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    Homepage A/B/C/D Split Test (14% to 23% improvement)!

    Last week I posted this homepage a/b/c/d split test, which do you think would win??

    Most people guessed A or D.... 



    Here's the results →

    It was C!

    And it boosted my homepage conversion rate from about 14% to 23%. 

    This means if 100 people come to the homepage, instead of 14 of them signing up to my email list, 23 of them signup. A ~60% increase.


    Here's what the whole page looks like:

    This was designed in Figma by @benpixel and it looked awesome.


    Here's the final numbers....and to be fair "D" came in reallllyyy close....almost the same.

    A) 14.51% conversion
    B) 20.52% conversion
    C) 23.69% conversion
    D) 23.20% conversion


    This simple split test resulted in a 60% improvement for relatively little effort. 

    It comes back to the old principle that if you give people less options on a page, they'll take the one you give them. 

    Less options and text meant more people just plunked in their email.


    The S.W.I.P.E.S Email (Friday February 16th, 2024)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, February 16th, 2024
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This is an interesting little chart: 
    YouTube is the widest used social platform.




    What has been the most profitable technical tool you’ve learned how to use?

    Here's my personal tool stack I use plus the proficiency level:
    - Figma (10%)
    - Photoshop (40%)
    - Descript (40%)
    - Wordpress (75%)
    - Canva (80%)
    - ChatGPT (80%)
    - Google Docs, Presentations, Sheets (80%)
    - ConvertKit (90%)
    - Camtasia (90%)

    Some others have told me some really helpful skills they've learned are:
    - WebFlow
    - ClickUp
    - Make
    - Superhuman
    - AirTable
    - Framer


    This is an ultra-simplified explanation of how AI image generation works.

    They train a neural network to know what things are:

    You give it a prompt like "Corgi Sitting In A Field."

    It starts off with random noise like this:


    Then the neural network tries to figure out which tiny pixels it thinks kind of look like a Corgi and which pixels look like a field, so something resembling that starts to emerge:


    The neural net then keeps repeating this until an image is formed:


    So from rubbish-to-finished picture is might look something like this:


    This is of course a very simplified version, but isn't it interesting how much processing is being done behind the scenes to create AI images!

    Image Credits: Ethan Mollick and AltexSoft


    Apparently when Steve Urkel first came on TV he was 12 years old....I looked kinda similar at 12....at least the glasses were the same 😂


    Neville on the Left, Urkel on the Right 


    Look at this “Split Testing” Noah Kagan did to find the right book cover: He took a picture from a book store shelf, then rendered different colors of the book to see which stood out the most. The yellow book blended in, but the green stood out!


    He also ran Facebook Ads to test which book covers/colors people would click on the most:


    The end result looking like this!


    You can also watch Noah talk about how he reverse-engineered reaching NYTimes Bestseller with his book launch here:




    Speaking of books....

    In our Copywriting Course Office Hours member Rob Roseman said he wanted to a release a book to his Instagram followers:


    Just 4 weeks after thinking of the idea I'm holding Rob's physical book in my hand! That's impressively fast execution!


    I've procrastinated writing books by months and years, so to see someone do this in ONE MONTH was impressive.

    He did it like this:

    WEEK 1: He got the concept for the book, then split tested titles and covers on Instagram.


    He also did some sample book store split testing for fun:



    WEEK 2: In Office Hours sessions we came up with content formats for inside the book, he split test those as well on his Instagram account:



    WEEK 3: Once he got the content types down, he created all the content and published. He heavily leveraged his divorce Instagram account for content which helped show what content was socially proven.

    **Side Note: His Instagram just started to pop a few months ago, so he didn't have an already giant community until very very very recently.




    WEEK 4: I'm holding the book in my hand 🤯



    Now that's some HUSTLE seen right inside our copywriting community!

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday February 9th, 2024)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, February 9th, 2024
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This is the average cruising speed of commercial aircraft, and you can see it leveled out at ~500mph and has stayed there for 45 years.


    I love images like this that teach you "a little sumthin" in a quick visual!


    I heard a quote "The New Year actually starts in February" 😂

    I personally didn't do much in January this year, so here's to finishing my February Goals!


    Hope you've got your goals set for this month and this year!


    My buddy @RamonVanMeer sold his last company then started several companies in the pet space, and went on SHARK TANK trying to sell "Genius Litter" dressed as Albert Einstein 😂

    genius litter.jpg

    I can't wait to hear his experience of how they film the show!


    He got Lori, Mark, and Robert to invest in his company together at $250,000 for 10%:


    You can see the negotiation here:

    What's really interesting is how he practiced his pitch at home with picture cutouts of the Sharks 😂:



    Here's an A/B/C/D Split Test I'm currently running on the Copywriting Course Homepage (where most of our email signups come from).

    Which variation do you have a hunch will win??

    I'll report back results next week on the winners!




    I'm just gonna do it: I'm not gonna drink caffeine for the next two weeks.

    I’ve tried tapering off and keep failing, so it's time to rip the Band-Aid and go cold turkey.

    I'm posting here for accountability.....otherwise I'll slide back into the sweet sweet sensation of caffeine 😬


    My last caffeine was 10am yesterday (Thursday), I assume withdrawals will kick in within 24 hours from then.

    "What's the big deal?? This doesn't sound hard!!" That's what I thought, and every time I try to give up caffeine for a bit I cave after 2 days.

    I drink between 250mg and 400mg of caffeine per day in either the form of black coffee or sugar free energy drinks.

    I love caffeine, but it's now become a MUST HAVE in the morning and not an optional thing. I just hate that I'm dependent on it and want a reset.

    I purposely picked a weekend to suffer through the caffeine withdrawals so I don't have much work to do.

    February 22nd (two weeks) I'm allowed to have caffeine again


    I just did an interview with my bestest buddy Noah Kagan about reverse engineering business and his book Million Dollar Weekend.



    • 0:00:27 Watch Noah go through the different split tests they tried to pick out the book cover.
    • 0:02:10 The way to design a book cover is look at it like a tiny little thumbnail, as if someone is browsing on Amazon on their phone.
    • 0:05:05 People don’t usually randomly get “lucky” with success, there’s often a ton more methodology behind those people. Tim Ferriss and James Clear examples.
    • 0:07:07 Most people are shy about marketing.
    • 0:08:18 If you build something people want, it’s easier to market it and tell people about it because you’re proud.
    • 0:08:34 Noah lists products he’s tried that DIDN’T work, easy to forget when you have success that tons of stuff didn’t work.
    • 0:10:19 Make sure people want the thing you’re about to sell. Start Today. Ask People. Stick With It.
    • 0:10:40 Cliches are true.
    • 0:11:35 Example: Guy built a podcast guest research tool for $20/mo. Meh. BUT if you send people more podcast listeners that’s more valuable. When you don’t have to convince someone to buy it, that’s when you know it’s valuable.
    • 0:12:22 I validated a newsletter writing service (or dis-validated). Get closer to the money. Help people save more money or make more money.
    • 0:14:00 The right answers are often simple and boring. The complex answers are more exciting. Keep things very simple. Complexity is not better.
    • 0:15:58 I’m calling it TwitterX from now on.
    • 0:16:11 Companies will do things end customers don’t care about, like new logos. Instead just gimme a cheaper price!
    • 0:16:37 Why did you wanna write a book? I wanted to embrace something that will take a long time. Have done self published books before, but wanted to do full publisher route. Started writing proposal on March 2020 and book came out February 2024.
    • 0:20:30 Noah’s book goals: 1,000 reviews. 25,000 sales in first 7 days.
    • 0:21:42 We got a publisher to agree to publish a book, and they didn’t care what it was about so long as you can sell 10,000 books.
    • 0:22:50 Almanack of Naval Ravikant self published, crossed a million in sales, but won’t appear as a NYTimes best seller.
    • 0:24:35 A book proposal needs stuff like how big is your audience, first full chapter, table of contents and market differentiation.
    • 0:25:00 Self Publishing vs traditional publishing. Traditional feels like you have to swing for the fences and take it more seriously. Self publishing is probably the future, but for now traditional still feels different.
    • 0:25:53 Noah asks Neville what he saw from his vantage point when creating this book.
    • 0:28:19 “Yesterday we did $284,000 in sales, but that originally started from a PayPal button and Gmail.”
    • 0:30:07 Find things that don’t feel like effort to you. Craft your life to include more of those things.
    • 0:32:56 Seinfeld said he loves the boring “long Shawshank slog through the sewer” which is why he lasted in comedy.
    • 0:35:44 Copywriting Course email marketers and freelancers making more money.
    • 0:38:29 We watched two of Noah’s videos, the supposedly “cheesier” one about asking yacht owners what they do was far more educational.t
    • 0:44:23 The Ten Year Rule: Can I do this for 10 years? Will it be easy or hard for me?
    • 0:46:05 Do you write much? For the book launch 30 days of content for social media, plus 5 emails for launch week, plus a weekly email. I really enjoyed doing the actual writing and marketing. Creating an email that’s so f’ing good that even if you don’t buy you enjoy it.
    • 0:47:05 There’s an absence of really good long-form blog articles. Seems like newsletters have taken over.
    • 0:47:43 I started writing on NevBlog again. No comments. No distribution. But it’s a cool place I can write in semi-peace.
    • 0:49:25 “The Artist’s Way” book. When you just sit and write stuff you can come up with more ideas than you expect.
    • 0:51:42 Where do you come up with ideas? Mostly just shared Google Docs
    • 0:53:43 How do you develop taste? You taste a lot of dishes!
    • 0:57:53 Do more of what works over a very long period of time.
    • 0:59:25 Noah’s guiding star to keep focus. “I hate losing. I like competition. I need an enemy.”
    • 1:01:55 Noah likes having a team because then outputting a lot of stuff is sustainable.
    • 1:02:28 Noah actually works very hard. Knowing him for years I see that when he works, HE WORKS, and he’s locked in for long periods of time.
    • 1:03:10 There are certain days I don’t do anything…but systems in place keep things going.
    • 1:03:58 “Anger is a gift.” Use frustration to work harder. Don’t mask it.
    • 1:10:15 Internet allows you to live way different lives than a few years ago that weren’t possible. You can live in a small town in Ireland and be the creative director of Red Bull.

