwards:If you sell a product, to make $1,000,000 in one month:make a million dollars pricing breakdown

    • You need 5,000 people to buy a $200 product.
    • You need 2,000 people to buy a $500 product.
    • You need 1,000 people to buy a $1,000 product.
    • You need 500 people to buy a $2,000 product.
    • You need 300 people to buy a $3,333 product.
    • You need 200 people to buy a $5,000 product.
    • You need 100 people to buy a $10,000 product.
    • You need 50 people to buy a $20,000 product.
    • You need 25 people to buy a $40,000 product.
    • You need 5 people to buy a $200,000 product.

    Breaking it down in this way can makes generating a million bucks far more attainable. Can you sell 100 people a $10,000 product or service? That would be $1,000,000 in revenue! It might be difficult to do this from scratch, but thinking about this problem backwards can really help you plan out how YOU would make a million dollars in a month.


    Hope this $1,000,000 exercise stretched your mind a bit!  Go through the comments below, there’s some good suggestions on how people would make a million dollars in a month.   Also comment with the way YOU’D make a million dollars in a month, or how you’ve seen it done before.


    Neville Medhora – A Kontinuously Kurious Kopywriter

    Interested in seeing how others would make different sums of money each month? Checkout everyone's answers for:

    P.S. If you need help coming up with million dollar ideas, use this Business Idea Generator to kick around some ideas! Or if you start a membership program use this recurring revenue calculator to see how much to charge people per month to make a million bucks.

    P.P.S. Comment on the post with your plan/scheme/plot to make $1,000,000 in about a month, or how you’ve seen someone else make $1,000,000 in a short period of time.

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    Building on my previous comment about joining a professional gambling team and making a round-the-world gambling tour, I would pitch my company's "prevention" services to the top 0.05% of the 6000 odd casinos worldwide, i.e. approx 30 casinos. If each pays me about $33-34k/mo on retainer, I would hit my $1m mark. If that's not enough to hit $1m after deducting costs, I would publish a biography and start speaking at conferences worldwide. At $20-25k per speaking engagement, I only need 40-50 conferences to hit $1m.
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    Guest Boni Satani


    I will do day trading! That's the only I think I can make quick 1 Million!

    Borrow money from people & invest in day trading!

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    Guest Brandon


    Wow. A good question to stretch the mind!

    A few ways I could do this...

    I'd either target a company or person where a million dollars is pocket change.


    I'd sell to an predictably irrational market. (Or, I'd bundle those two together!)

    Now, to get this done, you can't be no slub. We're talking 18-20 hr. REAL work days, 7 days a week. Heck, it's a million dollars in a month. You can sleep the whole next year if you want to. :)

    Let's dig in...

    In everything mentioned below. We go 10X. I'm into delivering ten times the value in everything I do. So that'll be a big secret KEY here.

    1) Targeting the fat wallet fellers.

    What do billionaires need? Surely one of them is looking for a new jet worth hundreds of millions, or a home... First, I'd find the deal. An awesome jet, home, yacht, some high ticket item at a great deal. I'd simply find the asking price, get all the pics, info etc...

    Then, I'd find the pocket of buyers. I'd set FB ads and target pages like Aficionado Magazine. Forbes. etc... I'd write "million dollar copy" -literally- painting an experience for whatever the item is.

    For something $25 mil plus, and I've discovered a steal of a deal that has a story/angle from it that I can hit, it won't be too hard to build in my $1 mil cut. And maybe an invite to an awesome party with the buyer. Party at Jay-Z's!

    2) And more in my realm of experience, I'd hit the irrationally passionate markets with money to burn. This is the one where all the work, all the 10X value giving to partners, buyers, EVERYBODY, non-stop sleepless nights and double espressos come in to play.

    Potential Irrational Markets: Investing/Make Money, Health/Wellness, Dating/Relationships. Lot's of smaller ones, but these have a LOT of passionate people within these markets, which is needed to make $1 mil in a month or less...

    Let's take the business side angle, making a full-time income on the internet for profit and fun. I've been doing this for 5+ years so it fits for me.

