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    How would you make an extra $1,000 in a month?

    Today we're asking people:

    How would you make an extra $1,000 in 30 days?

    1000 copywriting course moneyThe methods for people to make a measly 100 bucks broke down like this (into three types):1.) Just save the $100  – (also called “The Boring As Shit” method):
    • Save $100 by preparing your own meals and not eating out.
    • Cut out a gym membership.
    • Other boring methods to save $100.
    -or-2.) Doing more of what you already do to make an extra $100  – (Fair enough):
    • If you have a job = work 3 extra hours.
    • If you’re a bartender = Work one extra shift.
    • If you’re a freelancer = Find one extra gig or raise rates.
    • If you have extra electronics = Throw a yard sale or sell them on eBay.
    -or-3.) Making an extra $100 by HUSTLING up some money – (Ok now we’re using some imagination)!
    • Becoming an Uber or Lyft driver over the weekend.
    • Go to TaskRabbit and grab some gigs.
    • Mowing lawns, installing peep holes in doors, detailing cars, plowing snow etc…
    • Go up to a business and say “I need $50, I can do anything you need.”
    • Buy water from supermarket, keep it cool, sell it at the beach.
    • Post on Craigslist to design a webpage or do SEO for cheap.
    • Take pictures with a nice camera in tourists destinations, charge $5 and email the pictures.
    • Sell your body to desperate old ladies (I’m assuming this one was a joke).
    • See yesterday’s comments for a crap-ton of other ideas.
    Basically put relatively little effort into making this extra $100 because it’s easy.  So let’s make this comment thread even MORE interesting:Let’s say I kidnapped your dog, and won’t give him back unless you come up with an extra $1,000….

    How would you make an extra $1,000 in 30 days??


    Neville Medhora

    P.S.Interested in seeing how others would make different sums of money each month? Checkout everyone's answers for:

    P.P.S.  The more people that comment on this, the more interesting it makes.  So I’d really appreciate you adding your ideas on how you would make an extra $1,000 in a month!

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    Guest Tyler Carlson


    Hey Nev,

    Funny you ask this question because I have been living this. Any possible way to make some money. I found that printing out flyers with basic message "looking to save some extra money to move my business to California" and I specialize in "yard work, pressure washing, & computer/phone help". Been helping my neighbors with their computers and iphones turns out every mom over the age of 45 has no f****** idea how to use technology. Tried to sell water bottles and it was during the day, so the foot traffic was low. But I convinced a local hotel to give me free ice, and they said they are interested in getting their logo on water bottles. SCORE! So I am talking with local bottling company to get some bottles made and make some money off top of that!

    Love these posts. I said it once and I will say it again, BEST BLOG EVA!

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    The "boring as shit" method is actually the "powerful as all hell" method. Saving money eventually leads to never having to work for money ever again!

    Id"retired" at age 27 with $65k in student debt, and after only working a $40k/yr job for 13 months, and a $63k/yr job for 10 months.

    By the end, I was saving 87% of my take-home pay.

    As a result, I now have passive income that covers my living expenses and student loans, so I don't need to work for money ever again.

    I've used my freedom to travel internationally (on airline miles of course) to Rajisthan and Zambia, and road trip around the western USA National Parks with my girlfriend.

    I've been not working for about 9 months, and my net worth has steadily increased this whole time.

    So yes, saving is "boring as shit", but, unlike hustling, the benefits are permanent, and compounding. I don't have to do any hustling this month, and my balances will grow, even as my work-free life is paid in full.

    All while increasing self-reliance and happiness through Stoic principles.

    The 2 blogs that gave me the knowledge and sparking me on the boring journey to financial freedom were www.earlyretirementextreme.com and www.mrmoneymustache.com.

    Now, I would say that " boring"ness is actually frugality's chief strength. Saving WILL WORK for 100% of people who try, whereas, pro-blogging, SEO, or other hustles that aim to create extra monthly revenue DO NOT work for 100% of those who try, and, once they stop hustling, the extra money quickly stops flowing in.

    How did I save $3,000 extra per month? Really, it boils down to 3 biggest expenses: housing, transportation, and food.

    So get a roommate (can be a significant other or family), move into a room/apartment close to school/work ride a bike/take the bus, and learn to cook your own meals.


    These 3 changes saved me at least $1k/Mo, for people spending a lot on rent (like Nev's downtown San Antonio digs), it will save even more!

    More importantly, these 3 simple changes + investing the savings will make everyone who does them more physically fit, less whiny and excuse-makey, happier, and able to retire within 5 years!

    Work becomes so much better when it isn't done for money, and yes, most people dont realize it, but money becomes "boring as shit" when you have ENOUGH.

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    So many options - must we pick just one?