    The marketing and behind the scenes he goes into is a masterclass in book marketing alone!

    Watch the interview here -->

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday February 2nd, 2024)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, February 2nd, 2024
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    I never realized what a monopoly on mountains the West had till I saw this color coded topographical map!


    I’m more used to seeing maps like this which don’t convey much information besides state borders:



    Checkout this image of a San Bernadino locomotive factory from 1928:


    Thoughts that come to mind when I see this image:
    • Capitalism
    • Hard Work
    • Commerce
    • Engineering
    • Job Creation
    • Elbow Grease

    This is what built America.

    I’m very thankful people in this harsh work environment paved the way for me to sit in air conditioning on a laptop while I'm sick with flu and working from bed:



    Woot! I hit 100,000 subs on YouTube!

    Do they still send out those silver plaque thingies?? Hope I can get one still!

    Here's the lifetime channel stats, with most of the action happening only recently:



    This is the best office ever: Laying in bed on a rainy day finishing up a book 😁


    P.S. Yes I realize there are TWO pictures of me working from bed this past week 😂

    I was down with flu so there was a lot of bed hanging out time!


    Wow…since 2019 there are roughly 60,000 more design agencies listed on Clutch.
    This is likely caused by: 
    • More solopreneurs entering the game. 
    • Remote work makes this more possible. 
    • Starting an agency is very low effort thanks to the internet + organizational tools like Slack, Notion, Google Docs, AirTable etc.


    Original thread on Reddit

    It's been really cool to watch the barrier to entry to starting a business (like an agency) drop so low. 

    It used to take lots of money, time, and employees to start something like this 20 years ago....now with a laptop and a few hours you can get it done. 

    Paul tells this cool story about how his daughter started in online shop in 26 minutes:




    Compared to blog posts and social media, there's something about a BOOK that feels immortal.

    Today marks the day my friend Noah Kagan's writings and teachings are cemented in history with his book Million Dollar Weekend 🙂


    There was a book launch party, and here's @noahkagan hitting a piñata during the party....can you guess what's inside it?!?!

    I hope you have an awesome February!!


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 26th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, January 26th, 2024
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This is kind of fun, look at this “Visual Style Guide” used by the animation team for the King of the Hill TV show:


    It's neat to see all the very-intricate details for every tiny movement and gesture!

    Here’s a few more slides of the style guide:


    This cool illustration shows how much you learn from theory, from practice, and from mistakes:



    Best office ever: Laying in bed on a rainy day finishing up a book 😁


    I really love laying in bed reading (when I have a good book I'm into). One of the best feelings!


    I spent last weekend in Palm Springs and it was awesome 😎


    We stayed at one of those big crazy AirBnB's for a friends bday and it was very cool.



    One interesting tid-bit about Palm Springs was the airport is 90% outdoors, felt more like a farmers market or festival than airport!

    The view from the airport entrance alone was amazing!



    Toughen up.


    There’s a lot of talk about mental health, and that’s great. But like any movement, some people take it too far.

    It’s starting to get common for people to take “mental health days” anytime they’re sad, don’t feel like doing something, or something is even remotely hard.

    Well toughen up.

    Being sad sometimes is normal.
    Being tired sometimes is normal.
    Being anxious sometimes is normal.

    These are not always mental disorders. There are normal, everyday, human feelings.

    If you just tell yourself whilst feeling sad, “This is a pretty normal human emotion. Many people have experienced it. It’s usually temporary. It can almost always be solved by hanging out with loved ones, getting some exercise, taking a walk outside, or making a concrete plan on how to get out of your funk.”

    You will then be able to bear this emotion like a big boy or girl.

    A story in my mind that sticks out:

    Someone once asked Arnold Schwarzenegger whilst he was going through a nasty divorce, and a cheating scandal, and other political stuff how he was holding up. And he replied, “Well it’s better than being in the coal mines in Austria.”



    I always dread finishing a good book, because then I go into a LACK of having a gripping book to read!

    I just finished a hard-science book called House of Suns (my brother recommended it):


    I asked people some other book recommendations and they came up with:
    @henhaohank Pushing Ice
    @theryanhelms Spin, Three Body Problem
    @MouyyadA The Expanse 
    @JohnJBlatchford The Windup Girl
    @Ldnbox Under the Dome
    @loganletsgo Anything from Ted Chiang

    Do you have any other book recs for me, (hard-science fiction or just great books)??

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    Jason Cohen - Founder of TWO unicorn companies (WPengine + Smart Bear)

    Jason is the founder of two unicorn companies: WPengine and ASmartBear.