    I'd create an incredible course, with a very unique angle that sets it apart from the rest. And I'd give a BUTT. TON. of value away for free on the front-end! (10X remember).

    And this would be for potential buyers AND affiliate partners. I've give affiliates most of the commissions upfront. 75% likely. I'd send them gifts in the mail BEFORE they promote. Cool stuff too.

    I'd give them the physical version (VIP) of a digital product. I'd go all out for these guys. (10X) They're about to make me wealthy after all, and heck, giving feels good.

    I'd make the product easily worth $2,000. And I'd market the product where people are willing and ready to buy it for that price. And then... I'd sell it for $297'ish. Let the buyers frenzy begin.

    Now, with enough big affiliates on board (many have lists of 200-300k+, and many with smaller but much more responsive lists), I could actually get to 1 mil. right here. But not super likely. Everything would have to go just perfect for that.

    So we'll do an even more irresistible one-time opportunity right after the upfront sale. Maybe the upfront offer includes a "how-to" do something. And the upsell is a software that does it FOR YOU. And it'll easily save you 10-20 hrs. a week or will be like having 5 full-time employees working for you while you're off having fun. Just as a random example.

    This upsell is really a downsell though. I'd sell it cheaper. Maybe around $197.

    Let the buyers frenzy continue...

    Next, I'd find the top phone closers in the space and work out a generous *commissions only* deal with them. I'll give them the brief training they need and any other deets, and they'll be basically like a coach to new members helping them get from A-Z fast. With a coach, mentor, this will really help new members.

    They'll get the phone number of each new buyer that comes in, and they'll call them and immediately follow up with an email. Whether a response or not, there will be a follow up email.

    They'll help the new folks navigate the members area, they'll welcome them to the tribe, answer any questions etc. These won't be boiler room closers here. They'll be incredibly sellers, but ethical, helpful. Doing what's right.

    These coaches/closers will introduce to new buyers the Elite Program. They'll get their own coach for a year, we'll identify a profitable market custom for them, and, WE'll DO ALL THE WORK. They'll also get to go to a paid for mastermind at an exotic locale within the first year.

    This will be $25k-$50k+. And if they don't make that back within a year, we'll refund every penny, plus another $5k, granted they follow the instructions, they let us invest a certain amount in traffic each month, etc...

    The phone salesmen will get a nice cut... $5-$10k of this.

    I could go deeper, much deeper here, but this alone wouldn't be terribly hard to execute in 30 days and could easily get you past $1 mil.

    Thanks for getting my brain going first thing in the morning again Neville!!

    You've already given me a NevBox (Thanks!!) for another comment of mine, not sure whether was the $10k or $100k, but I'm good there!

    Just wanted to contribute and stretch ye olde brainsack a bit. :)



    *Excuse mistypes. Too lazy to reread my comment today for editing. haha...

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    I would buy an old missile silo and retrofit it to become a self contained luxury survival shelter.

    You could build it into maybe 5 full units, pre-sell each for a million. Use 4 million for the remodel, and collect a massive amount each month for property maintenance as well.

    Rich people are all about contingency planning.

    Might take more than a month, but this was the best I could come up with :)

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    You kidnapped my kid? Well since this is an thought exercise I am assuming that I have very little startup money. After all if I had $1 mil already then it would nt be much of a challenge. You have my kid so I cant afford to waste time and gamble that some investment deal happens.

    The simplest, if not the saddest, is to just go kidnap a very rich guys kid and ask for $1 mil. Heck you could even tell them they need to talk to the FBI to make sure that it gets paid to the correct ransomers. After your kid is free you then turn yourself in and go to jail. Of course during the course of this hellish thing you treat the kid, and really you should pick up a college age one, very very well. After you snatch him you explain why you have to do this and apologize. You can do a lot to lower the "trauma" aspect of it. You get a "sure" $1 mil and your kid is alive.

    Another option, and with a far far far better outcome, would be to do a kickstarter. I have to assume that if I called Neville and explained my predicament we could come to some arrangement for him to write my copy so that people would be grabbing their credit card info as fast as possible to donate to the saving of my kid. To pay him back maybe I would become his copy slave, after he taught me how to write good copy, or something but whatev it would be worth it, and I would not have to kidnap some innocent kid to make it work.