    1. Build a quickie training or eCourse, write an awesome sales page for it and promote the heck out of it on Social Media and Reddit etc. Even if you sold four courses @297 each you could make $1000 in a month.

    2. Become an affiliate for an online product and do a behind the scenes video or webinar or training series and promote the heck out of it. I live in India, but I would do something similar if I could sign up as a promoter for Stella & Dot, or Miche Bags or any of these really awesome companies. You could make more than $1000 if you could get other people to sign up under you.

    3. Create a site which lists the top ten gifts for every one for the upcoming holidays. i.e. Top ten for Grandma, Top Ten Gifts for your Dog. Make sure you are an affiliate for all the products you are busy promoting.

    4. Create a surprise box - I have so MUCH stuff lying around my house much of which is in mint condition. I could create lucky draw boxes and sell them for about $50 a piece. Get rid of clutter AND make $1000 all in one go.

    5. I don't have physical products to ship out but I do have a ton of online courses and products that I create (I am a content producer and developer), I could start a virtual learning box which ships out every month with a new course :) How about $30 a 'box' and I only need to sell about 40 boxes. Nev - I am bad at math.


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    Guest Mike Salzman


    I'd ask all of my friends and followers on how they would make $100 extra and compile all of their comments and responses in to an ebook, then I would tell everyone who responded that I mentioned them in a new book and encourage them to buy a copy. Then I'd repeat the whole process but this time the challenge would be for $1000 in 30 days and make another book and sell it.
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    Guest PrivateIdaheaux


    $1K this month? I'd ask a few friends to become angel investors in a great idea. They feel 'big' by buying in early, and the extra $1K helps gets things off the ground.
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    I would find a local business with a crappy website, redesign it in Squarespace since I don't know HTML or CSS, and then pitch it to the business owner for $100 or $1000 depending on what I think they could afford.
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    Guest Robert Maisano


    I'd really ramp up acquiring more customers for my subscription box. I'd expand the product line, offering more than just natural oral care products.

    Then I'd also try to get the Laro Box into boutique hotels, I'd start with ones that have similar clientele. Since the products do not spoil I could sell bulk orders. :)

    For those interested: www.larobox.com

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    Guest Sheiler


    I really love this ... "if you feel like you’re a 3, there will always be 1’s and 2’s that want to be where you’re at."
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    I couldn't agree more, Jacqueline!:)

    Didn't see you're reply on here... What would you do to get an extra $1,000/month. Coaching? Big Dreamer sales?

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    Guest Peter Washington


    I would collect my best blog posts and create an ebook out of them, which I would then sell through Fiverr and my website. Fiverr would likely generate about $250, while I would market the version on my website as a deluxe edition with never-before-seen content and charge $27 a copy. I have over 1,000 readers so if at least half of them purchased, that would put me well over the $1,000 mark.

    P.S. My articles are about writing and designing for the Web.

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    Using my 12+ years as a teacher, I'd make an online forum where I post revision material for the students in my region. Half the content would be accessible to anyone who wants to view it, but the rest only to subscribed members - that's how I'd charge each student/teacher $2 per month; so 50 of them would make me my $1 000. I'd have live Friday Q&A sessions only for subscribed members, to encourage them to subscribe monthly.
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    Guest John O'Leary


    I got Noah's course on how to make 1,000 per month. My idea was a jazz piano course called Modern Jazz Piano Improvisation Course. I sold 2 already, working on the third one!
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    Whad'ya know! Actually went bust this month. Looking for a way to make an extra $something before the bills are due.

    Guess I'll go through suggestions in your previous post, pick the ten most promising ones and hope for the best.

    If this fails, I'll take all 200 of them, put each on a separate page and publish it as "200 Ideas For $100 A Month". Are blog comments subject to copyright?

    Finally, if this fails as well I'll just go and take great pictures of people jumping with a bungee nearby. They have at least 50 people jumping daily – should be enough to get 6 of them to pay me a fiver.

    And if all else fails I'll just have to get back to e-commerce consulting. Ew, boring :D

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    $1000 in 30 days?

    That's $33.33333333 a day.

    1) Hm, what can I do to get someone to give me $33.333333 a day?

    2) Message all my friends and offer a basic car detail for $35.

    3) Do 2 day fitness camp and give them a diet plan to follow for 2 weeks.

    4) Offer youth goalkeeper training to coaches/clubs.

    5) Look around at garage sales and find some valuable thangs to resell (some people have no idea what they're selling).

    6) Hit up my friends and tell them to give me $30 and I'll make them a more product-goal reaching human being

    7) Write an autorepsonder. 1 for $1000, or 2 for $500, or 3 for $333.3333, etc...