    • 0:00:00 Intro: Jason started two unicorn companies.
    • 0:00:11 What is Smart Bear?
    • 0:00:53 What is WPengine? Largest managed Wordpress host in the world. 
    • 43% of the web builds on Wordpress
    • 0:01:42 How did you know you could charge 10x or 20x more than the competitors. 
    • He had the problem so he fixed it for himself, but most of the time that’s not really a business. 
    • To make a company out of a problem you have, it must be cost effective enough. 
    • 0:03:35 He did 50 customer interviews and 5 months later, he found out people would pay 10x more for a Wordpress host if it was fast, scaleable, secure, and have engineer-level tech support. 
    • 0:05:15 I’ve personally used Wordpress for 15+ years, and every few years I’d get hacked until I moved to WPengine then it stopped.
    • 0:06:11 When a company is small if you call their “support line” you’ll likely get an engineer or the founder themselves….it’s a huge advantage for small companies over bigger companies with bigger support teams.
    • 0:07:47 “Inciting Moments” or “Inciting Events” = When someone gets hacked all of a sudden they really want a more secure website….but maybe it takes them several times of getting hacked before moving.
    • 0:09:35 They found their biggest allies in getting people to signup was SEO people. Their recommendations caused people to take action. Those were the keywords and niches they first went after. 
    • 0:10:23 It’s like selling burglar alarms, you don’t need one 
    • 0:10:35 WPengine had an office next to me, and had a TV on the wall with their MRR which was $2,000/mo (Now it’s…well, WAY higher) 😂
    • 0:11:19 “It’s fun to put your most important number on the wall and say we’re going after that.”
    • 0:13:35 I like optimization. “Here I am in a great market doing something I love.” That’s a good place to start as an entrepreneur. What are my assets, talents, experience sets, and what in combination is unique, what do I love doing so much you wouldn’t have to pay me? Now figure what in there an actually be a business (not all of it). 
    • 0:16:04 It was easy to go after the Wordpress market because even at the time it was 11% of the internet which is just soooo big and still growing. Large and growing markets are great because there’s always niches to service within that.
    • 0:18:43 How do you come up with business ideas? Do you write a bunch down? “I don’t build too many 1st products, but we build a lot 2nd and 3rd additional products to our main product.”
    • 0:23:04 Talking to customers is the only way to figure out the right product. “If you can’t get them on the phone now, how will you get them on the phone ever?” You can be creative and use platforms like LinkedIn to reach out. “I’m building a startup that’s supposed to be for people like you. I know your time is valuable, so I’m happy to pay even more than your normal hourly rate to get your feedback. 40 out of 50 people agreed, and only one person charged him. 
    • 0:24:52 It’s hard to go look for a problem, you generally stumble upon it. So the answer is exposing yourself to stuff. Then try to validate. Doing something like McKinsey Consulting will exposure you to all sorts of businesses and industries.
    • 0:27:11 Talking about Wordpress. 
    • 0:31:30 Forums → FB Groups → Private Communities 
    • 0:03:30 What platforms do you use? Twitter, LinkedIn, Threads…standard stuff. I post the same thing everywhere. I don’t primarily do social media but I write longform that’s unique to me. That’s where I want to spend most of my time. I have hundreds of drafts. 
    • 0:35:33 How did you get your first WPengine clients. “I had 18,000 RSS feed subscribers, I launched it, and only 2 people signed up.” You have to muscle your first customers in. 
    • 0:37:20 Why did you first start writing online? “Started the blog for Smart Bear and wanted to be the voice of the company like the 37 Signals blog, but no one wrote on it but me.” It became the largest driver of traffic to the corporate site.
    • 0:38:39 Personal Brands vs Corporate Brand? Write under your own name or company name? There’s a macro-trend of younger people not having personal secrets as much. If the goal is to sell the company you have to have a corporate blog.
    • 0:43:44 Using AI? Using mainly for coding and it’s so good it’s frightening. 
    • 0:44:14 Writing for me is personal expression, trying to hone my craft, and my own ideas which are new. Using AI to write that is completely counter to that. I sometimes use it as a super-thesaurus or to generate social content angles from a longer article.
    • 0:46:46 Are you afraid of where AI is going? “I’m afraid of it’s impact on everyone. I think longrun its net impact will likely be good, but it might happen to quickly.” The speed at which it happens is the issue, not that things change. In the 80’s people thought robots would take their jobs, but what happened was the jobs moved to other countries. This time instead of blue collar it’s the writers and accountants and such. It’s frightening how fast and uncertain things are and nobody has a comprehensive answer.
    • 0:49:37 Are things moving faster and changing…or are we just old?
    • 0:54:45 What skills are you teaching your children to future proof them for AI? “Kids are better than this stuff already. THEY are going to be deciding what skills will be important, not us.”
    • 0:55:35 The most popular Wordpress trend? Block based themes. You’ll be able to drag and drop everything.
    • 0:56:49 How would you go about starting a new business? Take what I currently know about and see where I could solve a problem and need.
    • 0:57:37 Are there any marketing hacks you tried that worked or flopped? Going to events did a lot better than we thought…you don’t even need a booth. You can walk around with a logo backpack and talk to 100 people.
    • 0:59:48 A book that’s changed your life? Good Strategy Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt
    • 1:13:33 Being around people with extreme levels of wealth, where do people get the most fulfillment? Internal fulfillment, some have external purposes like religion or other causes. Teaching gives you some ego plus feels like you’re paying it back. 
    • 1:16:47 Generally many very rich are not happy, not fulfilled, and don’t have a good family life. Leaving a company often leaves you directionless. “Life After Exit.” 
    • 1:18:35 The Seinfeld story after the end of the show, Seinfeld was a hardcore road comic, and that saved him.

    People are willing to pay more when it's something that matters to them and they know it will work.


    It's not enough for your strategy to be good, you have to know how to execute it well.


    As an entrepreneur, how can you be sure that what you're doing is really what you want?


    Begin by targeting a small niche and gradually work your way towards expansion


    The most popular trend on WordPress at the moment.


    This is why children should be involved with the internet.


    This strategy can bring you good results.


    You need to learn how to use AI now.


    We don't know who will be replaced due to AI


    Listen to the Podcast

    I hope you enjoyed this interview!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 19th, 2024)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, January 19th, 2024
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    IKEA: "We want you to design a simple ad."

    Copywriter: "Hold my beer..." 😏


    This Ikea billboard was seen on Oxford Street in London....I love it because it's soooo simple, yet everyone knows what it's for because of IKEA's iconic big blue bags.

    Hilarious side note, a few years ago New York made a policy where you couldn't bring dogs on the subway unless they could fit in a bag.....and people used big IKEA bags to skirt this rule 😂



    On January 15th I completed 2 months of eating no added sugar (and had a bet with my friend Sam Parr for $1,000 to keep us honest)! 


    On that day we pigged out on sugar, then committed to another few months of no added sugar.

    I ate a huge slice of cake, ate 5 cookies, around 3 cups of ice cream, and at least 15 pieces of chocolate....and I felt very sick after it all 😂

    TO BE HONEST.....this was not that hard.

    All through Thanksgiving and Christmas I didn't have a single bite of cookie, cake, pie, or dessert.

    I didn't even try the cookies and cake I decorated (I'm especially proud of my Grover cookie) 😂


    Once I stopped eating added sugar for 2-3 days the cravings went away. The HABIT is hard to kick (not eating dessert when everyone else is).

    This may become more of a permanent change for me in the next year.

    Sugar is my uncontrollable vice. It's hard for me to "just eat a little" and stick to that. I always eat wayyyyy more than I intend, and then feel bad about it.

    I'm slowly seeing less-and-less benefit to it.

    I see more benefit in drinking alcohol (because it's fun) than consuming added sugar.


    Check it out, this guy built 20+ tools over 4 years before finding one that’s starting to work!

    Look at his list of projects:


    Lesson #1: Try lots of stuff. Pivot quick. Act fast.

    Lesson #2: The real winner here is GoDaddy for all those domains 😂



    "The post-economic nerd" is one of my favorite people...because even with wild success and no need to work, they remain curious and creative and active and often still code or go down rabbit holes of interest.

    One of my favorite ones is a guy named Jason Cohen. He started TWO unicorn companies:

    Smart Bear: Finds bugs in software -and-
    WPengine: Managed Wordpress hosting

    These are both billion dollar companies, super profitable, and still growing. His blog is one my favorites on the web: longform.asmartbear.com

    I recently did an interview with Jason I'll send out on Monday.


    We asked some people where they plan to write more in 2024, and here's what people said:


    The answers were in this order:

    1. Blog: 36
    2. LinkedIn: 31
    3. Newsletter: 29
    4. Twitter/X: 25
    5. Facebook: 23
    6. Journaling: 21
    7. Instagram: 17
    8. Medium: 17
    9. YouTube: 15
    10. Other: 13
    11. TikTok: 8
    12. None: 6
    13. Reddit: 3

    Blog, LinkedIn, Newsletter, and Twitter/X were the big winners:


    Super interesting!


    My favorite category of fiction books is “Hard Science” where the story is obviously fake but the physics are real.

    My current read I'm super into is “House of Suns.” 


    I’m halfway through the book and gripped!

    I'm open to more hard science suggestions if you have them.

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 12th, 2024)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✍
    Edition: Friday, January 12th, 2024
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Here's some great copywriting in real life:

    • Meh Headline: “Lost Cat”
    • Great Headline: “Dude Where’s My Cat?”

    Something that stands out even just a little more than usual can get way more attention!


    I heard a cool quote from Reid Hoffman in an interview (I'm paraphrasing):


    It’s not a “pivot” if you don’t lose a bunch of customers.