    Some other options

    -go rob drug dealers ala "Without Remorse" by Clancy mixed in with some Man on Fire style stuff but you need to be willing to kill and stuff and already have at least a few "skills".

    -Reading "Art of the Steal" I am confident I could easily rob some museums but I dont know any high end, or low end, fences to sell my recently acquired artwork so that could be a problem.

    -I have a little over $1 mil in life insurance so assuming they would pay out fast enough I could always go that route. Definitely not ideal but again we are talking about my kid.

    -etc. I could go on all day on other ways to jack good or bad people of $1 mil but none of them are ideal.

    If you have not caught on I dont currently have enough confidence in my selling or copy writing skills to generate $1 mil cold in one month with minimal startup capital. Give me $100k and the kidnapped kid pressure and maybe I can figure something out but with only like a thousand bucks I dont have a ton of great/legal ideas. But I KNOW that regardless of all this I would get the money to recover my kid legally or illegally.

    Now if you are willing to kidnap my neighbors cat I would be willing to buy you lunch or whatever :-)

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    I would create an amazing product in an extremely popular online niche that has hundreds of thousands of searches a day with the best copy possible and Max out all my credit cards on seo services to get page 1 and pray for the best.
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    I dont know why I didnt think of this before.

    I would sell the rights to my upcoming book about having my child abducted and the subsequent recovery for a $1 mil advance.

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    But what if it was Bill Gates who had kidnapped your daughter in the first place?
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    Going back to the digital currency idea I wrote about in the last post, here's what I would do to make $1,000,000.

    First, we need to look at other currencies such as Bitcoin to see what their weaknesses are and how we could solve it. With Bitcoin, all transactions are recorded in the blockchain and made public. This "pseudo-anonymous" structure means anyone can see where a coin has been, and where it went to. Not cool.

    Lets call our coin Sumocoin.

    Sumocoin would be "tumbled" with a cache of other users' coins during each transaction. Untraceable.

    There will also never be more than 21 million Bitcoins. This is hard-wired into the protocol. It also means a lot of early speculators held onto their coins instead of spending them - deflation means the value per coin would most likely increase over time.

    Sumocoin will combat this by having a "soft limit" of 21 million coins - this can be increased as necessary. This means that if you hold onto your coins for too long, they will instead go down in value.

    Ok so now time to get people to start buying and selling with Sumocoin. This is where we will use two different strategies:

    1. We make it exclusive. This is so that Sumocoin to be seen as more than just another run-of-the-mill "alt-coin". If you want to get in on Sumocoin, you must first convince another user spend at least one Sumocoin with you. With that one Sumocoin you will have access to the private subreddit, and get a special code to be able to start mining.

    2. The little big horn. The first users will be people who are smart, and also into virtual currencies. Reddit moderators. MIT students. Fat sumos. When people see other smart people using Sumocoin they will want in on it.

    Then we promote the hell out of it.

    Thankfully I'm good at getting stuff noticed on Reddit. We will also offer YouTube stars free Sumocoins to promote it in their videos. Facebook ads. Email lists. There are a lot of different ways.

    Here's where we make the $1,000,000.

    It's fine if Sumocoin bombs.


    You heard me. We're not on the mission to change the world. We want cash.

    When we first build the protocol, we will have it set up so that for every 10 coins mined, one of them will go into an account controlled by us. This is our 10% cut. This also means that we can ride the initial hype train without using expensive hardware to pre-mine coins for ourselves (which is seen as a red flag in the alt-coin sphere).

    At the end of the month we should have about 1,000,000 coins mined for us which will be worth $1,000,000.

    Cash out.

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    I just thought of another way to do this!

    Take a weekend course to get your real estate license. You can do it in a weekend and then sign up for a test and get your licensing out of the way in a week. Then spend the next two weeks going door-to-door (in rich neighborhoods) to get as many listings for homes on the premise that you could get them tons and tons of more money for their home than they ask for.

    List for above what they want for the home and say that you'd pocket the difference. Once you have the listings, you have the traffic (in a buyers market), do very little haggling and try to sell a few high end homes.

