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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday March 10th, 2023)

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    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, March 10th, 2023


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    The McDonald's swag game in 1984 was hard 😂

    McDonald’s-1984-Big Mac-hat.JPG

    If they still had this promotion I'd totally buy a Big Mac just to get it 😂

    Most of these hats are going for $100+ on eBay!




    This cool illustration shows how much you learn from theory, from practice, and from mistakes:



    This is an AWESOME way to display lots of data in a small image:


    ...at the same time it's disheartening to see the decline of a great show visualized like this.

    There's many cool YouTube videos talking about how The Simpsons fell into an un-watchable show (which you can see reflected in its modern IMDB ratings):

    - All of original writers left.
    - Instead of mocking pop culture they became it, and had tons of weird celebrity cameos they "forced in."
    - Storylines and jokes used to be layered and complex, then they became lazy and unfunny. 


    Who else is like this? 😂


    Also it's SXSW time in Austin and there's so many meetup/event thingies going on. Went to one yesterday thrown by my friends Nick and Cody:


    The party was bigger than normal, so it was split up into different rooms in a big house:


    Saw some of my friends there:


    We had a similar meetup a few weeks ago at my house:


    Fun Fact: Here's what ~30 people drank over a 2.5 hour period on a Wednesday at my party a few weeks ago: 

    • 32 cans of seltzer water
    • 8 normal water bottles
    • 8 Topo Chico's
    • 2 alcoholic seltzers
    • 1 beer 

    Very little alcohol consumed!


    Sometimes using a "pattern interrupt" is great way to grab attention. A "pattern interrupt" can be something something that's a little different than normal, and gets attention in an otherwise mundane task. 

    For example: This was a fun unsubscribe email from Drizly with a funny pattern interrupt! You get this funny copy and dog that tries to make you 2nd guess your decision of unsubscribing.

    The "OMG look at his little glasses" part got me 😂


    When un-subscribing to an email there's normally a boring thing like this:


    But that fun copy and glasses-dog potentially make you re-consider 🙂

    Another example is this extremely goofy gif on the homepage of Copywriting Course:


    I've always wanted to make that area more professional, but the reason I keep it like that: That silly gif gets a 10% to 12% conversion rate.

    That means out of 100 people that land at that page, 10 or 12 enter their name and email (which is pretty good). 

    I've never been able to out-perform that number with other tests so far!




    My "Splurge" recommendation today costs a grand total of $13. 

    It's an AMAZING book called Project Hail Mary, and it's been my most recommended book in the last few years (and the one I've let the most amount of people borrow)!


    You may recognize the author Andy Weir, he wrote "The Martian."

    This is his third book and in my opinion the best (even better than The Martian which is an already amazing book).

    Book 1.) The Martian: Great book! 
    Book 2.) ArtemisMeh. 
    Book 3.) Project Hail MaryAmazzzzing book!

    I like this book because it's "hard science fiction" which means the story is not real, but the physics in the book are real. 


    I don't even want to tell you about the book, because it has some great reveals and stuff you'd never expect, so I don't want to rob you of that. 

    My favorite thing to do is recommend this book, people start reading, then every few days they call and are like, "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE ______!!!!!"

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits! 
    Neville Medhora



    Recommended Comments

    Little thing, but I really appreciated your little tidbit about what people drank at your party. I'm about 20 months sober and it can make it awkward to socialize. I love seeing groups having a good time together without having to hit the sauce! 

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    Hey Kate congrats! It's funny I actually try NOT to drink when mingling because it slows me down. I don't have a hard time in larger groups so I don't need alchy to calm me down, but I know many others feel the opposite. 

    It's fun when people don't drink as much bc you can keep talking and people aren't getting sloppy and annoying 😬

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