    The actual words he said were, "A pivot changes the product enough that there’s a risk of transition to lose customers or fail."


    What do you think of a pricing structure like this?


    This pricing structure was taken from this page.

    In one chart it has 3 different services:
    $ = Self Paced Course
    $$ = Self Paced Course + 1:1 Live Consult
    $$$ = Done For You Package

    I personally love 3-tiered pricing like this:


    I think the good part of this pricing structure is going with the lower option seems like a super bargain now. 

    The downside is it gives "more options" to consider, and therefore more brain power to expend before purchasing. 


    If you’ve got a badass name, you gotta use it 😂

    I see this guys billboard all over Austin and it makes me laugh every time, and his website is stuck in my head 😂



    Personal hobbies often end up having business value, I love this Tweet about having hobbies outside of your work:


    Personal hobbies also also:
    - Keep you sharp and learning. 
    - Help avoid burnout. 
    - Are fun!


    This incredibly detailed image instruction set gives the full instructions on how to make ~40 drinks. It’s kind of cool how much data is easy visualized in this one image:


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    Writing Online For Fun (Where will YOU write in 2024?

    Here's why I love writing...and not just for business reasons (Video):

    Over time writing online has become intertwined with “making money online” but I’d say there’s a HUGE COMPONENT of fun, curiosity and personal mental exploration to it!

    “Writing” is often less typing, and more thinking and organizing your thoughts.

    That process often looks like this:

    1.) You have a bunch of disorganized thoughts:


    2.) You edit, organize, and tighten those thoughts:


    3.) You end up with a quick & clean output!


    There's so many reasons to write for fun that are beneficial personally and business-wise: 

    • It's like mental exercise.
    • The more you do it, the easier it gets.
    • You get lots more ideas by writing things down.
    • It forces your brain to organize and think deeper about your random thoughts.
    • Sometimes an idea sounds awesome in your head, but when you write it down it feels half-baked, so you tighten it.
    • Some of your good writings can turn into social media posts, video scripts, business ideas and more.


    Where do you plan on writing more in 2024? 
    Reply to this email with your choices and let me know!
    A.) Blog
    B.) Facebook
    C.) Instagram
    D.) Journaling
    E.) LinkedIn
    F.) Medium
    G.) Newsletter
    H.) Reddit
    I.) TikTok
    J.) Twitter/X
    K.) YouTube
    L.) Other (Which platform?)
    M.) None

    I will report back with the results from everyone. 
    Neville Medhora - Writer

    P.S. Here’s the results:


    The answers were in this order:

    1. Blog: 36
    2. LinkedIn: 31
    3. Newsletter: 29
    4. Twitter/X: 25
    5. Facebook: 23
    6. Journaling: 21
    7. Instagram: 17
    8. Medium: 17
    9. YouTube: 15
    10. Other: 13
    11. TikTok: 8
    12. None: 6
    13. Reddit: 3

    Blog, LinkedIn, Newsletter, and Twitter/X were the big winners:


    Super interesting!

    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 5th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, January 5th, 2024
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    The Las Vegas Sphere: "We turned our entire building into a billboard."


    The Luxor: "Hold my beer!"


    The Luxor Hotel (the big pyramid shaped thingy)....


    ....turned one of it's sides into a massive Dorito 😂


    I don't know who thought of this but they deserve a raise! The amount of attention they'll get from this will likely far outweigh what they paid.


    Friendly reminder to everyone with a website, change your footer from: 

    © Website 2023 
    © Website 2024

    This is a common problem I see with a lot of websites and it makes them look out of date. 

    I don't think it has a HUGE impact on sales, but anything that triggers a users "Spidey Sense" to make your website look illegitimate is not helpful.

    Go check if yours is updated now! 


    Mike was selling air purifiers for $1,000. They did not sell well. 
    But when he upped the price to $2,000, he couldn’t keep them in stock!

    What changed?

    The competition was selling at a $2,000 price point, so when he matched their price, the product seemed in the same league:


    Interesting thing about pricing:
    No one gets mad if you lower your price...
    ...but everyone goes nuts if you raise your price.
    ...so you may as well start with a high price early on:



    After a year of making fun of the fandom over these giant Stanley mugs, I was gifted one for Christmas…and I gotta say it’s pretty awesome!

    • Feels indestructible.
    • It keeps stuff cold for DAYS.
    • Doesn’t condensate and get things wet when I put ice in it.

    I’m a convert!


    Here's the things that worked well for me in 2023:

    • NEWSLETTER: Great for interacting with audience (you're reading it right now)! It helps to stay top of mind and even sell things.

    • SHORT CLIPS: Great for staying top of people's social media feeds, get new audience on YouTube and Instagram. Hard to make a lot of these.

    • LONG FORM PODCASTS to meet people, cut up into clips, have interesting conversations. Meh for views.

    • COMMUNITY as a form of scaled training, work on tons of cool projects inside, make deeper connections with audience.

    • SOCIAL MEDIA, mainly X, to meet people IRL, bounce ideas, and interact with people. Great for connecting, not great for direct sales.

    • USING AI as an assistant to making content…but using it sparingly. In fact anything that's been "too much AI" has fallen flat for me.

    • UNIQUENESS in content or brand. With content getting easier to make with AI, leaning into your uniqueness will become an advantage.


    Do you have a big email list for your company but don't do a good job maintaining it? 

    What if myself and other professional writers....just did it for you?

    EasyMode.studio: Get A Done-For-You Email Newsletter


    I've been the voice behind brands such as AppSumo (2.5m emails), TheHustle (3.5m emails), and are helping other brands like Codie Sanchez nail down their writing style and newsletter. 

    In 2024 we'll be taking on a few clients to send out a newsletter every two weeks for them.

    Read more about Easy Mode Studio here →


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    365 Days of Short Videos: My Results and Learnings


    Starting at the beginning of 2023 I started posting a short video clip everyday on:

    It's a little difficult to gauge popularity of these clips because different platforms get different results.

    For example this video on TikTok got 350,000+ views, but on YouTube it got 12,000 views:

    TikTok: 350,000 YouTube 12,000
    image.png image.png












    The top 12 of these videos is below (I'll share all my findings at the end of the post below).


    #1.) People hate landlords



    #2.) What type of people should you hire to make your business successful?



    #3.) Small money move vs big money move



    #4.) You probably didn't imagine this about Walmart



    #5.) Project Hail Mary is the must-read book that everyone loves.



    #6.) This is the essential skill every podcaster should have.



    #7.) Don’t believe everything Andrew Tate says about copywriting.



    #8.) This is how raising the price of a product can help you.



    #9.) As a boss, you should be careful not to have too many monkeys on your back.



    #10.) What may seem odd today could easily become the norm in 20 years.


    #11.) Correct these aspects in your company to create a good work environment.



    #12.) Being an entrepreneur? Well, you better enjoy sales! 📈🚀


    Findings from posting Shorts for 1 year:

    Ok so what did I learn? Here's a list of some lessons.

    • Putting out a video a day is hard. It's a good amount of work to get done. I would say you should hire someone to do this for you, as it'll make you go insane doing these everyday.
    • Consistency definitely helps. 
    • Higher quality video seems to help a lot. I noticed the videos that "popped" often had higher quality recordings.
    • My interview-style videos usually did the best, rather than just me talking at the camera. 
    • Finding the right clip or topic is the hardest part. 
    • You can use software like Descript to "tighten" the clips by taking out errs & umms and cutting out sentences that aren't 100% necessary. 
    • It would be nearly impossible to record a separate clip each day. Rather batching them is best.
    • The flow is Long Form Video --> Cut Into Short Form Video.
    • The numbers can fool you: 100,000 views on a short video can mean....nothing! The attention is quick and fleeting. They are cool vanity metrics, but they sometimes mean nothing.
    • Short Form Video is great for discovery, but long form video is wayyyyyy better for getting subscribers.

    I was really surprised that in my personal life family friends that never consumed any of my content were now seeing it because of social media. This is because they may not follow any of my copywriting stuff, but they probably follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn, so they end up seeing it. 

    I'm also starting to notice that more and more people found my content through these clips than they did through SEO. 

    SEO used to be a big part of my getting discovered, and still is, but I'm seeing these clips do more of it now.