    I think I would seriously considering doing this. At least the get my license part, It's kind of a no brainer to be the Real estate guy in your friends group too btw. Hmmm...



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    Take a decent African country - Mozambique. ca 20 Mio inhabitants. Poor market. Corruption. No interest from Western countries. It means, empty market. Find a local company which is more less established, has a good political relations and some network. Find a good required/fashionable product, as a mobile phone. Buy it in China, lets say for $15/pc., give it a nice name. Sell it for $35/pc. (which is a reasonable price). Pay $5/pc. for bribes and commission. Sell 50 000 units the first month (0,5% of the market). Take your million. And you have served just 0,5% of the market still.
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    Guest Jeremiah Boehner


    How I would make one million in a month:

    Sell 20MM worth of products at work.

    Get 5,000 people to sing up for a 200 course.

    Launch a Kickstarter for something cool that people want and get 1MM in funding over costs.

    Win big at craps in vegas (probably not)

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    I would hire a bunch of strippers. And by hire, I mean, cut them in on the profit. I would then put together some kind of "conference" where I'd only invite people with net worths over $100 million. I'm not sure what the "conference" would be about, I'd have to do some upfront research to see what the wealthy fear the most then structure the "conference" around that topic.

    I'd charge a measly $10k to get in the door, just to weed out the $30k millionaires (there's a shit ton of them here in Dallas). This money will go to pay the strippers.

    The strippers jobs are to get pictures with these guys in compromising sexual positions. Then, I would create a "service" where my only job is to NOT release these photos to the public in exchange for a hefty monthly fee. In the business, we call this "hush money." And in the end, everyone wins.

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    What if you just paid Space-X, or whoever, to build you a giant catcher's mitt or fisherman's net in space, which is hooked up to a giant tube that's tethered to Earth? Wait, no, that's ridiculous.
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    Or how about find a cure for Ebola and sell it for a $1 million to the most Eboled-up countries?
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    Guest Gordon Jay Alexander


    First. A million dollars is NOT chump change, is not a "measly" amount to anyone, including Billionaires.

    Second, locate companies who are already doing 5-10 million dollars a month in sales, a direct response marketing company.

    What do they sell? What could I quickly develop or ACQUIRE which could be offered to their house list which might generate the proverbial "ton of sales"?

    Having worked with several such companies what I know is:

    They will take a look at "completed" projects which do not involve much of their time. So, I want to submit a completed idea.

    Actually, anyone here could submit to one of the companies I worked for, and to offer up some "proof", you can visit one company, suarez dot com, and you will see on their home page, on slide 2, they actually SOLICIT ideas.

    On the landing page, you will see they have sold a BILLION dollars of the EdenPure heater, and a pic of Joe Namath, who has a "grill" for sale. On slide 5, you will see Bill Burkett, who has been paid millions of dollars for bringing EdenPure to the company. I can't say he's made a million in one month, but, he has had multiple 250,000+ dollars a month over the years.

    So, back to the HOW.

    Knowing they have a house list of millions of buyers, I'd create or ACQUIRE a product which they could offer to their house lists. What would that be?

    Since I know they bought space heaters, I might offer a NEW NASA tested "comforter" or blanket, maybe a 39 dollar product. I would create the sales vehicle, a short letter, a pic, a special offer, all with the purpose of a quick and easy sale.

    Another example. theworldreserve dot com. Another huge direct marketing company, part of a family of marketing companies. They do millions a month, selling coins and money. I would commission a couple of researchers and compile then write a special report re: World Coins. I'd create an offer to their house list, and sell a DIGITAL product, which they do not have. But the industry has many such numismatic newsletters. Perhaps I'd write a monthly newsletter for them, and a low cost subscription, since they have the back-end in place, say a 12.00 a year subscription, with millions of buyers, and a low cost product (digital) they could quickly sell enough to get me my million bux, which I would use to outsource the writing of the newsletter for a fraction of that amount.

    There are many companies along these lines, and they are always looking for new ways to make sales, increase product lines, sell more. So, to make a million I'd look to companies already making millions and figure out a way to coattail myself onto existing customer lists.

