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    How would you make a million dollars in one month?

    Holy crap, this is an interesting question…..


    How would you make a million dollars in one month?


    But seriously, let’s say I kidnapped one of your kids (and not the ugly one, but the good one)….and you had to come up with a $1,000,000 bucks by the end of the month to get him back.

    How would you do it?

    I already asked how would you make:

    This is a pretty difficult question to answer, so I again asked some very very successful friends in varied industries how they would make $1,000,000 in around a month to help jog your mind before you answer in the comments. 




    To people with billions of dollars, a million dollars is a thousand dollars. Solve a problem that someone with billions of dollars has.

    I would create a custom piece of software that saves a large company money, and sell them that custom solution. I would find WHO to sell it to through LinkedIn.




    There’s usually no way to inherently increase the value of an investment by 10x or 100x very quickly, unless it’s inherently super risky.

    So in this situation of making a shit ton of money quickly, I’d find a small pharmaceutical company that’s on the verge of an FDA approval announcement, and bet heavily for (or against) them.

    That’a the only way I can think of increasing an investment that rapidly.




    Well you’re talking a little crazy about making $1,000,000 that quickly, so I’ll give a crazy answer.  The stars have to align for this to happen, but I HAVE seen it done several times:

    You go and find a large apartment complex that’s in trouble and running under terrible management.  Perhaps a complex that owes $20million to bank, but their property is only appraised and worth $15million, and they are about to go bankrupt.

    You approach their bank and step in as a “solvent entity” to take over that loan.

    You say, “I don’t think the property is worth $15,000,000 as appraised…..but I’ll still offer you $16,000,000 and you don’t have to go through with the foreclosure process on the property.”

    The bank might be happy to sell you the loan, because they don’t wanna deal with the whole bankruptcy and foreclosure process. So you might be able to buy this $20million dollar loan at a SIGNIFICANT discount at around $16million.

    Now if the property forecloses, YOU get full ownership.  You can usually put in just a few hundred thousand dollars to increase the value of that property to $18million.  So now for roughly $16.5 million you sold a property for $18million.

    You just made $1,500,000 in profit in a super short amount of time.  

    The stars have to align for this to happen, but I’ve seen it done.




    If I wanted to be shady I'd make a pyramid scheme? Otherwise I'd borrow from friends or investors? But if you break down one million dollars, it requires an investment of $10,000 from only 100 people.Like....you just need to have 100 customers for something. That's doesn't sound totally unreasonable.

    An interesting way to look at how to make $1,000,000 in one month would be to break down the numbers, for example: Using this product pricing calculator you can work backwards:If you sell a product, to make $1,000,000 in one month:make a million dollars pricing breakdown

    • You need 5,000 people to buy a $200 product.
    • You need 2,000 people to buy a $500 product.
    • You need 1,000 people to buy a $1,000 product.
    • You need 500 people to buy a $2,000 product.
    • You need 300 people to buy a $3,333 product.
    • You need 200 people to buy a $5,000 product.
    • You need 100 people to buy a $10,000 product.
    • You need 50 people to buy a $20,000 product.
    • You need 25 people to buy a $40,000 product.
    • You need 5 people to buy a $200,000 product.

    Breaking it down in this way can makes generating a million bucks far more attainable. Can you sell 100 people a $10,000 product or service? That would be $1,000,000 in revenue! It might be difficult to do this from scratch, but thinking about this problem backwards can really help you plan out how YOU would make a million dollars in a month.


    Hope this $1,000,000 exercise stretched your mind a bit!  Go through the comments below, there’s some good suggestions on how people would make a million dollars in a month.   Also comment with the way YOU’D make a million dollars in a month, or how you’ve seen it done before.


    Neville Medhora – A Kontinuously Kurious Kopywriter

    Interested in seeing how others would make different sums of money each month? Checkout everyone's answers for:

    P.S. If you need help coming up with million dollar ideas, use this Business Idea Generator to kick around some ideas! Or if you start a membership program use this recurring revenue calculator to see how much to charge people per month to make a million bucks.

    P.P.S. Comment on the post with your plan/scheme/plot to make $1,000,000 in about a month, or how you’ve seen someone else make $1,000,000 in a short period of time.

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Guest Evan Chacker


    After watching John Oliver the other day, I would spend $60,000 to buy $15,000,000 in bad debt and then collect $1,060,000 + whatever collections charged me.
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    Guest sumit


    I want your bricks. I am from India- New Delhi. I can sell your bricks. show me the bricks and we can see how we proceed further. My contact no. +919015830789.
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    Guest sumit


    this is my email id too. sumitdahiya2535@gmail.com. waiting for your reply soon
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    Guest Jamie Hord


    As an expert in outsource to freelancers I would hire a freelance salesperson to sale $4,000,000 worth of products in 30 days with the agreement to pay them $1,000,000 that would leave me $1,000,000 to pay the product supplier and $1,000,000 profit for me. That $1m. pay for $4m. in sales comes out to 25% commission and in the sales that is high commission.
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    Guest Jamie Hord


    As an expert in outsource to freelancers I would hire a freelance salesperson to sale $4,000,000 worth of products in 30 days with the agreement to pay them $1,000,000 that would leave me $2,000,000 to pay the product supplier and $1,000,000 profit for me. That $1m. pay for $4m. in sales comes out to 25% commission and in the sales that is high commission.
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    Guest Hector Ramirez-Hernandez


    You must understand to a certain level of intelligence and business concepts and how the rat race has been set for the majority of the population who is too lazy to actually do the right thing, I personally know people who make many many times more than that.