    Neville Medhora

    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday December 29th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, December 29th, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Easily visualize the caffeine content you’re getting from different drinks with this cool graphic.


    **This is generalized data, actual content can greatly vary.
    Here's me right now after my coffee 😬


    Almost everyone who has a blog or YouTube Channel notices the same phenomenon where 3 to 5 articles/videos bring in alllllllll the subscribers:


    I think this phenomenon (known as a "Normal Distribution") will be increased in 2024 because of generative AI content.

    Quality and Uniqueness will triumph over Quantity and Speed.

    The same “Normal Distribution” shows up in almost every area of life:
    • Test scores
    • Height
    • Stock market returns
    • Intelligence
    • Attractiveness

    It also shows up in your customer demographics:
    • 68% will be a similar avatar.
    • 16% will be skewed left.
    • 16% will be skewed right.



    This usually involves: 
    - Putting my phone upside down or far away. 
    - Turning on a Chrome website blocker (like Focus45).
    - Going full-screen to avoid distractions. 
    - Covering to-do list so don’t get distracted.

    Otherwise this is what happens:


    I love seeing local flyers like this in the wild because you can turn $2 worth of printing and $2 worth of tape into thousands of eyeballs on your flyers and thousands of dollars in revenue!


    I used to have a client who was a Top 3 real estate broker in a mid-sized city. 

    She then went on a two year tangent trying to become the top broker ONLINE....so she paid a bunch of companies to make websites, do SEO, and all sorts of paid advertising campaigns. 

    It went nowhere. 

    Trying to compete online meant she was going against many very-technically-advanced companies like Zillow or RedFin. 

    I asked her what she did to become one of the top brokers, and her answer was surprising. She said:


    Every Tuesday and Thursday I would knock on doors asking if people wanted to sell their house, or buy a house. 

    I was really good at it. 

    I got all my clients by knocking on doors and posting signs. It worked extremely well if I consistently did it.

    I asked why she didn't do this anymore, and she just thought online was the way to go. There was not much thought to it.

    After spending around $95,000 on websites and SEO which she knew nothing about, she switched back to doing old-school offline sales by knocking on doors and posting signs. 

    It worked. 

    This is why I love old-school advertising like posting signs on poles. It sometimes just triumphs over advanced online campaigns!


    In a perfect world without inefficiencies, a content creator should get paid for their work directly from the person consuming:

    • You watch my video –> You pay me a fraction of a cent.
    • You read my article –> You pay me a fraction of a cent.


    Pretty simple!

    However there’s many limitations to this:

    Our payment systems can’t do fractions-of-a-cent transactions efficiently. Sending $0.01 would cost you at least $0.30.  That's 30X the cost of the transaction itself!

    People also don't wanna click "pay" for every vid/article consumed.

    Basically the answer I can see is crypto.

    With BTC you can send one-hundred-millionth of a BitCoin (0.00000001 BTC).

    The transaction fees will eventually be so small they’ll essentially be “free.”

    I sent a test BitCoin Cash transaction and the fee was 0.000019 BCH, or $0.0043.

    That means I can send someone 1 Cent USD and the transaction fee wouldn’t even dent the transaction.

    Presumably as all these networks become better, faster, cheaper, and more ubiquitous, we’ll be able to see systems where creators get directly paid for their content.

    I envision a browser setting that allows you to “Tip The Internet $5 Every Month.”

    ...it would tally up the content you liked then distribute that $5 to creators:

    • $0.03 to Neville
    • $0.45 to Mr. Breast
    • $0.12 to Green Day
    • $0.04 to The New York Times
    • $0.32 to The Joe Rogan Podcast

    You could directly support your fav content and barely break a sweat on your budget!

    You would be sending maybe fractions of a cent to some creators, but if they make millions of views it could really add up.

    I don’t think this is the end-all answer, but it’ll be a new revenue stream for creators in the coming years!

    End rant 🙂


    Our yearly close-out deal is ending, and your last chance to get over 50% or $375 off the course! This is the best time of the year to buy:


    Checkout just a tiny fraction of the wins experienced inside our community this year:


    Most of what we do inside Copywriting Course is strategy to grow a side project or small business, and accountability and motivation to push out content & projects quickly:

    After procrastinating writing a book, we helped Matt push his book out the door and optimize the email signups and launch:



    Or through Office Hours + the Forum Rob was able to build his Instagram account about divorce part 105,000 followers, and is growing rapidly!

    This is the chance to get into the course for all of 2024 at one easy price.

    Often times we help people with just ONE THING before it 10x's their investment back.


    Join Copywriting Course for 2024!
    Use coupon code NEWYEAR2024 for 50% off:



    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday December 22nd, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, December 22nd, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Good morning! Let’s re-do this classic 1950’s David Ogilvy ad for Schweppes Tonic Water →

    Here’s the original…



    Let’s give it a more modernized headline 😂



    What if we made it more seasonal and festive??



    Let’s give it a totally different 90’s vibe (AI):



    Let’s make it a little more eye-catching.
    …get it…EYE catching 😏


    Let’s make it tropical feeling 🌴


    That was a fun exercise!  🙂


    I love seeing local flyers like this in the wild because :
    $2 worth of printing
    $2 worth of tape
    Thousands of eyeballs and thousands of dollars in revenue.



    Here's the world’s top podcasts from 2023:


    It's interesting that each one is from a specific individual:


    Saw my buddy @thesamparr taking an evening stroll with the baby, and definitely thought he was wearing a bullet-proof vest 😂



    Jay Leno accidentally gives some great marketing advice when talking about the CyberTruck's controversial design.

    Reminds me of the quote: "Dare to polarize; it's better to be loved by some and hated by others, than to be forgotten by all."


    Jay Leno says: “I just watch people get angry and either hate it, or love it. Bob Lutz told me when the Viper came out, half the people hated it an half the people loved it. But we’re not selling cars to the half that hate it. If you have 100 people that means 50 of them are buying it.”

    It reminds me of this quote: “In a world full of ‘meh,’ be a ‘wow’. Blandness gets lost in the noise, but boldness has a chance to be heard.”

    And also this quote: “If you try to be everything to everyone, you’ll be nothing to no one. Dare to polarize; it’s better to be loved by some and hated by others than to be forgotten by all.”


    Which of these is the better name for an agency that does newsletters and high converting content marketing?
    A.) Copy10x
    B.) Kopy10x
    C.) Email10x
    D.) Content Fun
    E.) CopyGang
    F.) Kontent
    G.) Optimize Upgrade
    H.) Upgrade
    I.) Upgraders
    J.) Generate
    K.) ConGen
    L.) Show Don't Tell
    M.) BuildUp
    N.) Rebuild
    O.) GoBig
    P.) BigCheck
    Q.) Create10x

    Reply and let me know which you like! Or you can tell me they're all "meh" or give me your own suggestion!

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    Go where there's "Peak Demand" for $1m/mo - Mike Feldstein and Neville Medhora Interview

    Mike Feldstein runs Jaspr Air, and has had a career in the "Disaster Industry."

    This means you go somewhere where there's "Peak Demand" and fulfill that demand. 

    So if there's a hail storm that damages 100,000 roofs, you go to that city and start fixing roofs. 

    If there's a flood, you go to that city, hire labor, and get to work. 

    He's seen people make $1,000,000/mo, and one case of a guy making ~$70,000,000 in 4 months.

    His main company Jaspr Air was started when he was fixing fire damaged houses, and built an industrial-level air purifier for homes.