    How about the financial newsletters which have been selling gold? I'd write a promotion for the selling of gold, using ebola as an example of a panic state, and get them to convert a few ounces of gold into a few pounds of food and water and toilet paper. There are companies with lists of millions of subscribers, so, I'd find one, create or ACQUIRE a product which matches their customer's buying patterns, and write a promotion and bring them a completed project they can begin testing right away.

    Glenn Osborn told of Walter Hailey and his seminars for dentists, there are people who are selling 10,000 to 25,000 weekend trainings to specialists, example, Botox type or injectionables as they are called. Doctors all over the world are paying this top dollar to become "certified" and are then offered the product at discount via volume.

    A million dollars is a LOT of money, it is only insignificant to politicians and those who don't know better. NO with money considers it to be a "paltry" sum of money.

    You probably have a better chance of winning the lottery, however, if this thread stimulates ideas, then know, if you are in for a longer run, then there are scores of companies standing at the ready to listen and to possible implement your ideas.

    One secret would be to establish a TOLL position, and to collect the tolls from traffic going both directions. It may take longer than a month, but, it could produce a lifetime of passive income which frees your time and mind to write the great American Novel or Oscar winning screenplay.

    So think big. Think ONE sale to a company which would buy your idea and pay you a huge ongoing royalty. They are out there and they are ready. Are you?

    Thanks to Neville for these stimulating posts, we see some good minds at work here.

    Gordon Jay Alexander, Creative Marketing Professional

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    I'm pretty sure someone has done this before, but I don't know how much money they received or what the terms were..

    I would offer wealthy people a percentage of all of my future earnings in exchange for a large cash investment in me.

    Could get one person to invest/give me $1 million for a huge percentage or find 10 people to invest $100,000 each for smaller stakes.

    So the pitch would be, between ages 30 and 60, let's say on the low end I average $200,000/year. That's $6,000,000 over 30 years. If I give you 30% of my future earnings that is $1,800,000. So you'll profit $800,000 over 30 years, or about $26,000/year.

    And maybe I'll sell a company and bank $20,000,000 from the sale. In that case you'd get $6,000,000.

    I'd find these people by looking for accredited investors on AngelList and reaching out to them directly.

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    Guest Matt LaPrairie


    I'm a business owner in the marijuana consumer products industry (pipes, vaporizers, storage, etc).

    This is a time of rapid growth and there are a lot of investors looking to capitalize on the opportunity that legalization presents.

    I would put together a roll-up deal to buy 2-3 of the biggest distributors, 3-5 of the biggest manufacturers, and 5-10 of the biggest retail websites.

    Each company is offered 10x of their previous year's net profit.

    I'm a committee member of a marijuana investor network, so I would pitch this deal and find the buyer(s).

    Total value of the deal would be between $100M and $200M.

    I'd take a 1% cut for putting the deal together, earning $1-2M for myself.

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    Here's what I would do.

    I would do some research and

    look around for people that are selling

    high value property or high value goods.

    Think: Boats, Yachts, Ships, Planes, Trains,

    large machinery / equipment, large quantities

    of merchandise, etc.

    Once I find a good deal, where I believe

    make a "substantial profit" within a short period of time,

    I would then draft an "Option To Purchase" agreement

    that enables you legally take ownership of the property

    or goods, for an agreed period of time, without you having

    to pay for it, or take physical ownership of it.

    I would then send my Option To Purchase Agreement

    to the Seller using an online e-signature service called

    EchoSign by Adobe.

    With EchoSign, an email can be sent to the Seller,

    letting them know that the agreement is ready to be

    reviewed and signed. (With a few quick clicks, the Seller

    can open it, review it, sign it and send it back — all from

    the convenience of their web browser or mobile device.)

    Once it's signed by the Seller, I now have "temporary legal

    ownership" of it for a defined period of time. (ie: 30, 60

    or 90 days as outlined in the agreement.)

    I would then advertise the goods or merchandise

    and sell it for a profit.

    Once the goods have been sold and

    the funds have cleared, the goods can either be

    picked up by the Buyer or shipped to the Buyer

    at their expense.

    Bingo! $100,000 in 30 days is possible. ;-)

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