    8) Team up with a local after market company to give me a discount/part, do a car meet up, raffle off tickets to win the prize

    9) Do an SEO audit on websites for $250, 0r $500, etc...

    10) Luxury shave + massage (I'm a huge straight edge razor enthusiast) charge $20 per person.

    11) Look on craigslist for 'crew' gigs (primarily moving stuff). Take my bros with me to make that guap $$$$$$$

    12) Look for stuff I don't need and seellllllll

    13) Write a white paper and sell it to my very small email list

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    Guest John O'Leary


    Here's another one. Become a curator for quarterly.co. They pay 10% so you need to get 300 subscribers of $100 each.
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    Guest Spencer


    I would share my hobby of woodworking and love for fatherhood and create a monthly subscription craft/hobby box designed for parents to MAKE time to spend with their children building each months craft. Extra effort and design would be poured into ensuring each months craft was custom, unique and made to last. Goodbye stock paper and wire cleaners!
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    Guest Sheiler


    As I mentioned last time (cue cheezy organ music), I often think about former clients I have either written copy for, or performed WordPress magic for. I keep in semi-regular touch with most of them, sending them occasional links to goofy stories that reminded me of the time they'd mentioned X. And then I'll send them an email with an offer for me to do something amazing for a deal. This works some of the time.

    The second idea started as a lark but is paying off.

    Last month, I purchased an ebook by a top dog in wordpress related something-something, and since his first language is not English, I made notes of sentences that weren't super clear. I then contacted his company and heaped lots of praise on him (because he's super helpful for free), tip-toeing around the fact that there were some parts in his book that could be stronger and clearer and, given that english was not his first language, it's amazing anyway, but would he and his team like to see my notes? I was really careful about offering criticism because a) who am I and b) this dude didn't need me to already be making a killing off of his products.

    But someone from his office emailed and said YES, so I sent back my notes in chunks so as to not overwhelm. They responded immediately to chunks 1 & 2, saying "We looked over your notes and appreciate them - please send us ALL your notes." So I sent out chunks 3 & 4 and got another Thanks. I was kind of hoping that they would offer me a premium thingamabob, but didn't bring it up because I didn't know how to do it without sounding scammy.

    But, I realized that what I had done for him and his team = work. So I added his name to the list of my clients and just last week I landed a gig based on my 'work'. This gig has led directly to another gig I just finished up, and is in the process of 3 other gigs. All based on my work for the ebook that I purchased, read, and commented on ...and then my actually applying the knowledge to other peoples' websites. I should be at or well past the $1K this month just from this.

    I think doing this exercise for the Dude actually gave me enough Nerve to a) add the skill to my list of services -- I had been reading him for years and didn't do this until giving him my feedback and b) price my rates higher as a result of the Dude, rather than the same old low elance rates.

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    Guest Curt Arnold


    I'd sell some ninja internet marketing skills that will drive customers to small businesses in less than 10 days (immediate results).

    I'd build a quick power point (60 min or less) that gave away 95% of what to do (but not specific how to do) info.

    I'd run some facebook ads on my super specific potential customer avatar in conjunction with a FB contest. People go to FB to have fun (not buy stuff) and contests are f'n fun!

    I'd hold at least 3 webinars a day for a week pre-selling a ninja marketing program. Example: How to sell $2,000 in product/services in less than 10 days or your money back. Added bonus double your email list and set-up the Tornado Alley F5 email marketing funnel (I just made that name up).

    I'd charge $287 for a complete hand holding 4 part webinar series along with email support, FB group, etc. I'd only need 4 customers to go over the $1,000 goal.

    BTW I am working on this right now. I have no idea if it will work, but I'll never know unless I try.

    Be awesome!


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    Thanks Jacqueline! My main problem is not focusing on ONE thing ;)
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    Guest Tony Tovar


    Hey Neville,

    This may sound crazy but could I offer all your courses in a bundle deal? Or...

    I'd probably take the minimally viable product, a recording session about how to buy Flippa sites, and offer it up to someone like yourself and ask for only $1 from every sale on my page. I'd then get a few weekend webinars and sell then to customers as additional addons for $25 or something.

    Okay, that's what I would try to do.

    But worse case scenario, I'd probably go to Target or Walmart and ask everyone if I could take there groceries to their car for a donation. :)

    If the security were to kick me off the property, I'd probably offer SEO coaching conversations.

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    Guest Neville


    Great answer(s) Matt! Looks like you have a lot of options to knock out the extra $1,000.

    I especially like the "learning a new skill" method because you might actually hit upon something that's greater than your current business.

    Also at this $1,000 level I agree, creating some sort of product you can sell over-and-over starts making sense.

    Thanks Matt! NevBox worthy answer!

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