    My Notes on this conversation

    • Started in the "Disaster Business" by going where there's super-ultra-high peak demand and fulfilling that demand. Wild fire damage, hail storms, 
    • He priced his air purifier for under $1,000 and it didn't sell. Simply changing the price to $2,000 made it sell out quick. It indicated to buyers it was more valuable. 
    • "By charging higher prices you have margin to make a better product and deliver better customer service."
    • "You may as well start your pricing high, because nobody cares if you lower your price, but everyone goes nuts if you raise your price."
    • If you price too low, you can raise money and sell to lots of people, but you now have to service tons of low-paying customers and fill tons of demand. Pricing high is better. 
    • When there's volatility and chaos, if you're good at making decisions on the fly you can make a lot of money in the chaos business. You can also go broke, but also create a lot of value.
    • Disasters include things like Floods, Fires, Earthquakes, Power Outages.
    • You can throw up a simple web page and ads to get leads after a major disaster and pickup work.
    • Once got 2,000 calls in one hour. Spent $10,000 on Ruby Reception in 40 minutes to answer 600 simultaneous calls.
    • Doing just drywall work is $600...but if you do drywall to replace mold it would cost $12,000. He learned many industries can charge 20X more for doing similar work. 
    • Insurance companies come into disaster areas ready to spend billions of dollars on repairs. 
    • Canada is way less litigious than the US, so getting insurance money is faster, whereas in US the insurance companies will frequently refuse to pay unless you force them. Much harder in US to compete than Canada. \
    • Hired 55 guys in one week in a disaster zone. Hire a pressure washing company with 10+ guys, and instead of pressure washing he told them to clean the inside of homes. If they can pressure wash houses, it's likely they could do other related tasks. So he got huge labor forces quickly like this. 
    • Would hire companies from 3 or 4 hours out, and hire their entire crew, and pay a daily rate and guarantee them 2+ months of work. This helped quickly build an organized workforce with their own equipment. 
    • Internet business seems to easy compared to the war-time-like environment of the disaster industry.
    • Insurance is messed up because it's cost-plus pricing, so companies are almost 
    • You can "hit it and quit it" and make $1,000,000/mo for about 2 or 3 months.
    • Some people make $20,000 from selling courses for a year, but in this business you can make $100,000 in a month because of just insanely high demand.
    • There's big arbitrage opportunities during these times, but you have to be super quick, and it's extremely stressful. 
    • Some pest control companies made tonnnsss of money during Covid because instead of spraying pesticides they did disinfecting services (with the same equipment) for large buildings and venues. 
    • His biggest "sellers" for Jaspr Air were the dental hygienists raving about the Jasprs in their offices for cleaning the air. 
    • Most big air purifiers were ugly and loud, so Mike made one who was good looking and super quiet....this did really well. 
    • What water is to fish, air is to us.
    • Thinks of himself as a "Street Engineer"
    • Some people are really good at interior design, and have an "eye for design", but don't realize that same skill applied to something else (such as hardware) can be worth 10x more. 
    • Bought 25 different giant air purifiers to find the best qualities of each and designed his own. 
    • Trend he's noticing: People are "relaxing hard" like sauna, cold plunges, etc.
    • When growing up thought rich people had to be evil, but as he knows more rich people realizes that's not really true at all. Also notices they're not that busy, almost easier to meet up with them.

    $12,000 day during an ice storm + other Disaster Time opportunities

    Mike saw some kids in Austin, TX. making $12,000 a DAY by hauling away tree branches and debris after a major ice storm.

    Small money move vs big money move

    After a hail storm, the small money is repairing roofs since that is slow, the big money that's scaleable is tarping roofs.

    Why do some businesses outperform others during certain events or times?


    A drywall installer can do a job for $600, or remove mold for $12,000....it's the same thing, but when the job involves something scary like mold, it can 20X the price.

    "Mold Is Gold."

    Gary Halbert's mindset was incredible.


    Gary Halbert always talked about finding "the hungriest customers" and nothing else really mattered. 

    If you wanna sell a lot of hot dogs from a hot dog stand, good marketing can help a little, but being around a bunch of really hungry people is even better.

    Are you looking to make $80,000 quickly? Here's an idea.

     There's all sorts of "Peak Demand" events like when Burning Man flooded and people couldn't get out. 

    Mike talks about how we would've booked up every helicopter service in the area to just fly out Burning Man attendees. 

    How to make $1,000,000 in one week?

     Go where there's peak demand, and you can make tons of money. 

    Some kids with a pickup truck and small utility trailer were hauling away tree debris after a big freeze, and were making $12,000/day. 

    Is there a business that makes $70,000,000 in 4 months? YES.

     One guy in Ft. McMurray made $70,000,000 in 4 months. He made a website as a homebuilder. 

    Normal prices for homes are $250/sqft, but he was charging $600/sqft because demand was so high after a flood. 

    Listen to the Podcast

    The S.W.I.P.E.S Email (Friday December 15th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, December 14th, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    In our community site Laurie Bell completed this A/B split test:

    Which of these Facebook ads will do better?
    A: White Background
    B: Black/Green Background

    Take a guess before reading further! 


    Which of these do you think would do better? A or B?

    Pick your guess. I'll wait....
    Version A (white background) was the winner! 

    It did about 3x higher conversions:


    See the full conversion details on Facebook Ads:


    This test was pulled from inside our forum and performed by @LBellBell Love seeing these types of tests! The full winning ad looked like this:



    I love this quote:

    "Choose a problem, not a product."

    It means that if you're trying to sell a product, don't think "oh this would be a cool product to sell." 

    Rather think: 

    "What's a problem people are having, and is there a way I can solve it, preferably at scale."


    Solving an actual problem is way better than "just thinking of something cool to sell."


    I went to a big house out in the burbs of Austin, TX and saw this sign on the gate 😂


    If you were a burglar, would you break and enter if someone had this sign?? 😬


    I finally saw a CyberTruck up close!


    I've seen a bunch on the road since they're being manufactured here in Austin, but this is the first up-n-close look I got: 


    I think this was the CyberTruck Joe Rogan shot with an arrow during an Elon Musk interview as it had a replaced door. 

    Also, this thing looks WAY COOLER IN PERSON than it does on camera. 

    It's hard to explain but it just looks different IRL!


    “Copywriting” is associated with writing words on a page, but my definition has always been: 

    “Installing information into another persons head and getting them to take action.”

    The medium could be:
    - Writing
    - Images
    - Videos
    - Software
    - Combo of all above

    The medium may vary, the concept does not.


    Get a world-class email newsletter custom made for your company:

    Do you work at a mid sized company that wants a done-for-you newsletter created and sent to customers? 


    • The emails are designed to educate, entertain, and sell.
    • They would go out every two weeks to the email list. 
    • They would be written by world-class writers. 

    If you are this person reply and let me know some details!

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday December 8th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✍
    Edition: Friday, December 8th, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:



    I learned a lot about pools from this simple Instagram Ad...the combo of showing an unfinished pool without water then highlighting (with text and arrows) the different parts of it was quite educational!


    I love simple things, that teach a lot.


    Sprinkling in some "Social Proof" is one of the simplest additions to sales copy.
    Look at this email footer, and how it gains so much credibility by adding a few words of Social Proof!


    I personally think:

    Newsletters are just blogs!


    Newsletters are usually a bunch of short posts and thoughts listed out. This is what most blogs were.

    The thing that newsletters solved versus blogs: DISTRIBUTION.

    When you publish a blog post it enters the void...

    ...but lets say you create this newsletter and send it out:


    ....when you publish the newsletter via email it gets read by 30% to 60% of your list!


    The founder of an A.I. company (Paul Yacoubian of Copy.ai) sent me this awesome Olivetti Lettera 32 manual typewriter from the 1960's!


    Watching the inner workings of this thing is fascinating. The amount of parts and precision for all this to work is pretty crazy:


    I've been typing on it for fun...there's definitely a learning curve (some letters are in different places so there's frequent spelling mistakes)!


    One interesting observation: Since you are manually putting ink on paper, and can't erase, you think VERY HARD before typing! 

    This is the opposite of a computer where typing has no penalty.


    I'm currently reading this great book about Prohibition, the banning of all alcohol from 1920 to 1933:


    Originally it was called "The Temperance Movement" which pushed for moderate drinking and avoiding raging drunkenness.

    But like most well-meaning movements it got hijacked by radicals in the group. The radicals pushed for fully abolishing alcohol, and they passed a law that was wayyyy too restrictive (it banned all sales and distribution or alcohol).

    Eventually the law was repealed in 1933 because Prohibition massively backfired and caused MORE drinking and crime.


    "Copywork" is the act of hand-copying a piece of marketing to better understand how the author laid it out and wrote it. 

    We recently did this with one of my favorite types of marketing: The classic "Before and After" format, which in a small space shows a transformation:


    We asked people to hand-draw this ad and got tons of people joining in the exercise!