    However it know it is the catapult that provides you with the initial push of momentum that defines how fast you can climb at first. Only things required for success are an Opportunity, the right time and market, in the right group at the right location with the proper preparation and of course HARD WORK!

    Honestly Guys and Gals please realize that $1,000,000 is a prehistoric late 20th century measure of wealth, besides defining an income in a time frame as a ratio is the clear measure of employee mentality, allowance handouts called W-2 Interest free loans to the Government for the remainder of the year. I know individuals that make 10 times that amount in the same time frame, but even if i Showed anyone how to do it, they would find some chicken shit excuse as to why "its not for me," or "its a pyramid" or some other excuse like "its too hard".

    I was taught to work until you make it. Then you can relax, build businesses and other people so that they may partake in a success story like yours.

    "Jack Ma" Worth a little over invested $100 Million in multiple businesses and then borrowed money for rent. Talk about a belief level. Now Jack is worth $25Billion Dollars.

    People who remain with the mentality of negative understanding and skepticism will be left behind in the income increasing and new business concepts like Uber has done with the taxi cabs, even it allows for you to recruit other drivers in a bid to receive a $500 Bonus. Of course they may also refer people to Uber and make a $500 Bonus as well, an ignorant person would call this a pyramid too. The difference is really the fact that in Mlm type companies everyone gets a fair shot, but not every one can do this type of work. Many people want to make 7 figures but aren't willing to change their thinking and so they remain small thinkers, in the great land of opportunity, what a shame!

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    Guest Ed Gordon


    Definitely another variation of the Nigerian 4-1-9 scam.
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    Guest Strategy – startups2


    […] How would you make a million dollars in one month? […]
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    Guest Stephen Bray


    I think it unlikely you can do this on your own - but there were guys, and probably still are, who make $1,000,000, or more, with a product launch. So - theoretically - if you produced a first class original product that solved a common problem and could offer an irresistible deal, for example most of the money and maybe also the branding kudos, to such a person - then maybe they could flog enough units to make your million?
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    Apply for and get a bunch of high value credit cards. Take a cash advance out of all of them. Use that as a prize and sell raffle tickets at $100 each. Every ticket over ten thousand pays back the cash advances.

    Another way is to write a book about having to do the same task or one would lose custody of their children. Sell twenty thousand copies as an ebook, done.

    Finally, one could listen to their customers and provide a product or service well needed and for which folks are willing to pay. Make it sell ot ship it done.

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    Guest Kenny Taresa


    Well, how would you bring about the traffic for the crowdfunding idea?

    It costs money to bring in the traffic you know.

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    Barrow a million from the bank, then put the million into a high interest account, and use the interest to pay off the loan.
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    Create a corporation and get regulated as a financial institution. Most credible jurisdictions are acceptable. Locate a DVP custodial relationship. If you can't get regulated follow the next steps and then cut a deal with an authorized entity.

    Research the stock markets in frontier markets with companies poised to IPO. Open a DVP trading relationship with a local brokerage firm who sponsors deals. Morgan Stanley etc., won't touch you - a country specific and politically connected hungry local firm. Get to know your the right broker. Really get to know him/her.

    When the big IPO comes determine the expected upside. Work a deal where you get allocated enough to generate 1mm profit. Make sure the deal will be liquid and due your best due diligence that the deal will work.

    (A deal with a 25% expected upside would require 4mm allocation.

    On listing day sell sell sell.

    Because you are settling DVP you never have to pay for the shares. Your buy nets against the sell. Your realize 100% of profit. You eat 100% of loss.

    On the loss deals never go to zero. Failed deals are flat or slightly negative (unless you really blew it on your due diligence or there was a true black swan event on listing day). So if your 4mm allocation was down 1% your lost 40k, 5%, 200k. (Of course if you didn't settle you would lose license and firm bankrupt, but still, risk is limited).

    This can work. I've sat in private jets of people who have done it.

    So the setup will take a while and really not much of an investment. However you can make 1mm in about hmmm 5 minutes.

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    Hey Andy, last I checked kidnapping is illegal too. This entire article is a joke so stop being so serious
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    If you kidnapped Bill Gate's daughter the half the US army would be at your doorstep. Next time try someone less popular.
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    Create a discussion thread like this, let it heat up for 25 or so days. Once the audience is picked up start charging 50 cents a day per email address. You would need only a sum of 2,000,000 people.

    I think this pretty doable, especially if are a YouTuber or something with an already existing audience.

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    […] How would you make a million dollars in one month … – Holy crap, this is an interesting question….. How would you make a million dollars in one month? But seriously, let’s say I kidnapped one of your kids (and not … […]
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    […] How would you make a million dollars in one month … – Holy crap, this is an interesting question….. How would you make a million dollars in one month? But seriously, let’s say I kidnapped one of your kids (and not … […]
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    […] How would you make a million dollars in one month … – Holy crap, this is an interesting question….. How would you make a million dollars in one month? But seriously, let’s say I kidnapped one of your kids (and not … […]
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    […] How would you make a million dollars in one month … – Holy crap, this is an interesting question….. How would you make a million dollars in one month? But seriously, let’s say I kidnapped one of your kids (and not … […]
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    […] How would you make a million dollars in one month … – Holy crap, this is an interesting question….. How would you make a million dollars in one month? But seriously, let’s say I kidnapped one of your kids (and not … […]
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