    You can do the exercise yourself here:



    ...if you respond to this email with your hand-drawn picture, I'll add it to the post!


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday December 1st, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, December 1st, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    The CyberTruck buzz reminds me of the iPhone launch: 
    - Everyone thought it was partially stupid (no keyboard was a VERY big deal back then). 
    - It's so drastically different than the norm it felt like it could take over the world or totally flop.
    - At the same time, EVERYONE wanted to see one in person!



    Was on a phone call with @PaulYacoubian (CEO of Copy AI), he's recently started using a mechanical typewriter more often and found these benefits:

    "Each word comes with an effort penalty."

    "Everything that's in your brain comes out but with less words and less bloat."


    I do agree that there's something very pure about writing with no electricity. It inspired me to buy a bunch more of these "cow notebooks" to fill up with notes:




    It was ChatGPT's 1st birthday yesterday!


    So ChatGPT is only 1 year old....

    This reminds me of the dawn of the internet:
    - At first it was fringe and hard to use (GPT-3).
    - Then it became pretty good and useful (GPT-4).
    - Then it became very easy to use (ChatGPT).
    - Then it became SUPER easy with mobile phones it took over the entire world (???).

    The future of people working with their brains will become very interesting.


    Me and some friends went to a "Game Show Birthday" where you compete on different games:


    I think this video would better explain it:

    It was actually REALLY FUN and highly recommended!


    In November 2023 these are the number of accounts reached from each tentacle of Copywriting Course:

    • YouTube: 124,000
    • CopywritingCourse.com: 87,922
    • SwipeFile.com: 42,517
    • Instagram: 51,000
    • TikTok: 258,000
    • Email: 58,650
    Total: 622,089

    I have noticed social media is faaaarrr eclipsing organic SEO.

    I'm not 100% sure yet, but I THINK I have a plan to reverse that in 2024 where reliance on social platforms is decreased.

    Our community is so fun and awesome, and I want to expand it (without ruining the good vibe).


    These are better than drugs...


    One of my all-time favorite products on the planet are: Soft ear plugs!

    I use them to sleep every night, and I use them to get deep focused work done.

    I keep a pair in my bedroom, my desk, and my laptop bag.

    I re-use each pair many times but they are essentially disposable.


    I can use basically any old ear plugs for a while, but if you wear them all the time some brands hurt your ears. These also block 32 decibels of sound.

    I like this brand because they're "softer" than traditional ear plugs.


    Maybe these would be a cool stocking stuff for someone you know! I use these things every single day and love them 🙂

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday November 24th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, November 24th, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:



    This billboard is simple and totally brilliant!

    Plot Twist: It’s not real, it was just a fun Reddit thread, but this billboard would probably work well IRL (although it would need some contact info on it)!



    A $2,200 laptop, used ~8 hours a day, after 3 years costs $0.31/hour.

    Totally worth it!


    I dropped $3,000 on a new iMac M3, the previous iMac was great, but the new one is so fast it saves seconds doing many small tasks and saves hours rendering videos. 

    Divide that cost by usage and it comes to:
    Year 1: $1.25/hour
    Year 2: $0.63/hour
    Year 3: $.42/hour


    If you can....always spend the extra money for a machine you work on 8 hours a day!



    What do people want to work on in 2024??

    I asked this question in this newsletter, here's the most common answers:
    • Start a side hustle
    • Create an online store
    • Create a blog
    • Write a book/eBook
    • Build or scale a business
    • Create a website
    • Sell a digital product
    • Build a course


    I was surprised to see how high "build an online store" and "build a blog" still rank!


    Checkout this awesome retro advertising for an AppSumo promotion! This is emulating the box of Windows 95….except with a taco 🌮



    This whole Sam Altman getting fired by the OpenAI board drama has been fun!


    • It’s like nerd version of Kardashians.
    • Everyone is following along together.
    • The story unfolds more every hour.
    • We all have a personal connection to ChatGPT.
    • “Guilt Free” drama bc not about a war.

    Since everyone in the world now has hyper-personalized entertainment (YouTube Channels, people they follow on social media, streaming anytime), it's kind of fun when a news story un-furls live for everyone!


    Did you know...
    That right this moment....
    You can get my Copywriting Course for 50% off + 2 Free Months??


    This is by far the lowest price we've ever offered in our history.

    The Copywriting Course for 12 months would normally cost $750...but...

    If you use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY right now, you'll get it for $375 for FOURTEEN MONTHS (that's 2 months to slack off, then 1 full year to utilize us to build/rewrite/learn)!


    This is a pretty dang awesome deal (best in history), so grab it now!

    I mean this is a no-brainer if you were thinking of buying and waiting for the best price. Offer ends tonight!

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday November 17th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, November 17th, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    What a cool advertisement displaying the value of learning English:



    If you use a Mac, snapping windows sucks, but here’s how to solve it:

    Download "Rectangle."

    Now you can snap windows sideways, up, or any angle you set.

    It’s free. It’s open source. It’s amazing.

    See it in action here:




    I did an interview with Nathan Barry

    where we talk about who is making money with newsletters. Also: 
    - Setting up “Creator Flywheels” (important!) 
    - ConvertKit marching towards a billion dollars 
    - Tectonic shifts in SEO in the last 3 years 
    - Best platforms with the best audiences



    This is the paint equivalent of good copy: Slightly modify where the paint is (and isn't) changes up the whole thing:



    I understand over zealous management killed off WeWork, but I am a bit saddened by the WeWork collapse because I've had WeWork offices all over the place and loved them.


    Lots of fond memories and connections created at WeWorks...

    WeWork's always represented to me:

    • A place to go with friends when you didn't want to go to a bar.
    • Work late nights.
    • Go to events.Get free food & drinks from said events 😬
    • Acted as a "3rd Place" where everyone knew your name.
    • They always were kept super clean.
    • Internet was always fast. Great bathrooms.
    • Good coffee. 

    Sucks they crashed and burned.


    What if I were to tell you we're having a quick flash sale, at THE lowest price in our history for Copywriting Course

    ....oh and you'll get 2 free months so you enjoy the remainder of 2023 and use it all of 2024?


    Get 50% off and 2 months free right now →

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    Headed to a billion dollars by sending emails - Nathan Barry of ConvertKit

    Currently valued at $320,000,000 and steadily growing (see live revenue here), Nathan Barry is marching  ConvertKit to becoming a billion dollar company. 

    It started off just sending emails really well, then morphed into a full suite of tools to help creators:

    It was neat to ask Nathan directly what he's seeing about newsletters, podcasts, video creation and more....because he gets to see behind-the-scenes of what all the top creators in the world are doing. 

    Here's all the topics we discuss in the pod:

    Nathan Barry is the founder and CEO of ConvertKit. I am an everyday ConvertKit user myself. 


    • When you started ConvertKit there were a plethora of email services. I’m curious what made you even think this was something you could compete with? 
    • How do you find the core usage of people. Is this just talking to people?
    • I use CK. 
    • Of all the CK use cases, what are people most using it for?
    • Newsletters? Email for business? Podcasts? YouTube? All of the above?

    Content Marketing 

    • From your vantage point what’s going on here? 
    • Best practices?


    • I’ve personally noticed a tectonic shift in SEO in the last 3-4 years. Is this your feeling as well? 

    Social Media:

    • Can you give me your thoughts on each of these platforms (are they growing, driver of good leads etc).
    • Facebook
    • Instagram 
    • YouTube
    • LinkedIn
    • TikTok
    • Podcasting
    • Anything else?

    AI Stuff:

    • Is ConvertKit using AI in any way…and how do you avoid adding things that are “cool demos” but don’t have much real usage. 
    • What features (if any) are people asking for? 
    • With your insights into the writing world, where do you see things going? 


    • What are the ways you’re seeing people succeed with podcasts.


    • You might be at one of the very forefronts of newsletters, because instead of selective bragging you see real numbers. We get so many people who want to create newsletters, or ARE creating them. It reminds me of the new blog. 
    • What do you see working on newsletters?
    • What do you see NOT working on newsletters?
    • Can you give examples of newsletter who are killing it and what they’re doing? 

    Lightning Round (1 min timed questions):

    • What is the most popular trend right now?
    • How would you start a business today?
    • What is the most popular trend you’re seeing in your industry right now?
    • Best book that’s changed your life?
    • What business would you start if you had to start again today?
    • What productivity advice has changed your life?
    • Is AI going to replace all writing?
    • How did you get better at writing? 
    • Were you always good at writing? 
    • Tell me something about rich people 99% of people don’t know.
    • What would you do if you had billions of dollars and money was no object.

    Here are the 3 basic laws of flywheel


    This is the new way to grow as a creator in 2024.


    This is why people prefer recording podcasts live.


    You always need to include something in your newsletter that catches attention and sparks curiosity.


    Listen to the podcast:

    Let me know if you have any questions about what we talked about here! Also I'd appreciate you sharing this interview or getting people to subscribe to the channel!
    Neville Medhora

    What Do You Want To Do Next Year In 2024?

    Just curious: What do you plan on building next year?

    We're approaching 2024 in about a month....and I'm curious what everyone wants to build.

    Do you want to build... 
    An eCommerce store, a blog, a book, a social media presence, a website, a digital product, a retail store, an email campaign, a product to sell, a side income.....


    Reply to this email and let me know!
    I will read every single answer!
    Neville Medhora

    P.S. An easy way to think about this:
    Imagine fast-forwarding one year from today...it's almost the end of 2024. What do you want to have in your business or life?

    Nick Huber and Neville Medhora Interview Podcast

    Nick Huber, aka @sweatystartup, discusses his entrepreneurial journey in this interview. Topics include self-storage ventures, content marketing strategies, Twitter perspectives, writing habits, and key business insights like hiring and delegation challenges.


    • Can you name all the companies you own? 
    • How are you monetizing

    Self Storage

    • This used to be the preferred business of Indian uncles. How did you get into it?
    • Why of all the different paths self storage specifically? 

    Content Marketing

    • What forms of content marketing are you in? 
    • How do you approach it? Just send out good stuff? Have a framework?
    • What is your biggest month or season?
    • How do you get people to buy gym equipment on a random April?
    • Have you experimented with video? Results?
    • Podcast or YouTube?

    Twitter / X

    • How do you view Twitter? Social Network? Town Square? A blog? 
    • You are unique that you’re this fund manager, but a mad shit talker 😂
    • I think about your Pappy Van Winkle post like 3 times a week.
    • Is shit talking innate, or a growth strategy?
    • Is Twitter where you get all your clients?
    • Social Media: What channels are best for you?


    • Are you scheduling out stuff or writing as it comes?
    • Do you schedule specific “writing time” or is it throughout the day?
    • Did you ever study copywriting?

    Clips Questions:

    • What is the most popular trend you’re seeing in your industry right now?
    • Best book that’s changed your life?
    • What business would you start if you had to start again today?
    • What productivity advice has changed your life?
    • Is AI going to replace all writing?
    • How did you get better at writing? 
    • Were you always good at writing? 
    • Tell me something about rich people 99% of people don’t know.
    • What would you do if you had billions of dollars and money was no object.

    It's pointless to hire someone who expects something you know you'll never be able to give


    What you tolerate, you get.


    Making a good work environment.

     Correct these aspects in your company to create a good work environment.

    The largest fleet of private jets is....

    You probably didn’t imagine this about Walmart

    Firing someone?

     Firing is hard, but even harder is being frustrated because an employee doesn’t change.

    Making decisions is a "muscle" to exercise.

     These are the two things that happen when you encourage your employees to solve problems.

    Don't have too many monkeys on your back.

     As a boss, you should be careful not to have too many monkeys on your back.

    What type of people should you hire?


    Two types of delegation.

     These are the two levels of delegation that will make you wealthy.

    This is what your employees truly want.


    This is the most challenging business of all.


    Listen to the podcast:

    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday November 10th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, November 10th, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:



    This would be such a cool experiment to try out. Walk around in public with a QR code and see how many website visits you get!



    When an industry dies, it doesn’t just disappear into oblivion right away. It slowly shrinks, then shrivels, then consolidates, then becomes a small niche. Think:

    •Gas lanterns.
    •Vinyl records.
    •Horse carriages.


    The people who survive an industry collapse are the ones who are the most adaptable.

    The ones who constantly learn new skills.

    Are there any skills YOU are learning for the upcoming 2024 year?


    Great chart by @asmartbear shows how cash in the bank affects your lifestyle at different levels.


    • $1,000 = “I can’t lose my job.”
    • $100,000 = “I can own my house.”
    • $2,000,000+ = “I can have freedom.”
    • $50,000,000 = “I only fly private.”


    I went to The Sphere this weekend in Las Vegas to see U2 and it was so damn cool, here's a mini-tour (with videos):


    From far this is what The Sphere looks like: A big ole light up ball


    In the daytime you can still see it, but it's slightly "washed out" with direct sunlight:


    From far it looks like sharp and crisp



    The screen does different things:
    - Acts as a giant projector.
    - Sometimes just showed ambient background color
    - Looks like a background for different scenes

    This is the first show they did with The Sphere, so I can't wait to see what other cool sets they come up with!


    Check out a bunch of videos of the concert and the cool effects of the Sphere on my twitter:




    The "Pareto Principle" states 20% of activity will account for 80 percent of results.

    You can see it demonstrated here on certain consumer products.

    Things like detergent, chocolate, and toilet paper are used by almost everyone...


    ...but things like cigarettes, beer, and soft drinks are consumed mostly by the top 20% of users.

    You will notice this in many areas of life:
    20% of your clients will account for
    80% of your revenue.
    20% of your friends will account for 80% of time hanging out.
    20% of taxpayers will account for 80% of the tax paid.



    We're about to do a giant Black Friday sale at Copywriting Course this month.

    What would make it an ABSOLUTE NO BRAINER for you to join Copywriting Course for a year?
    Reply and let me know!

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday November 3rd, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, November 3rd, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:



    This is the simplest and most effective demonstration of sugar content I’ve ever seen.

    Seeing a Coca-Cola label say “39g of sugar” doesn’t have the same bite as SEEING this giant bag of sugar:



    Looks matter!

    This guys AirBnB revenue went up after painting his rental house black:

    This was in Mt Hood, Oregon...and the simple act of touching up the rental made it more profitable!


    My dream marketing experiment would be to put a QR code on the Las Vegas Sphere and see how many people click it!


    Side Note: I am flying to The Sphere today in Las Vegas see U2!

    I love U2, and am 40% excited to see them....but 60% excited just to see The Sphere in person!!

    I'll post some pics on my Instagram.


    Yesterday I met up a bunch of popular Twitter peeps IRL (In Real Life) for some pizza! I already knew half the people, but it's fun when you go from following someone online to meeting up in person!


    Pic: @aymanalabdul @KHendersonCo @ryandeiss@nickgraynews@PaddyG96@sweatystartup@_hunterhammonds@thejustinwelsh@nevmed@SievaKozinsky




    The gym I go to has “recovery center” with sauna, cold plunge…plus like 10 other things for recovery.

    This one is an “EWOT” (Exercise With Oxygen Therapy).

    The big bag is filled with pure oxygen and you suck it in through a hose while huffing and puffing on a bike:


    You have to wear this mask so you inhale only pure oxygen.

    I've done it twice...I'm not sure if this stuff works or if it's just interesting and fun to try.


    This other "treatment" I recently tried is a bed and chair with electric nodes that shock you and make your muscles twitch.


    I've done it twice and I think I'm gonna stop, it just scares me.

    I used my AirPods/iPhone while on it and they both started glitching from the electric currents 😳


    Like I said....I have no idea if any of these things actually help a ton, but they are fun to try!




    These NuoBell 80lbs dumbbells are the most commonly used thing in my home gym:

    One twist of the handle and they switch weight from 5lbs up to 80 Ibs, so it's easy to do multiple sets with different weights and not a lot of time adjusting the dumbbell...


    The downside is they are more expensive than other adjustable dumbbells and they're a little more delicate. I won't "drop" these abruptly like you can with regular dumbbells.

    However it's great to have a full range of weights that take up little space and look cool!


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


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